Rebuilding the Xiuxian family

Chapter 769 Abandonment

Master, it's not serious, is it? We didn't take action against the Li family? Why did we leave Xuan Bingzhou! An elder shouted unconvinced.

Do you really think the Li family didn't discover us? The headmaster turned around and stared at the elder, his eyes as bright as sharp swords, piercing him speechless.

They didn't know how powerful the cultivators were, but they could vaguely see the battlefield near Ten Thousand Immortals Island from here, so how could the other party not notice it?

Let's go!

When he said these two words, the look in the leader's eyes disappeared, he became sad and numb, and his body seemed to be a little rickety.

The Xuan Bing Sect, which had been passed down for thousands of years, finally had to leave its ancestral land in his hands.

The monks in the army also had other thoughts.

When the army returned to the mountain gate and began to collect spiritual objects and magic methods, and there was chaos, some monks took advantage of the chaos and left Xuan Bingshan.

Master, do you really want to let these people leave?

Some elders said angrily: The sect has never treated them badly, but now that the crisis has not come, they can't avoid it! They ran away! They even took a lot of the sect's property with them!

Let them go. The leader waved his hand in disinterest and said, Perhaps the Xuanbing Sect's inheritance can grow in their hands.

The most important thing is that it is too difficult to relocate the entire sect in a hurry. It is better to let some disciples leave on their own, which can reduce the burden.

Under the master's indulgence and accelerating the migration, in just three days, Xuan Bingshan, which was originally bustling with people and rich in aura, turned into a barren mountain with no people in it and lifeless.


On the other side, many members of the Li family, led by Li Wenli, began to clean up the battlefield.

Because the formation was intact, not a single clan member died. The corpses on the battlefield were all left by the demon clan.

After sacrificing the fifth-level puppets, the monster army instantly collapsed. They had no intention of fighting and only wanted to escape to save their lives. However, the Li family monks tried their best to squeeze out their magic power, leaving a large number of monsters behind.

The most noteworthy among them are the corpses of the fourth-order monsters!

Even if they die, the coercion on their bodies prevents low-level monks from getting close. Even if the Golden Core monks can get close, they are helpless in the face of the powerful bodies. They can only ask Daqing and others to take action to cut the bodies into pieces.

You must know that the physical body of a fourth-level demon is full of treasures. The flesh and blood can be eaten after some processing. The majestic spiritual energy and blood energy can not only increase the mana, but also strengthen the physical body.

Fur, claws, etc. are all top-quality spiritual materials for refining magic weapons.

Faced with the piles of flesh and blood piled up like a hill, Li Wenli discussed with the elders and distributed them all to the tribesmen. This was obtained by everyone fighting the enemy bravely, not to mention that the quantity was so huge that it was impossible to preserve it well.

As for the spiritual objects dismantled from the monster beasts, the tribesmen were also asked to select two pieces each, which were comparable to their own cultivation level, and the rest were stored in the warehouse.

By the time all this was taken care of, it was already seven days later.

Mom, the Xuan Bing Sect was also watching from the side that day. Why didn't they take it down too and eliminate this sect that was hiding evil intentions? Li Chengshuo asked in confusion.

It's not as simple as you think?

Jiang Fengwu shook his head and explained softly, The demon clan was the main enemy that day, so naturally we had to find a way to eradicate them first, and the Xuanbing Sect also retreated immediately. Do we want to abandon the demon clan and hunt them down?

The Li family doesn't have this kind of strength at all. They can only rely on fifth-level puppets to deal with the demon clan.

Then why didn't you go straight to Xuan Bingzhou after the war? Not to mention destroying them directly, at least they would be greatly weakened and would not dare to engage in such small tricks again. Li Chengshuo asked reluctantly. She had no respect for Xuan Bing Sect at all. good impression.

Far away hundreds of years ago, when the Li family was still the Jindan family, Yuan Mingzong and Xuan Bing Zong had clearly agreed to jointly attack Taixu Prefecture, but Xuan Bing Zong made a plan and forced Li Shiqing to burn his life. Only then could the lives of Li Zhirui and others be saved.

The closest thing is that this time the monster clan suddenly invaded the territory with a large army, and the Xuanbing Sect appeared so coincidentally in the distance. If they said that it had nothing to do with them, even a fool would not believe it.

Activating the fifth-level puppets requires a large amount of high-grade spiritual stones, but after the battle with the demon clan, the remaining high-grade spiritual stones in the family are not enough to sustain a long war.

The fifth-level puppet is indeed very powerful, but it is all based on a large number of high-grade spiritual stones!

However, most of the Li family's high-grade spiritual stones have been put into the spiritual veins at the foot of the Ten Thousand Immortals Mountain to speed up their advancement to the fifth-level spiritual veins, and there is not much in stock.

Of course, you can also place medium-grade or even low-grade spirit stones, but the space for the puppet to place the spirit stones is limited and you can't put many.

If the level of the spiritual stone is not enough, the puppet may run out of spiritual energy after casting a spell once or twice. Faced with this situation, how could Jiang Fengwu dare to go out at will?

Moreover, the monks of the Xuanbing Sect are not fools. After they return, they will activate the mountain-protecting formation as soon as possible. Even if they have fifth-level puppets in their hands, aren't we the same targets? There will inevitably be casualties by then. This was also the main reason why Jiang Fengwu didn't take action.

After hearing all these reasons, Li Chengshuo pursed his lips and stopped pursuing the attack on Xuan Bing Sect.

But she still didn't give up and secretly went to inquire about the Xuan Bing Sect, but the result surprised Li Chengshuo.

The Xuan Bing Sect actually moved away, abandoned the Xuan Bing Prefecture, and disappeared without a trace?!

After she brought the news back to her family, Jiang Fengwu and others were also surprised.

What a decisive decision! If Brother Ninth had not broken through to become a god, the family would have surrendered to the Xuan Bing Sect sooner or later! Daqing was filled with emotion.

But Da Qing never imagined that the Xuan Bing Sect's view of the Li family was to destroy them rather than conquer them.

They are just rats who are greedy for life and afraid of death. Li Chengshuo curled his lips disdainfully.

Daqing shook her head and said nothing, not arguing with her because of outsiders.

Now that Xuanbingzhou has no owner, and the demon clan has also lost its vitality, is it possible to regain Taixuzhou, connect Xuanbingzhou, and expand the family's territory? Li Chengsheng suddenly spoke, changing the topic.

Even though Xuanbingzhou is cold and unsuitable for farming and mortal survival, it has one advantage, that is, the unique environment has given birth to many unique spiritual creatures and rich spiritual mineral resources.

If the Li family can obtain this land, it will definitely be of great benefit to the development of the family.

Taixu Prefecture is a little worse, no different from other places in Wanxian Prefecture, but there is a third-level secret realm!

This is a treasure land. The Li family occupies a huge territory, but they only control a second-level secret realm, which is completely inconsistent with their status.

If they can be cultivated well, they will definitely become a pillar of the Li family’s rise in the future! (End of chapter)

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