Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 245: Tara Khan Spring (Part 2)

The New Year of the 778th year of the mainland calendar left the impression of the Tarakhan people as a day that was completely different from usual, lively, cheerful, full of food and drink, and a little dirty fun.

Happy days are fleeting, followed by busy days.

Tara Khan is located slightly south of the middle of the western continent, and the climate is relatively not very cold. Shortly after the New Year, the snow begins to melt gradually, turning into babbling water.

In the territory under the direct jurisdiction of the earl, this winter is very busy. The peasants hardly had a day off, either digging ditches here or repairing roads there. Although labor can be exchanged for food, many people have some complaints in their hearts - they have long been used to doing nothing in winter, and such a busy winter is unheard of.

Moreover, many people have vague concerns. If the spring flowers are blooming, and when the farming season is busy, the Earl wants everyone to dig trenches and build roads, what should we do?

Fortunately, such a thing did not happen. After the snow melted and the ice melted, the earl said that the winter work was over, and everyone could go their own way.

Contrary to everyone's expectations, after accounting, the Count said that the workload this winter exceeded his original requirements, and he could distribute some extra food to all those who participated in the work and were able to complete their daily work stably.

This batch of grain is not much, but it is enough to make farmers feel more at ease this spring. It can make the porridge at home more rice and less wild vegetables, which can make the elderly and children live more comfortable.

Of course, it's not that there is no guy who doesn't pay much attention to his work, and now still shouts "I also worked for a winter, how come there is no reward".

Such people soon disappeared, the earl's soldiers took them, and they were never seen again.

Because of the Count's generosity, many people have some contempt for him in their hearts. And after such a tossing, those careful thoughts that only dared to hide in the corners immediately disappeared. Many people recalled the means that the earl used when he first ascended the throne last spring, and shivered at the same time. , firmed up the idea of ​​being honest and obedient and not playing tricks.

The Earl is a man of skill. Playing tricks with him is simply boring!

Don't you see the nobles and wealthy businessmen who died at home one by one last spring?

A well-informed person has calculated that most of these people were regular visitors to the arena when the earl was only the second son of the earl when he was engaged in the underground arena!

It is said that when he came to power, these people should be promoted by him to become die-hard henchmen. As a result, he did the opposite. He reused those people in the territory who had always had a good reputation and had always been used more frequently. On the contrary, these people had a good relationship. things, have died inexplicably.

All in all, don't speculate on the count's thoughts, just obey his orders obediently.

For these people with limited skills, Anthony naturally didn't need to explain anything to them, but for the real core of the territory, he needed to spend time and energy introducing his governance philosophy to them and explaining the detailed intention behind the decree.

He has the most powerful staff in the world. He can not only survey the past and present, China and foreign countries, design various plans, but also provide real-time intelligence support at any time, and even help him provide debate materials.

On top of that, this group of guys can play well.

Well, more than any previous advantage.

After all, in this world, being able to fight is the most important thing.

Scientific research workers who came from soldiers like Binglin often lamented things like "This is really a barbaric world where knowledge is worthless without fists"; a panda who was a martial artist, also lamented more than once "My C language, JAVA, HTML5... Is there any chance that it will come in handy?” Even Anthony himself has been troubled by this.

Before crossing, he was selling chicken soup for the soul. However, the heads of people in this world are generally solid, not to mention chicken soup for the soul, even if Buddha jumps over the wall, don't even think about pouring it into it.

He once thought about universal education, and also ambitiously formulated a five-year education plan from night school to elementary school. In a word, he rejected his plan.

The illiterate poor people in this world generally suffer from night blindness.

The so-called night blindness is poor vision in the case of weak light. In more serious cases, once the night falls, it is almost no different from a blind person. According to medical knowledge, this situation is due to the lack of vitamin A. Anka used apple juice, spinach and animal liver as "medicine" to treat the disease, and it did achieve good results.

However, the problem is that apples, livers, and even second-class meat are not cheap, and they are simply not affordable for the common people.

That is to say, until a large amount of spinach can be supplied, the civilians led by Tara Khan have almost no possibility of going out to study at night.

The bigger problem is that Anka told everyone that spinach should not be eaten too much. This thing will affect the calcium absorption of the human body. For Tarahan people who are generally deficient in calcium, it is not a very suitable way to supplement vitamin A. .

"What's the best way?" Anthony asked.

"Eat more meat." Anka replied.

So Anthony had to give up.

If the civilians of Tara Khan could eat more meat, then the people's livelihood in this territory must have been very high. Does he need to consider any basic education issues?

After setbacks, everyone discussed perfect policies, most of which were simple and easy to implement, or could be led by traversers.

For example, Volibear et al. presided over agricultural reform.

The traditional planting method of Talahan farmers is quite rough. They use wood to turn the soil a little, then sow the seeds, water them frequently, and get rid of weeds if they find them. That’s all.

In the late spring and early summer of last year, after the traversers initially mastered the Tara Khan collar, agricultural experts such as Volibear and Li Xiao inspected the farmland near Tara Khan City on the spot, and they were dumbfounded and muttered, "Is this okay?!" etc. At the end of this winter, before spring ploughing began, they hurriedly organized training to educate farmers on how to farm.

Farming is a science. Tidying up fields, preparing ditches, and stockpiling fertilizers are all basic skills; planting seeds in rows and arranging them at an appropriate density so that crops can get sufficient water, fertilizer and sunlight are considered advanced courses; as for comprehensive Prevention and control of pests and diseases, multi-crop planting and so on... Li Xiao taught the village chiefs with great interest, but seeing their eyes turned into mosquito coils, she could only sigh unhappily Angrily, he gave up the lecture.

"What I do best is compound planting," she lamented. "Heroes are useless!"

Volibear comforted her: "They just don't have enough skills for the time being. When their skills improve in a few years, there will naturally be such a demand."

"I'm afraid that in a few years, the Tara Khan will be burned all over by the war..."

Just when she was sighing, Panda happened to pass by. Hearing her worry, he smiled and said, "Isn't our current efforts aimed at preventing the war from the Tara Khan leader."

He pointed to the farmland that was being ploughed in the distance: "How can such a peaceful and tranquil scene be allowed to be destroyed by a careerist like Richard? This time, we will become an iron wall and let him hit his head and bleed!"

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