Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 212: on the way

It would take about a month to travel from Mulandana to Thrace, the capital of the Thracian Kingdom—or Eagle City. If you hurry up, it would take about a month. Of course, the team of messengers from Mulandana couldn’t be in such a hurry. At speed, it would take about two months.

"It's a pity that there are no waterways along the way, otherwise it would be a lot easier and faster." James sighed, "It's hard enough to ride a horse for two months! When I think of the hard work on the road, I feel a little bit. I don't want to go."

But as the deputy head of the messenger group this time, he must go.

This time, the mission of the messenger group has two main tasks. One is to report on the work of the past three years, and the other is to report on matters related to the crusade and ask for credit.

The first on the credit list is naturally Panda, and the second is James. As the commander-in-chief of this crusade, he has performed very well. He has made correct judgments in several accidents. It was also at his instigation that the panda was recruited. The two credits added up, allowing him to become the head of the patrol department of Mulandana.

Although it is said that the chief of the patrol department is a subordinate of the governor and can be appointed by the governor himself, the kingship of the Thrace Kingdom is relatively strong, and the governor of Mulandana is relatively weak among the lords of various places, so the appointment and removal of such viscount-level officials, It is to be reported to the king for approval. Since he had to go through the process horizontally and vertically, it would be better for James to go to the capital himself—with his ability, managing the messenger group would definitely not be a problem.

As for the head of the messenger group, it was an old official who had retired for several years. This official was also a Viscount, but a virtuous Viscount without a fief—the kind commonly known as a "Sir". He is a die-hard loyalist of the king's lineage, and he really belongs to the kind of "whoever is on stage I will support". As the head of the group, he can save a lot of trouble. After all, neither the reformers nor the old-fashioned will put their minds on this type of **** king style, and it would be a complete waste of effort.

The head of the regiment is already very old, almost seventy years old this year. In terms of the average life expectancy of people in this world, it can be called longevity.

He is a magician, but his level is not high, probably no more than level 20. A magician of this level has not yet come into contact with the means to prolong his life, otherwise... seventy years old is actually nothing.

It is very common for those legendary magicians to live to be more than one hundred years old, and it is not uncommon to live to be two hundred years old. Magic does have a natural advantage in extending life.

In contrast, martial artists have to suffer a little in terms of lifespan. Even those 70th-level warriors who are called legends in the world can generally only live to one hundred and twenty-three, and those who live to one hundred and fifty-six are longevity. Compared with magicians who can often live to more than two hundred, it is indeed To be inferior.

The transmigrators didn't think much about their own lifespan. Most of them were legendary races, and their innate lifespan was long. Even some of them are relatively short-lived, at least another thirty or forty years before they reach the age of old age and frailty. And... whether they will really be old and frail, there is still a question mark.

Many of them have the characters of old people, but in fact, neither body nor spirit mean the slightest aging. For example, Jian Shisan, his image is an old man with white hair and beard. Ordinarily, if he is so old, even a high elves are already too old and inconvenient to move. But in fact he was not affected at all, he could run and jump, and he was full of energy. When fighting in close quarters, he is not inferior to the young guy at all, and he never even feels "aging".

Therefore, the strategy team currently believes that the traversers are immortal.

Seeing the old-fashioned head of the messenger ride tremblingly into the carriage with the help of the guards, the panda couldn't help but sigh in his heart, "The power of time is really scary", and then he was delighted at the immortality of the travelers.

It was really hard for him to imagine what it would be like when he also aged like that.

Panda's master on earth, the old martial artist who was very strong all his life, committed suicide. Because one morning, when he was sitting on a rattan chair watching TV, he saw that he actually peed his pants, and he didn't feel it at all.

This stubborn old man made up his mind when he found that he was so old that he couldn't even control his bowels and bowels. A few days later, Panda received the news of his death, along with the WeChat message, and a scanned copy of his suicide note.

In the suicide note, the master said sadly that the warrior's life is to constantly fight against the limit of people. He lost this battle, and he lost so badly that he really had no face to live anymore. He also told his apprentices not to learn from him and to enjoy life well. In life, besides martial arts, there are many things worth pursuing.

As for his children, martial arts are actually not very good, let alone compared with several brothers who have been fighting on the road of martial arts, even if they are not as good as Silent (Panda). Just like many martial artists, it is the apprentices who really inherit the mantle, not the children.

After all, practicing martial arts is very hard, and it's just about training other people's children, their own children... many people can't do it.

The panda rode on the Qinglong, while hurrying on the road, while imagining.

On this long road, there will be enough time for him to think slowly.

Jian Shisan and Xingzhao had already left. They used the fastest way to return to the city and committed suicide to return to the city. By copying their own system map into the map room, they updated the map record of the castle. In the future, anyone who passes by the castle can go to the map room to copy this map, update their map data, and get the wolf's nest lake. Nearby map.

This map will be needed by many people in the future.

Sleepless and they are already designing the teleportation array and raising the necessary supplies. The distance of this teleportation array is extremely far, almost as far as half of the Western Continent. It is definitely not easy to ensure that such a long-distance teleportation is precise and stable.

This requires extremely complex and sophisticated teleportation arrays, as well as very precious materials. If it weren't for the Leyline as the energy source, the energy needed to transmit it would be enough to make Tara Khan lead bankrupt.

On the contrary, the clay giant had already started work, and Liu Daoqing and Li Xiao almost fought for its dominance. In the end, the mud giant himself chose the content of his work - being a mushroom field.

This guy is actually quite lazy. He can finish the work while lying down. He is not willing to work hard to reclaim the farmland.

At present, it is lying next to a village near Tarakhan City, and it has become a black piece of land. Liu Daoqing took the villagers to cultivate mushrooms on it, and the progress is quite smooth.

From the overlord of the leyline to the mushroom field, the life experience of this elemental creature can be said to be really unpredictable.

I don't know if it will occasionally recall its glorious years, and whether it will regret its unwise actions of attacking Panda and others...

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