Rebuilding the Xiuxian family

Chapter 789 Development

Jiang Fengwu spent some time choosing the location, and with Li Zhirui's help, he quickly successfully arranged the Shengxu Formation.

Is it true that the Nascent Soul cultivator can't go to the void? Jiang Fengwu asked curiously, thinking that if she could go to the void to practice, she would definitely be able to break through the divine transformation faster.

The pulling force of the formation is extremely strong. The physical body of the Nascent Soul cultivator cannot withstand it. The physical strength of the body cultivator is acceptable, but after going to the void, the ground is full of chaotic spiritual energy. It will be invaded at any time, and chaos may break out. Nascent Soul cultivators simply cannot withstand disasters such as storms and chaotic turbulence.

Li Zhirui saw the envious look on her face and said, Practice hard and you will be able to go there one day.

In fact, Li Zhirui has a way to bring people to the void, use space to bring them there, and then use the natal magic weapon Qianling to protect them from the intrusion of chaotic spiritual energy.

But that's the limit. There is no way to support their actions in the void. After all, his own strength is limited and he cannot even guarantee his own safety, let alone protect others.

Moreover, space is Li Zhirui's biggest secret. Except for the four contracted spirit beasts who depend on each other for life and death, he does not intend to tell anyone else.

What you said is that I will work hard to practice!

Jiang Fengwu set his sights on the Shengxu Formation and asked, Aren't you going to give it a try? From what you said before, although you have been in the void for many years, you have not actually entered the void.

With my current strength, it is still too dangerous to practice in the void. Let's talk about it later. At least until he masters more purification laws.

As long as you have an idea, I'll go back to practice.

I'll give it to you.

Jiang Fengwu nodded and walked forward silently. The cave was not far away, and it only took a few steps to reach it.

You should go back too.

Then I'll leave first.

Jiang Fengwu looked at Li Zhirui's retreating figure and sighed softly. The gap between them was getting wider and wider, and as they got together less and separated more, there gradually became nothing to say.

Even more so now, even though they are both on Ten Thousand Immortals Island, they still live in two separate places and rarely see each other a few times.

Li Zhirui didn't think so much, and concentrated on cultivating in the spiritual realm to improve his strength.

Although there is only a little progress every day, he is still excited about it, because Li Zhirui knows that the state of transformation is a process that requires patience.

I don’t know if it was because Li Zhirui came back that Wanxian Prefecture became peaceful, and there were no more blatant attacks on Xiancheng and Fangshi.

The casual cultivators who were originally lost are gradually coming back. After all, there are several areas in Wanxian State that are rich in cultivation resources.

For example, the Henglian Mountains built by the Li family themselves contain a large number of low-level monsters and low-level spiritual objects.

If you are not satisfied and want to take risks to find rarer spiritual objects, you can also go to the Qingshan Mountains and the Snowy Mountains!

Not to mention that to the east of Wanxian State is the resource-rich boundless sea, which is an undeveloped treasure land.

In addition, in order for the casual cultivators to stay, the Li family offers more favorable prices for spiritual objects, which allows them to use fewer spiritual stones to buy spiritual objects of the same quality.

Before Li Zhirui broke through to become a god, the Li family did not dare to do this. After all, they offended too many people, so they could only beat the drum.

But with the presence of Li Zhirui, the incarnation of the god, the Li family has confidence, and there is only one avatar of the Bihai Sect near the Li family, so there is no direct contact with him, so there is no need to be too scrupulous.

As for the Nanya Chamber of Commerce and Xuanfa Pavilion, as long as they ensure that they have enough income, other things can be treated as unknown.

The Li family's current output of spiritual elixirs, magic weapons and other spiritual objects can completely satisfy both families.

What's more, there are also the fourth-grade top-grade treasure pills that Li Zhirui takes out from time to time. Although they are not fifth-grade, they can already be used as the finale in large-scale auctions.

With the joint efforts of all clan members, the Li family is developing prosperously!

More and more children with spiritual roots are born every year. Although there are no more children with heavenly spiritual roots like Li Mingyao, there are several geniuses with dual spiritual roots.

The future development of the family is excellent, and the present is not bad either!

The number of Jindan tribe members is close to a hundred, and it is just around the corner to break through three digits, not to mention Qi training and foundation building.

Even Nascent Soul cultivators have increased by two in these years!

One of them is Li Mingyao, the only Tianlinggen in the family. After more than ten years of seclusion, he successfully opened the door to Yuanying. He is also the fastest Yuanying monk in the Li family so far. Compared with those back then, Li Zhirui still has a few years to go.

The other one is Li Chenghao, who is in seclusion and fighting hard!

He is actually not young anymore. If he can no longer break through the Nascent Soul, as he grows older and his physical body begins to age, the possibility of breaking through will become smaller and smaller.

Fortunately, in the last ten years, I have successfully smashed the obstacles on the road of seeking, and successfully ranked among the Nascent Souls!

With the breakthrough of the two, Li Zhirui also tested his newly cultivated Tribulation-Transcending Thunder Vine, and found that although the results were still not ideal, at least in terms of mana consumption, it was better than the original Thunder Vine.

This made Li Zhirui change the direction of cultivation. He originally planned to hybridize the Thunder Vine and the Broken Venus Vine to make it stronger.

But now it is discovered that perhaps the mana that generates Thunder Vine can be reduced, making it easier to achieve.

Li Chenghao's breakthrough inspired the Jindan people of his generation, and a strong confidence emerged in their hearts. Several people who had originally planned to give up also imitated him and tried to give up!

Unfortunately, they may not have the same luck as Li Chenghao. After decades of practicing in seclusion, their physical bodies have begun to age, and they have no hope of a breakthrough, so they can only give up in the end.

Using the last few decades to do something for the family can be regarded as repaying the family for their training over the years.

But these are things for the future.

On this day, Jiang Fengwu, Li Chengsheng, and Li Chengshuo, mother and son, approached Li Zhirui at the same time.

Do you have anything important to do with me? You came here at the same time. Li Zhirui asked with a smile, but he had already guessed the reason.

Dad, we plan to go out and practice for a while.

Li Chengshuo said: In these years in Ten Thousand Immortals Island, our mana has grown rapidly, but we have not been able to break through. Perhaps it is because of insufficient training, lack of mental state and other issues.

And these problems cannot be solved by simply retreating.

I understand, then when are you going to go out? Where are you going? Li Zhirui, who has experienced this, will naturally not stop them.

Jiang Fengwu thought for a moment, shook his head and said, I'll leave in a few days. As for the rest, everything depends on fate.

So how are you prepared? But what is missing? Li Zhirui asked. (End of chapter)

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