Rebuilding the Xiuxian family

Chapter 767 Temptation

Why don't fellow Taoists want to increase the amount of fifth-level elixir? Isn't this more likely to achieve your goal? Yuxue asked.

The fifth-level elixir is expensive and rare, and is far less cost-effective than the breath-melting grass. After all, the Li family did not have a fifth-level elixir. If Li Zhirui wanted to experiment, he would have to spend a lot of money to buy it, so he could only try to enhance the efficacy of the medicine in other ways.

Yuxue nodded clearly. The Li family's conditions were like that and they couldn't produce anything good. Moreover, if the cost of alchemy could be reduced, it would be good for him.

We can give it a try and deduce the elixir formula first, and then purchase the elixir from the elixir palace for experiment...

After a pause, he added: Elixir recipes cannot be successfully tested once or twice, so we have to complete some tasks, which will be more difficult and busy. Taoist friends must be mentally prepared.

I know, fellow Taoist, don't worry. Li Zhirui responded loudly.

Compared with the road ahead, the hard work in front of you is nothing!

Then the two of them lived a long period of darkness.

At the beginning, the two of them were just talking on paper and deducing the recipe. When both of them felt that the recipe was perfect and ready to be tested, the hard days came!

Each piece of material costs a lot of contribution points, and if you want to get the contribution points, you can only refine elixirs, and you have to refine several furnaces of elixirs before you can exchange for one piece of material.

You must know that in order to ensure the rate of elixir formation, they must concentrate and concentrate when refining the elixir. However, the consequence of this is that they will not be able to refine several furnaces in a day.

But the two of them were consuming it very quickly. After all, it was not a perfect recipe that had been refined over time. There would be various and strange reasons for failure.

It’s not unusual to consume more than a dozen ingredients in a day.

What the two of them can do now is to sum up experience from constant failures and perfect the recipe as soon as possible.

A few years later, Wanxian Island in the far east.

The calamity clouds in the sky turned into rich spiritual energy and poured below, which meant that another tribesman had successfully overcome the calamity.

But this time, the person who overcame the disaster was Li Chengshuo! She successfully became a Nascent Soul monk.

Mom, where is dad? Is it possible that he has gone into seclusion again? Li Chengshuo's tone contained a trace of depression.

After she successfully overcame the tribulation, she did not immediately go back to consolidate her realm. Instead, she asked Li Zhirui why he didn't come to help her protect the law.

It's not that Zhirui doesn't want to come, but that he has important matters to deal with and left the family a few years ago. Jiang Fengwu explained helpfully.

I will tell you what the specific matter is after you have consolidated your realm. Li Chengsheng on the side urged Li Chengshuo to go back to retreat.

Okay. Although he knew the reason, Li Chengshuo was still a little unhappy.

And the news that Li Zhirui was not at Ten Thousand Immortals Island also spread and reached the ears of some monks with ulterior motives.

In the main hall of the Xuan Bing Sect, all the elders gathered here.

While Li Zhirui is no longer in the family, why not destroy the Li family! Someone said viciously but stupidly.

Won't he come back? Do you think we can survive after destroying the Li family? And who knows if this is the Li family's plan? This false news was deliberately released just to seize the opportunity. It's justifiable. Destroy nearby forces.

As soon as these words were spoken, the scene suddenly fell silent.

If this was really the Li family's plan, then there was no need for them to discuss it. In the end, everyone dispersed in disinterest.

Only the leader and an elder remained.

Elder He, do you have anything you want to say to me?

To say that the people who hate the Li family the most are none other than the Daxueshan Monster Clan. Why not try to get the Monster Clan to take action and test the Li family's situation.

Elder He said calmly: If it is a calculation, the misfortune of the demon clan has nothing to do with us, but if Li Zhirui really goes out, we can be the mantis stalking the cicada, with the oriole behind us, and directly attack the demon clan, and we can have a big impact. reward.

What should we do if Li Zhirui attacks the sect regardless of reason after he comes back? the leader asked calmly.


Elder He said firmly: Xuanbingzhou is a bitter cold place. The sect is trapped here. The future is bleak and there will be almost no major development.

It is said that there are two fourth-order spiritual veins on Ten Thousand Immortals Island. In addition to the two original ones of the sect, even if the secret method of soul transfer is used, three fourth-order spiritual veins can be kept intact!

In this way, the world is so vast, where can my Xuan Bing Sect not be able to gain a foothold?!

With three fourth-level spiritual veins, even the land of Shaoling can be transformed into a blessed land rich in spiritual energy.

Elder He's series of thoughts stunned the leader. He did not expect that this elder's ambition was so great! Not only do they want to destroy the Li family, they also plan to relocate the sect!

But after thinking about it carefully, I have to admit that his method is indeed very good. Not only does it get rid of the threat of the Li family, the sect has new and better development opportunities.

Elder He, this matter is of great importance. Let me consider it for a few days. Although the leader was moved, he did not agree immediately.

Elder He shouted with excitement: Master, this is a great opportunity given by God. You must not miss it, otherwise the sect will really have no hope of rising in the future!

I know, you go down first. The leader waved his hand tiredly, asking people to retreat.

But Elder He still refused to give up and tried to force the leader to agree on the spot, Master...

I said! You go down first! Yuanying's perfect momentum exploded, like a tiger descending from the mountain, staring at Elder He with murderous intent.

Yes! Elder He trembled all over and quickly lowered his head in response, but his eyes were full of resentment.

The leader didn't even open his eyes to look at him. He sat quietly for a while before calling the most trusted elders and talked to them about the matter.

Everyone had different reactions to this, some nodded in agreement, while others felt it was unreliable.

Don't talk about anything else, just how to get the demon clan to attack the Li family?

Given the hatred the Snow Mountain Monster Clan has for the Li family, as long as they know that Li Zhirui is not on Wanxian Island, they will definitely take action!

The whole family migrated, abandoned their ancestral land, and went to the wasteland to compete for territory with other demon clans. This kind of blood feud, the demon clan must always remember it in their hearts.

Now there is a chance for revenge, how could they miss it?

Then how did you find those monsters?

Are there still third-level monsters staying in the Snowy Mountains? They just need to know.

Everyone argued, and in the end the group that advocated taking action gained the upper hand, because they had an irresistible reason.

After Li Zhirui broke through to become a god, wouldn't he sum up his breakthrough insights and experiences? As long as he breaks through Ten Thousand Immortals Island, won't these treasures fall into our hands?

Who among them doesn't want to break through the realm of divine transformation and extend their lifespan?

In the past, there was no hope, but now there is a shortcut right in front of you, and you can't resist the temptation! (End of chapter)

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