Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 294: Berserker

From the "Two Gold Coins" fortress to retreat to the "Hardware Coins" fortress, Panda and the others even retreated from the front line where the battle was fiercest. Now that the main offensive of the Thracians has been transferred to the area where the "Three Gold Coins" fortress is located, their tactics are as always, using the existing city walls and teams as units to continuously attack the "Three Gold Coins" fortress.

The wall of the Norma line of defense is not very wide, and the top can accommodate four to five people walking side by side. For a team of a dozen people, it is almost a suitable width for expansion. In this order of magnitude battle, the Thracian army's rank advantage had been fully exerted, and the Molai Army could only reluctantly resist with the adventurer volunteer army as the core and the regular army as the auxiliary.

Among the traversers, the one who is in charge of guarding the "Three Gold Coins" fortress is the cheap-mouthed Loma Bronzebeard (Horus). When it comes to fighting, it's almost always on call - in his own words, "to fight and gain experience, it's just perfect".

Among all the traversers, Loma Bronzebeard is also one of the most adaptable to traversal. He doesn't seem to have any nostalgia for life on Earth. After passing through the early stage of discomfort, he began to wander around looking for battles.

However, he does not like to participate in activities that require negotiation, but only likes simple battles. He has a catchphrase that describes his attitude quite aptly.

where to go? kill what? How much to kill?

Yes, for Loma Bronzebeard, the world is a "where to go, what to kill, and how much to kill" world.

In the battle of the three gold coin fortress, he also fully demonstrated this style, with a broad sword and a round shield, always rushing into a large group of enemies at the first time, and later he simply did not even use the round shield. A giant battle axe about the size of half his torso.

Since then, on the battlefield of the Three Gold Coin Fortress, the golden-bearded dwarves can often be seen swinging their giant axes like the wind, causing blood and blood in the enemy's team.

Correspondingly, he was constantly injured himself, and the set of heavy armor on his body was beaten to waste almost every time. Almost every time he played, he had to go to Prett to get a new set of armor.

In the Norma line, he also has his own nickname, called "The Berserker".

Berserkers are a profession, which generally appear more in barbarians and orcs. They don't like to wear armor, they take damage with their strong physique, and can convert their damage into stronger attack power. The most terrifying moment for a Berserker is when he is about to die.

Berserkers are different from berserkers. A berserker like Yunero can control the amount of berserker with will and use it at the right time. And Berserkers can't and don't need to. As long as the hostility in the surrounding environment reaches a certain level, they will automatically go mad, and they will not stop unless they die or the hostility is weakened.

This profession is very powerful, and it also dies quickly. It can be said that they are not a profession - the shamans of the orcs and barbarians, who have developed a secret medicinal wine, and the warriors who are determined to sacrifice drink the medicinal wine before the battle, Then in the battle, you can enter the state of berserker, fighting to the death for the future of the tribe.

Few people have actually seen Berserkers. Those who saw them as enemies are almost dead, and seeing them as comrades may not be able to survive. To use Berserker tactics means that the tribe is at the point of life and death. It is not easy to survive such a battle.

But the reputation of the Berserker is well known. Although everyone has never seen such a strange profession at all, it does not prevent everyone from being curious and fantasizing about it. Loma Bronzebeard's fighting style is similar to the legendary Berserker, and his race is a dwarf. No matter how you look at it, it seems to be a race that can breed this wonderful profession... Of course, it can't actually, the dwarf spellcaster The system is perfect, there is no shaman at all.

"The things in your room are really special!" The panda who occasionally visited Loma was a little surprised to see that there were many arrowheads, broken knives and spear tips in his clean room.

Loma smiled and said, "These are all taken from me by the military doctor after I fought."

Panda's eyes widened, looking at him with a little more admiration.

In ancient storytelling, there are often a certain fierce general who fought **** battles. After the war, doctors removed many arrow clusters from him. The most famous one is of course Yang Zaixing in the early years of the Southern Song Dynasty. Got a full two-liter arrow cluster.

Those arrow clusters in Loma Bronzebeard's room with broken knives and spear tips, I'm afraid there are already this number together, and it's really a shame that he didn't die!

Panda couldn't help expressing his sigh, but Loma Bronzebeard smiled mysteriously: "Who said I didn't hang up? I've already hung up, but I just used other methods."


"In our traversers, some people are good at soul magic, you know?"

"Of course I know that Alice and Locke are both good at this... No, Locke has become the master of the magic sword, and he has to practice skills again. Now Alice is the authority of soul magic."

"During this period of time, Alice conducted a research, the specific content is to bind the soul in the body, even if the life value is exhausted, it will not die, as long as the timely treatment, restore the body's activity, can be revived - or Said, it was already considered dead, and it was nothing more than a golem that could receive treatment, and the golem used its original body." Loma Bronzebeard said, "I am very interested in this research, and I will accompany her. After more than a dozen experiments, we finally achieved initial success."

"Preliminary success?" Panda was a little puzzled.

"Well, it can only be regarded as a preliminary success." Loma Bronzebeard replied, "In the case of using this body, I am not very able to control my emotions. Once I feel hostile, it is difficult to suppress my will to fight— - So I don't even drink alcohol now, I only drink juice."

Only then did the panda understand what was going on. After thinking for a while, he asked, "So... will your body rot?"

"I haven't seen this trend for the time being."

"Will it be painful?"

"The part of the brain responsible for pain has been destroyed by the cold wind, and now I have no pain."

Panda was speechless, looked at him for a while, and finally asked, "Why do you do this kind of experiment? Don't you feel... uncomfortable?"

"No, I'm very happy." Loma Bronzebeard smiled happily, "There is no pain, no death, this is like playing a game! It hurts and hangs back to the city, how inconvenient! "

As he said goodbye, Panda sighed deeply.

[Panda: What are you doing? Horus (Loma Bronzebeard) has been transformed into a monster by you! 】

[The realm of waves and grains (Alice): This is what he asked for, at least in my opinion, he is very happy. 】

[Panda: What are you going to use this technology for? To create a large army of the undead? 】

[The realm of waves and particles: This technology is not yet perfect. At present, only our traversers can accept this transformation, and we must maintain it regularly, otherwise it will still hang. When the technology is perfect, maybe I will consider building such a legion. 】

[Panda: You are moving in the direction of the Demon King unswervingly...]

[The realm of waves and grains: I was originally a demon king, and you led the team to brush out my personality gems. 】

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