Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 273: Docklands

The dock area is located in the south of Pollock City, with the city in the north, the river in the south, the road directly to the east, and the sea in the west, with a slow flow and a promontory in front of it that can block the wind and waves. It is a typical port.

This port was established long ago, when Pollock City was not yet established. In the years that followed, it was continuously expanded and increased in size. Especially more than a hundred years ago, the talented Earl Pollock spent his wealth and recruited a large number of magicians to clean up the seabed of the port and built an artificial seabed. Since then, the risk of ships entering and leaving the port has been greatly reduced. Many originally did not need to be here. Docked ships will also be replenished here to reduce possible risks.

Supply, often do some business along the way, so the financial resources of Pollock Port are increasing day by day. In the more than 100 years after that, although the Pollock family was slightly weakened due to political reasons, relying on this first-class port, they could maintain the family no matter what, and did not fall into the dust and become vultures as some careerists expected. The object of competition.

As the so-called "success is also small, defeat is also small", precisely because the Port of Pollock has the smoothest and safest seabed in the world, it has become the first choice of the Thracian army for diving operations. This eventually led to the destruction of this port city that had prospered for more than a hundred years, and it was not restored until the version of the undead natural disaster. However, by this time, the owners of this port were already undead.

Standing on the seashore in the dock area, watching the constant flow of ships, Panda recalled all kinds of things that were history to him and the future to this world, and couldn't help but imagine.

He saw the prosperity at the moment, thought of the decline in the future, and then thought of that war.

In the game, no player has experienced that war. At that time, the game map only opened the Terrera Kingdom area, and even the three-way army of the empire attacked the kingdom, and the two main forces were only "background plots".

What the players saw was only some recorded text, and the CG of "The Thracian Cavalry Sweeps the Southwest".

In that CG, there were only two shots of the destruction of Pollock City, one was the Thracian army diving across the sea to land, and the other was Pollock City being engulfed by the blazing flames, adding up to no more than five seconds.

The lives of tens of thousands of people in the entire Pollock City were changed for a short period of less than five seconds.

Of course, the passers-by will not have any impression of these five-second shots. Except for the necromantic players, most of them don't even know the name of the city at all.

...Actually, even Panda himself didn't know the name of this city until he remembered this incident and went to check the information.

He is still like this, let alone others?

Even the well-informed two-legged bookcase Harmony, when the panda asked him about the task related to Pollock City, he had to think for a while before confirming that "there is nothing wrong with it".

This city is simply a forgotten city...

(Sometimes I think, we still have too few people.)

(Less than 200 people, in this vast world, it is like throwing a handful of sand into a large tank of water, completely invisible!)

(But even if there are only so few people, more than half of them are still unwilling to participate in various things in this world, and they live a comfortable and stable life as an otaku in the castle, posing an indifferent attitude that family affairs, state affairs, and world affairs are none of my business. .)

(Would it be better if more people could get out of the castle, actively participate in this world, and promote various changes in this world?)

Just as he was thinking, he heard Erwin's cry: "Master! We have found the guide!"

Panda immediately put away his thoughts, turned his head to look, and saw that the three apprentices were walking around a short, thin man with slightly green skin and wide and long ears - these are goblins racial characteristics.

Judging from his appearance, he is probably a half-blood with goblin blood. Although goblin blood is not good for strength and physique growth, it has certain advantages in agility. Unfortunately, this advantage is not enough to make up for the congenital deficiency, so this kind of hybrid is generally called "deteriorated hybrid". Relatively speaking, elf blood, dragon blood and the like are "optimized blood".

This goblin hybrid is not too young. Judging from the wrinkles on his face, he is at least thirty years old. Goblin hybrids will damage his lifespan. For him, this age is almost close to old age.

When a person gets old, his senses are no longer sharp, and his skills will become dull. For this man dressed as a thief, it almost means that his "career" has come to an end, and it is time to consider retirement.

So although the risk was high and the other thieves turned down, he accepted the employment of the "Rookie on the Road" team and acted as their guide to destroy the ratmen in the sewers of the dock area.

For the current him, he probably no longer has the qualifications to select tasks.

Panda looked at the guide with nervousness on his face and sweat on his forehead, but his expression was very determined, and sighed secretly.

Take care of him a little more while you fight.

After the two sides talked for a few words, the level of his worry increased rapidly... at least several times.

As he guessed, the thief named Lulu was going to retire after finishing the business. Therefore, he is not only willing to act as a guide, but also willing to help the "novice on the road" adventure team to search and eliminate traps, and even participate in battles. But in exchange, he asked that the spoils obtained in this battle must be distributed to himself one-third.

He said: "I'm old, I'm going to retire, and I won't be able to make money in the future, so I must make more money for this last one! I have a daughter who is very cute. If this mission goes well, I'll invite you to dinner, Introduce her to you."

He clearly had absolute confidence in his daughter's cuteness, as if it was a great benefit.

"Even if I die, I will convert it into money and give it to my daughter." He emphasized again, "The people from the Adventurer's Association know where my family lives. You can just ask when the time comes."

Panda frowned secretly when he heard this, thinking that this is really unlucky to say this, and it is simply a professional death flag.

The so-called "death flags" are those words in animation works, which, once spoken, will lead to the death of the characters in the subsequent plots. What about "retire after completing this mission", what "my daughter"... These are the famous death flags, and most people who say it will die in the mission!

This guide... he's not a joker invited by a monkey, is he?

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