Flying Fish Bar has a total of six floors. The third floor and higher are the office areas of the God of Luck Church, including warehouses, altars, lecture halls, auditoriums and other rooms. Below the third floor is the commercial area. The first floor The main business is bars and restaurants and dance halls, and the second floor is specialized in casinos.

The social order in the Southern Archipelago is somewhat chaotic, and all kinds of low-level industries are prosperous. Except for the government of the Mermaid Queen, all other ports have a business of wine and wealth, and the casino is naturally the highlight.

Casinos are divided into three, six, and nine categories. The least popular ones are the street stalls, and the Flying Fish Bar is naturally the highest one. The casinos here have a very special rule—no bankers.

The so-called Zhuangzhuang is the person who opens the game. Win and lose money, commonly known as the dealer. Zhuangzhuang is naturally very profitable. As long as you have strong skills and dark hands, you will probably earn more than a few large ships in a year.

But the money from the banker is dirty and dirty. In order to ensure that he can win, the banker will inevitably use some unsightly means. From time to time, there are lucky gamblers or gamblers who have some skills but are not big enough to walk in through the gate, and then be quietly carried through the back door. Go, throw it into the sea to destroy the corpse.

The casino in the Flying Fish Bar does not sit on the banker, only taps - no matter who wins or loses, after each table is over, they take one-tenth of the winner's money.

The profit of doing so is naturally smaller than that of the village, but it is better than comfort, and it will not cause any trouble. Even if someone loses and goes bankrupt, that's because the person who gambles with him is too cruel and dark, and it has nothing to do with the casino.

But in this way, it will offend the fellows in the rivers and lakes - the so-called wood show will be destroyed by the forest wind, when everyone is white, you are black, of course not, but when everyone is black, you are white, it is also not good.

The skinny guy who drank too much and wanted to try his luck today was instigated by someone from another casino, and he was hit with a hint spell.

How does the panda know about these things? He and Giacomo were chatting in the corner of the first floor of the Flying Fish Bar when a burly man hurried over and reported the incident to Giacomo, so he heard it.

After listening to the report of his subordinates, Giacomo frowned.

"How is that man?" he asked.

"If it wasn't for our people, he would have been silenced." The big man replied, "He was stabbed, but fortunately he didn't get hurt, but everyone in the family was already dead."

Giacomo's eyebrows twitched, and Panda's eyes narrowed.

"Are you sure who did it?" Giacomo asked.

"The swordsman has confessed that it is Haifengfang."

Giacomo shook his head: "His testimony alone is not enough, more conclusive evidence is needed."

The big man nodded and hurried out.

Giacomo was silent for a while, picked up the wine bottle, and poured a glass of wine for the panda: "Sorry, it's rare for a colleague to visit, but it made you laugh."

"This kind of thing is not a joke." Panda replied, "Although it is a bit rude to say it, but since I have encountered it, the person who sees it should have a share."

Giacomo smiled reluctantly and sighed: "Haifengfang is a casino run by murlocs. The business is good, and the chefs are especially good. They mix a little shaman medicine in the gamblers' meals, which can make people feel I am in a good mood, and it is not dark when I usually sit in a casino, it is a first-class casino here.”

"It doesn't sound like that kind of thing," Panda said.

"So I asked them to confirm again." Giacomo said, "Although our church is not a gentleman, but killing the wrong person is something that will be laughed at by peers."

"Human life is at stake and cannot be neglected," Panda said.

"It's a big deal for us to start a fight with Haifengfang. If this is true, we'll do it. If there are other people behind... I'm afraid that we'll suddenly jump out and pick up a cheap one." Mo said, "This kind of thing is not impossible, it is better to be careful."

The way of thinking of the two sides is obviously not on the same circuit, but it is a bit strange that they can match each other.

After a while, Giacomo took the panda upstairs to see the casino.

The casino here is actually no different from other places. It is nothing more than gambling with dice, cards, and cards. Among them, the dice are the most straightforward. They are thrown out, red and black in size, and there is no ambiguity at all; the cards have more tricks, Three points rely on gambling and seven points rely on cheating; and cards are more high-end, without enough mental arithmetic skills, no matter how lucky you are, you can be pitted with blood.

Of course, those who have the guts to gamble on cards are all skilled. For laymen, let alone winning, just seeing the more than 600 colorful cards will make their eyes dizzy.

The so-called gambling card is to choose 50 of these more than 600 cards to form a card group to compete. There are also several specific ways to play, some are similar to Hearthstone, some are similar to Yu-Gi-Oh, and some are similar to Magic - in the "New World" game, these three links are all seriously obtained by the original copyright owner. Authorized, as for in this world... even if all lawyers and courts on earth add up, there is no ability to come here to fight infringement lawsuits.

When Panda went upstairs, he happened to see two beautiful women betting on cards. There were no chips in front of them, but the one with shorter hair was throwing a coat beside them, and the one with longer hair on the opposite side was wearing only a short vest.

"What is this gambling?" Panda vaguely guessed a few points, but couldn't help but ask.

"Gambling clothes." Giacomo explained, "these two are a bit of a status but not very high, and they usually have conflicts. Today, they are regarded as 90s. They all claim to be proficient in the road, and they are very familiar with gambling cards. He is quite accomplished, so he uses this to compare the competition. Every time he loses a game, he has to take off a piece of clothing for the opponent."

Panda looked at it and frowned: "What if you lose five or six games?"

Giacomo smiled: "What else can we do? We provide a bed sheet and slip away with it."

Panda also laughed: "That's funny!"

"If you find it interesting, you can try it out." Giacomo said, "Don't worry, I won't ask you to bet anything. I'll arrange for someone to play a simple card game with you, and it's time to pass the time."

"Forget it. My luck is not very good. It's a pity to waste it here."

While speaking, the short-haired woman sneered and sent out the cards in her hand one after another, but it formed a series of rounds, deducting the opponent's points in one breath.

The long-haired woman sighed, shook her head, muttered a few words, stood up and undid her belt, took off her half-trousers, and threw them to the other party.

The climate of the Southern Islands is warm and people generally don't dress very much. It's a hot day again, and there aren't many pieces she can take off all over her body. If you take off this piece, you will almost reach the end of the mountain, and if you take it off again, it will be gone.

She was also a little hesitant, frowning and not wanting to gamble any more, but the short-haired woman opposite sneered, a sarcastic and sarcastic remark that stabbed her heart like a knife. In the end, the long-haired woman couldn't help but sat down and continued to gamble.

She had good luck in this round, she finally regained a city and won back a piece of clothing.

Just as the two sides were about to continue gambling, the burly man from before hurried over and reported to Giacomo: "It's confirmed, it is indeed Haifengfang."

Giacomo nodded, greeted the guests, and went upstairs without hesitation.

"Assemble your hands." When he stepped on the third floor, he said to a paladin guarding the stairs, "Haifengfang wants to attack us, so I will kill them tonight!"

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