Impossible! How could this happen!

Song Lao forgot that he was in another world and flew high in the sky as fast as he could, trying to prove that the scene he first saw was just an illusion and was limited to a certain place.

But as he went to more and more places, the pictures he saw were no different. They were all black land exuding stench, thick and black rivers and lakes, and no living beings could be seen. The whole world became a world swallowed up by death.

Song Lao stood high in the air with a dull look on his face, and did not come back to his senses for a long time.

Who would have thought that the creatures in Yuanhao Realm could be so decisive!

Song Lao could deduce the process by which the Yuan Hao Realm became what it is now, detonating the spiritual veins, causing the earth to lose its vitality and slowly decay. If it was just like this, the whole world would not become what it is now so quickly.

However, in an environment of suppressed despair, the creatures vented their anger through killing and destruction, further accelerating the destruction of the world.

Decades of war, nearly a hundred gods, countless resources, and finally a world that was almost destroyed! Song Lao muttered to himself, his face full of bitterness.

I originally thought that if the Xuanyuan Realm swallowed up the Yuanhao Realm, I would be able to successfully advance to the Middle Thousand Worlds within a thousand years, but now it seems that the road to promotion is still far away!


Song Lao sighed heavily, stopped flying away, turned around and returned to the place where he entered this world, and took out the formation flag. Within a moment, a mysterious formation unfolded, and then flew out without any hesitation. Yuan Haojie.

The world has a strong attraction to the world. The traction formation set up by Mr. Song is just an introduction. What really works is the world itself.

A few days later, Song Lao returned to Xuanyuan Realm.

When everyone saw that he had returned safely, they knew that the formation had been set up. With the current distance between the two worlds, they would be able to come into contact within a year. Then the Xuanyuan Realm, where the Heavenly Dao was more powerful, could easily crush the Heavenly Dao of the Yuanhao Realm. Swallow the whole world.

Song Lao, how is the situation in Yuanhao Realm? a certain transformed god asked expectantly.

Although after being promoted to the Middle Thousand Worlds, if you want to ascend, you have to practice to the Tribulation-Transcending Realm. Compared with the Void Refining Realm, there are two realms of Fusion and Mahayana in between, making it much more difficult to ascend.

But the difficulty of breaking through the Void Refining will be much lower, because it will fall into the Breaking Heavenly Tribulation instead of ascending to the Heavenly Tribulation.

Many of them are self-aware and know that they may not be able to withstand the thunder catastrophe of ascension, but if they just make a breakthrough, they may not be unable to succeed.

As long as you can successfully break through the void refining, you can live for another thousand years!

After Song Lao heard this question, he was silent for a long time and said with a wry smile: Everyone, don't have hope for promotion in the world. It's impossible.


As soon as these words came out, the scene suddenly became an uproar.

how so?

Didn't all the forces join forces to deduce that as long as the Yuanhao Realm is swallowed up, the Xuanyuan Realm can be successfully promoted? Why is something wrong now?

May I ask why Mr. Song said that?

Because the Yuanhao Realm has been destroyed! The entire world is on the verge of destruction, all living things are extinct, the laws are in short supply, and the source of heavenly law has plummeted.

Song Lao paused and said with a wry smile: How can such a Yuanhao Realm promote the Xuanyuan Realm to the Zhongqian World?

Everyone was shocked, their faces full of disbelief.

But what's the use of not believing it? This is the fact!

Oh! I lost my wife and lost my troops at the same time. What a heavy loss!

There is no way to advance in the Xuanyuan Realm, and even if heaven will send down merit, the weight will be much less than they imagined!

Coupled with the casualties and consumption of various spiritual objects, after decades of hard work, not only did they not make any money, but they also suffered huge losses.

The matter has come to this, so stop complaining and think about how to deal with the aftermath.

No matter for any force, the cultivator of the God Transformation is extremely important. If the Xuanyuan Realm is promoted, it doesn't matter if there are a lot of casualties.

After all, after becoming a Zhongqian World, the difficulty of breaking through to become a god will decrease, and there are many other benefits.

But the problem is, now that there is no hope of promotion, various forces will naturally have to account for their losses and casualties, and then find ways to make up for it.

The true situation in Yuanhao Realm could not be concealed at all, and it soon reached the ears of the demon cultivators and demon clan.

Ha! Such a result was all due to the monks' bravery. They thought they could fight the whole world alone. As a result, the war could not be ended for a long time. On the contrary, it aroused the resistance of the creatures from other worlds.

That's right! If we had been informed early in the morning, how could we have ended up in this situation! The big explosion not long ago would not have happened.

If it weren't for the monk's arrogance, we wouldn't have suffered a large number of casualties. We have to ask the monk to compensate!

The demon cultivators and monster clans immediately pointed their finger at the cultivator and took the opportunity to demand compensation.

In fact, as far as the demon cultivators and demon clans are concerned, they don't care about their fellow comrades who died.

Demonic cultivators have always been selfish. No fellow sect, sect, or family is as important as themselves!

And I don’t know how many races are divided into the demon clan. The hatred between some races is even worse than the hatred for the human race. How can I really get angry for them?

The reason why the demon cultivators and demon clan said this is just to obtain resources from the cultivators.

The higher-ups on the monk side are now busy wrangling and have no time to pay attention to them.

This attitude also made the attitude of the demon cultivators and demon clan even more arrogant.

And the strength of the monks in the void now is really not as good as the demon clan and the demon cultivators joining forces.

Li Zhirui, who was recovering in the open space, naturally heard about the conflicts between the three parties.

However, this kind of thing has nothing to do with a little person like him. It is more important to heal the injury as soon as possible.

But sometimes, it's not because he doesn't want to avoid it that he can stay out of it.

On this day, Li Zhirui, who was recovering from his injuries in the formation, suddenly suffered a series of fierce attacks.

Li Zhirui suddenly opened his eyes and looked outside the formation.

Then I saw a fifth-level demon, who joined forces with the Demon Transformation to continuously attack the formation, trying to break the formation as quickly as possible.


Two thick vines appeared out of thin air, sending the unprepared man and the demon flying away.

Li Zhirui shouted and asked: What are you doing!

The monks caused heavy casualties to our clan, and I'm here to collect compensation. The big demon said matter-of-factly.

The monks caused a lot of losses to our sect, and I am here to collect compensation.

Li Zhirui's face darkened, and he shouted at the demon cultivator: You join forces with the demon clan, but you want to betray the human race?!

It's not as serious as what you said. We just happened to meet each other. The demon cultivator explained with a smile, obviously he had been prepared for it.

He did not dare to admit such a serious crime of treason.

Where's all this nonsense! Obediently hand over the storage magic weapon, and I'll spare your life! The big demon shouted impatiently.

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