Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 995: If you don't agree, let the dog bite the man!

Among the traversers, the necromantic faction is relatively weak, and there are very few people.

When playing the game, players also have good and evil camps. Although players are not bound by the good and evil camps, because of the conflicts of various tasks and plots, it is naturally easier for players of the same camp to form a group with each other.

For example, the guild "Breakthrough the Earth", the main body is the players of the good camp of the Kingdom of Thrace, accounting for more than half of the entire guild. And the number of undead, demons, eastern natives... is much smaller.

If the entire guild passed through, there would probably be a little more players from the necromancer faction. But in fact, they did not all cross, which further reduced the number of people in the necromantic faction, and there were less than ten people in total.

Moreover, because their identities are somewhat sensitive, most of these ten people are still from the house. Mona Sansha" and Life Reaper passed.

The four of them are willing to make a trip, which is naturally the best.

The next day, the four found a den of the undead forces in the game.

Wood Manor.

West Wood, a baron of Terrera, has a small town and three villages. He is almost the lowest-ranked baron. In the entire Terrera Kingdom, there are probably more than 1,400 such barons. Except for those with commercial income, these "grassroots barons" have basically been looked down upon and marginalized in the circle of fief aristocrats.

Generally speaking, you must have more than ten villages to be considered a relatively well-off and distinguished baron. Of course, there is no way that the territory is not enough. The aristocratic circle is not so stubborn and inflexible. As long as your income reaches a sufficient level, or simply, your soldiers reach a sufficient number, you can be regarded as a more decent baron.

However, Baron Wood obviously does not belong to the "more like-looking" ones, and this family has never had any business ability, and has always lived on that fief.

Generation after generation, the Wood family has always been so immortal. I can't see any signs of prosperity, and I don't mean to go down the street. So much so that many people in the territory joked that "As long as Trera can exist, Wood can be a baron for as long as possible".

... In fact, this is also impossible.

Who called them undead?

Since the third generation of Baron Wood, the family has been controlled by the undead - the third generation of Baron Wood has transformed himself into a necromancer in pursuit of great power. Since then, many members of the Wood family have chosen to become undead for various reasons. Gradually, the Wood family became a stronghold of the undead forces in the world.

According to the plot in the game, Baron Wood was one of the pioneers when there was a great commotion of the undead. The Necromancer Legion came out of the underground portal opened by this family, and some even speculated that Ron, the "grey flag" among the three Necromancers, might be a member of the Wood family, but for unknown reasons, I just don't want to admit my identity.

Although the plot in the game says that Ron claimed to be unknown during his lifetime, until he plunged into the darkness and became a death knight, and after some encounters, he achieved something. But how could one of the most important leaders of the necromancy, the three famous knights in the world, really be an unknown person?

If nothing else, if he was really a minor character during his lifetime, how could he get the Death Knight Three Holy Artifacts?

Do you really think he is Long Aotian?

The four masters of the necromancer faction of transmigrators chatted about related topics, and came to the gate of the lord's castle in Wood Town, which was old and even slightly dilapidated, and asked the soldiers at the gate to see Baron Wood.

The janitor, also wearing old armor, looked lethargic. Facing the four adventurers of unknown origin, they casually replied "The lord is not free".

Old K (Kelvin) looked at their lazy appearance, sighed, and raised his left hand.

In his palm, the black flame beat silently, but it did not emit the slightest heat, but instead lowered the surrounding temperature.

"Is the lord free now?" he asked.

A few gatekeepers were dumbfounded—they might not recognize "Ghost Black Fire", but an adventurer who can play with flames so skillfully is obviously not something that a mere group of gatekeepers can deal with.

So the one at the head shouted: "Wait a minute! Wait a minute!" and hurried into the castle.

A few minutes later, the four travelers were invited to the lord's study and met the Baron Wood of this generation, West Wood.

"Not long ago, a large-scale necromancy commotion broke out in Laika, and the damage was extremely tragic." Old K was stopped by someone at the door. He was in a bad mood and said straight to the point, "I want to know who planned it. Who did it? Who did it? By the way, and who supported them?"

Baron Wood looked surprised and replied, "I'm just a grassroots baron..."

"There's no need to talk about deceiving people!" Darkset interrupted his defense and untied the camouflage effect on his body.

The black air of death filled the air, and in the black air, a soul flame danced in the eyes of a full-body armored skeleton, looking at him coldly.

"Ah?!" Baron Wood was stunned and turned to look at the other three.

Now that Darkset started, everyone didn't bother to pretend, and they all showed their true appearance.

For a time, the study room was filled with dead air, almost covering the entire room with a thick layer of frost. If Old K hadn't used magic to confine these dead auras in the study, just letting them diffuse out might be able to poison the entire castle.

Looking at the two skeletons in front of him (Darkset, the Necromancer and Kelvin, the Necromancer) and two zombies (the Life Reaper Cross and the Death Eater "Mona Sansha"), Baron Wood was surprised. smiled.

It's amazing that in the heavy death aura that was enough to poison at least dozens of ordinary people, instead of not feeling the slightest bit uncomfortable, he seemed very comfortable.

"What a wonderful death!" He took a deep breath, and then said with a smile, "It's my own, I should have said it earlier!"

"Which faction are you from? Or... are you the kind of scholars who study necromancy on their own?" He asked with a smile, "Well, it's probably the latter. There was almost no one who attacked West Laika this time. I don’t know, everyone doesn’t know it, it’s just you who are out of the public and don’t know the news…”

"Friend, can't you be serious?" The only female undead in the guild, "Mona Sansha", interrupted his sigh, "Who did that?"

"Of course it is the unanimous opinion of everyone." Baron Wood said, "The clergy of Western Laika dared to attack the great God of Death, then of course we have to teach them a lesson!"

The four transmigrators froze for a moment, you look at me, I look at you.

Finally, Jiaoge sighed and snapped his fingers.

"Erha, kill him."

A skeleton dog with broken golden bones in its mouth jumped out of the shadow under his feet, biting Baron Wood who was startled to resist, and broke his head off his neck.

"Obviously, we can't handle this matter." Old K sighed, "Let Panda and the others do it..."

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