Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 259: to the North

In late spring and April, the grass grows and the warblers fly, and the animals multiply. Walking on the road, you can see at a glance that there are vibrant scenes everywhere.

Panda and Sanyu walked side by side, their pace was not hurried, but their speed was not inferior to that of an ordinary packhorse. If a carriage with more cargo was carried, it would not even be as fast as them.

"This trip to the North, I must tell him clearly!" Sanyu's face was a bit unwilling, "I always feel that the words he said last time are true and false, and I can't believe them all."

"He had a lie detector array on him at that time," Panda said.

"If he thinks it's true, the lie detector array won't be able to detect it. When he was playing the game, he used to be **** when discussing things. Treat the fake as the real one, and you can pass the lie detector just as well.”

Panda thought about it, and it seemed that this was indeed the case.

The principle of the lie detector array is to "ask the mind", and the thought of "lying" in the mind will be detected. But if he didn't have such thoughts in his heart, or even believed it with certainty, even if he said that turtles could fly and that eating mushrooms could turn them into giants, they wouldn't be detected.

Oh, it seems that there are really flying turtles in this world, and eating mushrooms that can temporarily turn into giants is not a lie.

"I went to Tiger because I wanted to talk to him privately and ask him what he was going to do, how about you?" Sanyu asked.

"I just went to have a look," Panda said. "Earning is false, but seeing is believing. Tigers, Wusian and others are just one-sided words. I'm a stupid person, and I don't have the ability to analyze who is right from their words. Who is at fault, you can only go and see for yourself to understand the actual situation in the local area, and then you can know who is right and who is at fault.”

"After determining who is right and who is wrong, you will come forward to support?" Sanyu asked.

Panda thought for a while and said: "From my personal point of view, I still hope that everyone can be noisy and not make a real upset. But if there is really no way to avoid it, there must be a right and wrong in everything."

"I don't think so. 'Justice' is not so abstract and absolute. For the interests of the majority and harming the interests of the minority, it cannot be said to be an unjust act."

"You're right... Well, I'm not arguing with you again, don't try to convince me." Panda said with a smile, "Don't worry, I'm not a bully."

Sanyu also smiled: "It would be great if he was as easy to talk as you are!"

"The same rice raises a hundred kinds of people, and everyone's ideas are different, so it's not surprising. I remember that before he crossed, he encountered a super unsatisfactory thing, so it's not a general disgust for the 'superior' group. Maybe again After a few years, when his mood gradually calms down, it will be fine."

Sanyu thought for a while, then nodded: "You're right, maybe it's the best choice to let time smooth out each other's grievances."

"Then are you still going to talk to him?" Panda asked.

"Of course!" Sanyu replied immediately without hesitation.

Panda couldn't help shaking his head and smiled again.

They chatted as they walked, stayed overnight, and after a few days, gradually arrived at the northern border of the Earl of Tarakhan.

The concept of "north" is actually very vague. From the map, there is no clear northern border for the Earl of Tarakhan. Among the forests and grasslands, there are pioneering villages scattered one after another, not to mention castles, even towns. are very few.

Operating the territory here, the income must be very small. In fact, most of these so-called "pioneering knights" do not rely on the income of the territory - of course, it is better to be able to search for money.

Among them, the most common is the one who made black money elsewhere, and then went the way of a certain boss, mixed with a pioneering knight title, and organized a pioneering team to come over to make achievements and wash the white; the next thing is to offend something. Powerful people, who can't stay in their hometown, simply take risks to develop and succeed by luck; in the end, there are some who have no ability and rely on family support to get the title of knight.

Among these types of people, the first type is often more generous. Their goal is to live a peaceful and stable life. I don’t cause trouble, don’t mess with me, and enjoy the rare peaceful life. Both the second and third types like to cause trouble. The former type wants to get more benefits, while the latter type wants to prove themselves.

Among these three kinds of people, the one that really made Anthony fearful was the last one.

The ex-criminals who wash their hands in golden pots will not cause trouble, and there is nothing to be afraid of if they are lucky enough to succeed in breaking down.

In his opinion, even if one family and two families are nothing, but the number is too large, it is worth worrying and respecting. As a person from a mixed river and lake background, he has always respected the rules of the rivers and lakes, and it is the best for everyone to make a fortune together.

As for the issues that Tiger criticized, of course he thought about it, but he didn't agree with it, and he didn't care.

As a noble lord, instead of winning over nobles, befriend commoners instead? This is so sick!

Those civilians can't survive? What if you can't live? What can he do? Are you going to turn against the noble lords for the sake of the commoners? You will be laughed at if you say it!

In this world, the lord's generosity is naturally a virtue. But being generous enough to be angry for the hard work of other people's lords is not a virtue, but a madness - the north is the territory of those lords, not the direct jurisdiction of the earl!

If the earl really went to trouble his subordinate lord for this kind of thing, the nobles would not think that he was kind and kind, but most of them would think that he was following the tradition of the Tarakhan family and wanted to play tricks and rob.

In the eyes of the nobles, what nonsense is a commoner, it is nothing more than an excuse! The old old earl is engaged in crusade against the barbarians, and the old earl is in the process of taking back the pioneering village. In this generation of earls, there is no excuse to look for it, and it is just an excuse for "abusing the commoners", that's all.

Since the Earl can't reach out and take care of the North, no matter how miserable the North is, there is nothing he can do. It's better to be out of sight and out of mind, anyway, he is "Count Tarahan", as long as the direct jurisdiction of the earl is done well. As for those border areas... don't count on it, forget it.

Anthony did not hide these thoughts and told Sanyu privately. Sanyu disapproved of this approach, but did not oppose it either.

He's a pragmatic guy, and it's an indisputable fact that Anthony manages Tara Khan well.

Sanyu asked himself that he was not a person capable of taking charge of an earl, but Anthony could. Facts prove eloquently, he thinks Anthony is more insightful and capable than himself, maybe Anthony's ideas are more suitable for this world, not necessarily.

Follow the local customs and respect the rules of the place where you go - Sanyu said this to himself, and he convinced himself.

But after the last riot, especially when someone shouted the slogan of breaking up the gang, and there were still many people supporting him, his thinking changed.

Maybe... should I reconsider?

What about the Tarahan collar, that's all the Tarahan people's business, even if the sky falls, it's the Tarahan people who are crushed to death. For the sake of these Tarakhan people, the guild's companions have had such a big conflict, and if they even want to break up the gang, perhaps it is time to change their thinking.

Sanyu felt that for the traversers, maintaining the friendship between everyone, supporting and helping each other, is the most fundamental interest. For this benefit, of course, the commoners can sacrifice, and so can the nobles.

If the death of a large number of nobles is conducive to the unity of the traversers, then let them die!

Someone behind them? Then kill the people behind them too!

According to the deduction of the strategy team, as long as the arrangement is proper, the current traversers are fully capable of besieging and killing any characters below the legendary level. Even the legendary powerhouses can drive them away. With this kind of strength, they can really be tough. The big deal is like what Tiger said. After a year and a half of fighting, everyone will rise to the top. Who else in the human world will dare to oppose them?

As for the world outside the human world... a few worlds with high-end force have not yet been connected to the human world; heaven and **** are mutually restrained, as long as the traversers are not particularly inclined to one of them, they will not provoke them.

The only thing to care about is that it takes so long. Is this hard work worth it?

More than three people thought it was worth it, but he felt that most people would not want it.

In short, there are many things that he needs to observe and think about during his long journey, not just a walk and a look.

Thinking of this, Sanyu looked at the panda from the corner of his eye.

The panda walked briskly, looking at the flowers and plants on the roadside with interest while hurrying, and seemed to be in a good mood.

(These thoughts, it is better to hide them from him!)

Sanyu sighed secretly in his heart. Since the time of crossing, he felt that he sighed a lot more than before...

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