Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 251: big news

Spring in the north came much later than in the south, and Tara Khan had already started spring ploughing in full swing, but the mountains in the north were still covered in white snow.

This is the northernmost part of the Thracian kingdom. A few months ago, it belonged to the Kingdom of Leyton, but now the city head has changed the flag of the king and has become the border of Thrace.

The panda stared at the city in the distance, which was also covered with snow, and shook his head gently.

What he will do next has nothing to do with the city.

At least, not directly related.

[Sleepless Night: Panda, where did you go? It's been over a month since this trip. 】

[Panda: Don’t worry, if everything goes well, I will definitely come back this week. 】

[Sanyu Wumengsheng: Panda, don't you want to make big news, right? 】

[Panda: Haha. 】

[Insane studying (Anthony): I rely on it! Do you really want to make big news? ! Shouldn't he be trying to assassinate Richard again? 】

[Panda: Don’t worry, I won’t do such inefficient things. What I did this time was absolutely effective, and the effect was absolutely top-notch! 】

[Sleepless Night: So what exactly are you going to do? 】

[Panda: Sell it, you will know soon. 】

After he finished speaking, he turned off the chat channel and walked along the rugged mountain road covered with ice and snow towards a valley not far away.

There is a mine in that valley, called Rolot Mine, which produces a large amount of ores, mainly iron ore, supplemented by copper ore. In addition, some gems are also produced in small quantities.

Overall, great value.

A long time ago, when the Kingdom of Layton was still strong, more than one war broke out around this mine. At that time, in order to protect this mine, I don't know how many Laytonites stained the battlefield with blood, and there was even a saying that "the iron and copper produced by the Rolot mine are fire quenched with human blood".

However, with the passage of time, the kingdom of Leyton gradually weakened, and the powerful Thrace rose rapidly. The iron and copper produced by the Lolot mines gradually occupied more and more shares by Thrace. Until not long ago, through a war, Thrace completely occupied the mine, swallowing all the shares.

Currently, the mine is the private property of the Thracian royal family. Although the great nobles wanted to take some share of it, King Richard's attitude was very firm - he could ask for less land and territorial people, but strategic resources such as iron ore had to be completely In your own hands!

When Leopold drew up his plan to conquer Layton, he once emphasized to him: No matter whether the war goes well or not, no matter what the outcome of the final war is, as long as the iron ore obtained, it must not be distributed even a little bit to other nobles!

Gold and silver mines and gemstone mines can all be let go, but iron mines are definitely not acceptable! When necessary, it can even be left in the hands of the Layton Kingdom, and it is absolutely not allowed for the great nobles to get it!

This is the most important weapon of the country, and it is related to the growth and development of various forces, and it cannot be given to the nobles in any case.

Richard didn't have the finesse of Leopold's, but he had a resolute attitude.

After several negotiations, the great nobles won a lot of other benefits, but in the end they were not able to get even a single star in the mine.

This of course greatly damaged the relationship between the king and the great nobles, but Richard didn't care.

What will the great nobles do when they get iron ore? Don't even think about it!

Therefore, this iron ore belongs to the king alone, the mine belongs to the king, the mine belongs to the king, the ore belongs to the king, the mining equipment belongs to the king, and the miners also belong to the king.

Because of the climate, after entering the late autumn, the ore produced by the mine has been unable to be transported out. At present, they are all piled up in the open-air yard, waiting for the weather to warm up and traffic to flow smoothly before being transported out of the mine and shipped to a distant place.

Smelting iron ore requires sufficient fuel. Generally speaking, a large amount of iron smelting will be carried out near volcanoes. Only a steady stream of abundant ground fires can provide enough heat.

In addition, refining steel generally uses magic, and the cost is very high; private refining of crude iron generally uses charcoal, which cannot be produced on a large scale.

The panda quietly approached the mine, and then lurked in a snowdrift, motionless.

It was only after nightfall that he moved on and dived cautiously into the mine.

The guards of the mine are not strict. In this season, the cold itself is the best guard. No one can face the bitter cold to make trouble. If there are people with such skills, then the general guards are absolutely impossible to stop. live. All the guards need to do here are daily patrols.

For miners, winter is a hard and difficult season. But for the guards, winter is an easy half-break time.

Anyway... if someone could call at this time, they would just die in battle, and there is nothing to think about.

However, tonight, it was not the army who wanted to capture the mines, but the thieves who wanted to attack these iron mines.

After a long journey, the panda traveled across the whole of Thrace to come to this mine, intending to pack and take away the ore collected all winter.

The traversers have done experiments, and various materials can be stored in the item bar in the form of "one piece" or in the form of "pile" - of course, the weight will not change, if the Too many things are piled up in the item bar, which will cause the character to be overburdened, difficult to move, and may even be crushed to death.

The only thing not on this list is the currency. No matter whether it is copper, silver or gold coins, the currency does not take up the weight at all. Before Binglin ran and flew with more than 2.7 million gold coins, his actions were not affected in the slightest.

In order to ensure that his weight is not too high, the panda has already stopped stealing iron tools. He calculated his own weight, and the current weight is just the limit of flexible movement, not more.

Next, what he has to do is simple.

The mine was dark at night, except for the dormitory, where there was no lighting at all.

Cold is the best guard. In the cold night, whether it is an outsider who wants to make trouble or a miner who wants to escape, it is difficult to act outdoors. The guards were not worried at all and slept soundly.

At first, Panda cautiously approached slowly with his half-hearted stealth skills. Later, when he discovered this, he simply swaggered into the mine, walked into the open storage yard, and walked to the iron ore piled up like a mountain.

He then slashed his wrist with a knife and spilled the blood on the ore heap.

He splattered a lot of blood back and forth, so that even the health value was already low to the dangerous level.

Through these actions, he successfully marked the piles of ores with symbols of possession, turning them into his own items, which can be directly included in the item bar.

Then, he opened his hands towards the huge pile of ore in front of him.

The next second, the ore pile disappeared without a trace.

In the next second, he was crushed to death because he was severely overloaded and resurrected in the guild hall.

Ignoring the dizziness during resurrection, he hurriedly threw out the "pile of iron ore" in the item bar.

Then, he was resurrected again because he was crushed to death by the ore, and he showed a proud smile to Sanyu, who was also stunned by the crushed ore.

"How am I doing with this big news?"

"Damn it! God!"

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