Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 292: Battle situation

"Wow! It's Iron Bear!"

"Really strong!"

"It's just a little ugly..."

"Let's talk with our fists, it doesn't matter if our faces are ugly or not!"

"Look at his armor, there are two more silver stars, this is already twenty-four silver stars!"

"There are still bloodstains on his glove. In the battle just now, there must be another gain..."

"When can we be so majestic!"

Wearing thick full-body armor, the panda was walking in the fortress built on the mountain, and many soldiers were pointing at him and whispering to him.

It has been half a month since he came to this "two gold coin" fortress. In the past half month, he participated in six battles before and after, and each time he gained a little bit. While repairing his armor several times, he also had one more battle. Large row of stars.

In order to gain as much experience as possible, the traversers were not concentrated in the same fortress, but scattered around the Norma line of defense. For example, the archer Skye acted as a shortstop in the Great City, specifically fighting against Thracian shortstops. In the parlance of shooting games, it was a sniper; while the berserker Yuneruo changed his job not long ago, With a small detachment, he attacked frequently, trying to harass the side of the Thracian army, trying to slowly bleed the Thracian army in this way and accumulate the results; Prett took a few apprentices to the second line of defense close to the front line. Craftsmen - of course, his apprentices are craftsmen. As for himself, he is already known as Master Prett; Anka is a doctor in the field, mainly promoting standard first aid procedures, and safety and epidemic prevention and the like; In reality, Semiramis, who is in the entertainment industry, organized an art team to perform on the Norma line of defense, boosting the morale of the army, and she also pulled Sean; Horus and others are similar to pandas, all in various fortresses Stationed, ready to fight; Wang Tuhao took some people to the back of the enemy to conduct investigation and sabotage... Even the tigers who planned to live in the northern part of Tara Khan were persuaded by Sanyu, and he was leading the group to kill the lord with him. The peasants built secret camps between the north of the Federation and Tara Khan, preparing for the possible future "underground railroad" organization.

Not only that, Sanyu also privately told Panda that if the Norma line of defense can be held, everyone will be happy, but if the Norma line of defense cannot be held, in order to prevent the Thracian army from retaliating massacres against the civilians in the Norma area— - In the late winter and early spring, they did this in the Layton Kingdom. At that time, he hoped that the panda would come forward and call on everyone to go out together, protect the civilians as much as possible, and **** them to Tarakhan.

To this end, he even persuaded Anthony (desperately studying), Eric (sleepless night), Locke (tiger), and Yiluo (soldier), who were almost in trouble. Please look at those innocent civilians. For the sake of it, even if there is a big conflict, let it go for the time being, and no matter how you can let the tragedy of the massacre happen again.

Panda is a little embarrassed about the requirements of Sanyu. He is not someone who likes to take the lead in being an "opinion leader". If he is really interested in being a leader, as one of the founders of the "Crossing the Earth" guild, he will never be the leader of the chapter in the end, at least If a vice president or something.

But Sanyu was right. If Thrace really wanted to commit a massacre, the dozen or so transmigrators who were willing to come forward might not really be able to do anything. Only by mobilizing as many people as possible can we protect as many innocent civilians as possible.

He hesitated for a long time, but finally agreed. But he still stressed that unless the situation worsens, he will not be in this face.

Panda's habit is to lead the charge instead of commanding the battle. He feels that he has no such ability and has no interest in it.

Fortunately, the current situation is relatively stable, and there is no problem.

The Thracian army was still trying to find a way to attack the Norma line of defense. In the past half month, they still gained a little bit - they occupied another section of the city wall.

At the current speed, if the war lasted for another ten or eight years, Thrace would probably really be able to gradually erode the entire Norma line of defense.

The premise is that if they have enough people to die.

The Molai Army held the Norma line quite firmly, and every time the Thracians captured a position, they had to fill in a lot of lives. So far, they have killed five or six hundred people.

Five or six hundred people may seem like a small number at first glance, but these five or six hundred people are not "army" in the general sense. Elites who form larger units.

With so many losses, almost half of the elites of the counties have already been compensated. For example, the original Tara Khan leader, although it is said that there are about 3,000 standing troops, but in fact there are only a thousand elites. With five or six hundred damages, it can already be called a broken muscle.

Of course, the casualties of the war were equal to both sides, and while Thrace was dying, Molai was no exception. Even... the loss of the Molai Army was even greater than that of the Thracian Army. After all, the elites of the two armies were different, and the Thracian army was indeed more capable of fighting than the Molai army.

But for the Molai people, this loss is acceptable. They have long known the gap in their military strength, and they have long been prepared to rely on the Norma line of defense and slowly consume human life and Thrace. The current result is neither unexpected nor beyond their expectations. tolerable range.

Aggressors and defenders have completely different tolerances for casualties. The former cares about interests. If you can't get enough benefits, then fighting is a loss-making business, and morale will be lowered. The latter also cares about interests, but defending the country itself is a great interest, so fighting and sacrifice, no one will feel What's wrong, on the contrary, as long as they can hold the position and the border, then sacrifice is not unacceptable. The longer they hold, the more confident they will be, and the higher their morale will always be.

This is the case in the "two gold coins" fortress.

From the start of the war to the present, this fortress, which can house about 2,000 people, has lost about half of its population. Of course, the losses were replenished as soon as possible, and this did not affect the operation.

Every soldier knew that the next time the Thracians attacked, he might die.

But since they can defend the fortress and the defense line, they don't have much to fear in their hearts.

"We can be considered to be winning the battle. Since we are winning the battle, what is there to be afraid of?" Nekhart, the traveler who was in the fortress with the panda, painted the first number on his armor; six gold stars, while said calmly.

Since the arrival of the panda, the crossbow rider has shown little interest in hunting minions, and has instead focused on the officers who lead the army. He cooperated with the Panda division of labor. The Panda took the troops to the front, while he lurked in the dark. After finding the opponent's officers, he shot and charged. In the six battles before and after, he attacked five times and successfully killed four officers. "Quality" is high, ranking first among the transmigrators.

In contrast, Panda, who had already killed twenty-four elite Thracian soldiers, was compared by him in terms of record.

Because of the different fighting intensity, most of the other traversers did not perform as well as them. But if the sum is calculated, it can be found that after the five or six hundred battle results obtained by Mo Laijun, more than half of them came from the contributions of the traversers.

This should be placed in the game, and it is no exaggeration to say that they are all head dogs, and they are all professional households who steal heads.

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