Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 238: Layton's Winter (Part 1)

The sky was overcast, with heavy snow falling.

Xueluo was silent, but there was a sharp sound, faintly coming from the sky.

Gradually, the sound got closer and closer, and I saw a few small black dots appear in the sky, falling down quickly, and finally, with a loud bang, they smashed into the snow one by one, splashing snowflakes all over the sky.

Accompanied by the snowflakes in the sky, a figure scattered, turned into countless golden light spots, and then reconvened next to a metal emitting colorful light not far away, showing four tired and weak bearmen.

"The one-time resurrection point of Wu Mian is really easy to use." Panda looked at the metal block that had lost its light and said with a smile, "Let's enjoy a dirt plane, right?"

"One time is enough!" said Volibear, who crossed over instead of his son because he used his son's account to play games, "I'm really not used to this young man's way of playing! You guys are playing too wildly. !"

"But it's cool!" said the bruised bear Berserker Harley excitedly, "This is much more exciting than bungee jumping! It's a pity that the 'Three Pigeons' craftsmanship is too rough, and the 'Human Cannon' will be scrapped after one shot. If it still works, I really want to fly like this a few more times!"

"Flying halfway across the Western Continent at once, this kind of thing must never happen again, it's so troublesome!" Seton, the only female pandaren in the guild, smiled wryly, "I just flew in the sky, and I feel like my whole body is frozen into ice cubes. …”

In order to rush to the Kingdom of Leyton before the Thracian army, they did not choose to run or fly, but took advantage of the invention of Gugu Saburo, one of the technical masters in the guild, took the "human cannon" and was bombarded directly from the castle. to the Northland.

Gugu Saburo is a kobold with a profession of "master". This savage race-specific technical profession cannot manufacture any expert-level or higher equipment, but it can manufacture all kinds of common, advanced, and rare equipment. When Gugu Saburo and the calmness who is an inventor by profession - currently pretending to be "the old Count Tarahan who is dying in bed" - teamed up, they created a lot of strange things.

This time, the "human cannon" that the pandas are riding is their invention.

Overall, this thing worked well, allowing them to fly halfway across the Western Continent in one go. But... this thing is probably only they can use it.

The landing after flying halfway across the Western Continent, let alone a human being, even a dragon can fall to his death. If it weren't for the one-time resurrection point recently researched by Wumian, so that everyone could be resurrected at the place where they landed, this trip would be a waste of effort, at most it was a wonderful trip to the sky.

But the combination of the two technologies yielded extraordinary results. From the castle to the Northland, it may take almost two months to walk, but relying on this unreliable travel method, they only took less than half a day.

Comparing with the electronic map of the system, Panda silently estimated the distance, and couldn't help but thank this unscientific world in his heart - if it was in the real world, they would probably have collided with the sound barrier as early as the moment they came out. Gotta be smashed to pieces.

Everyone drank the healing potion, rested for more than half an hour, and gradually recovered their physical strength, and then compared the map to study where to go.

According to the plan, they will come to the road where the Thracian army will pass, observe the combat effectiveness and military discipline of this army, and see what kind of treatment the rulers of the surrendered areas have received.

Although the option of "surrendering Thrace" is unlikely to be implemented, what is the combat effectiveness of the Thracian army? How is the military discipline? What was the attitude of Thracian officials to those who surrendered and resisted? These questions need to be understood.

The art of war has a cloud, know yourself and the enemy, and you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles. The traversers knew the situation of Tara Khan, but they didn't know much about the situation in Thrace, so it was necessary for them to seize this opportunity to have a good understanding of the situation in Thrace.

To this end, they discussed and even decided not to inform the Leyton Kingdom of Thrace of the imminent invasion in advance.

Can the Kingdom of Leyton, which had been informed of the Thracian invasion plan in advance, defend its territory? Not much hope.

There is a huge difference between the combat power of the two countries. The main force of the Kingdom of Layton actually comes from the dwarf mercenaries. Will the dwarves fight the Thracian army to the death for the kingdom of Leyton? This is something no one can grasp. Even if the dwarves really fought to the death of Thrace for the so-called professional ethics, they might not be able to stop it. Apart from increasing casualties on both sides, there would not be any special benefits.

In contrast, let everything happen as in history, for Layton, for Thrace, and even for the dwarves.

If you want to change the course of history, it is more appropriate to start at the stage of the Thracian Southern Expedition, not now.

Panda and the others determined their current location and hurriedly walked towards the nearby town.

The weather in Layton in winter is very cold, and it is really dripping into ice. Although there are races that are not afraid of cold at all, they are all crispy and thin-skinned types. They are both cold-resistant and thick-skinned with thick flesh and long blood strips. There are only bearmen like pandas.

The severe cold weather hindered them to some extent. Fortunately, it was not serious. When it was getting late, they successfully arrived at a village.

They split half of the rent for a snow deer killed along the way, and they successfully rented a warehouse as a guest room. The warehouse is quite large and strong enough to keep out the wind and snow. After lighting a bonfire inside, the temperature also rose to the point where it would not freeze at least.

Because of the hard work of the long journey, Seton, Halley, and Volibear went to bed early, and only the panda sat in front of the fire, watching the burning bonfire, and never fell asleep.

He recalled the experience during this time and couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

In fact, they should have felt that something was wrong long ago. Whether it was a king or a great noble, these guys were all greedy and vicious. How could a mere knight earn nearly three million in just half a month?

According to normal logic, the Edward family's cold-proof bracelet business can reach the fifth and sixth day at most, and they will come forward to negotiate with James, and everyone will make a fortune and benefit from it.

But they didn't.

What does this mean? It shows that they have already thought about it, and they plan to let James make the money, and after making the money, they will harvest it cleanly.

It's just that they never thought that although James was just a knight who looked like he could be crushed by one of their fingers, there were traversers behind him. As a result of a war, a future iron-blooded prime minister and a large group of guards died, and the money eventually returned to Jaime. Except for the chaos in Thrace City and the innocent victims of the Edward family, they could not get it. to any benefit.

Oh, they got it too, and the last money fell into their hands.

Thinking of the last payment, Panda thought of the Kent housekeeper, the head maid Pristin, and the servants of the Edward family.

"If we hadn't made so much money, let's say only three or five million, maybe these things wouldn't have happened..."

He hesitated for a while, and said quietly in the group chat.

After a while, Wang Tuhao replied.

"When a person makes money reasonably and legally, but it brings disaster to himself, is the problem that he should not make money? Or is it about those who only allow themselves to have everything, but do not allow others to get rich?"

Looking at this line of words, Panda laughed dumbly, and his heart was much relieved.

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