A few days later, Mr. Song called Li Zhirui and Yuxue out of the room, We're already here.

Li Zhirui came out and took a look, and at first sight he saw a high platform not far away with dense formations carved on it. Nine tall and thick jade pillars were erected around it, exuding a gleaming precious light. It was a fifth-level spiritual jade. , and complex and mysterious formations are also carved on it.

This formation is called the Nine Extremes Ascension to the Void Formation. You can use the power of the formation to enter the void. Big forces like those in the Central Region have such an formation, making it easier to search for treasures and cultivation resources in the void.

Song Lao explained casually and said with a smile: But the Void Ascending Formation in front of us is much more powerful. It can transport several monks to the Void at one time.

Although the void is dangerous, it also breeds many treasures, and they are of high quality.

Li Zhirui felt convinced. No wonder the big forces in the Central Region could maintain their status. It turned out that they had an inexhaustible treasure trove that could continuously provide resources.

There was a look of envy on his face, it would be great if the Li family could get the formation.

If fellow Taoists can accumulate a certain amount of contribution in the war, they can exchange it for the formation method. However, this method has extremely high attainments in the Tao and cannot be deployed unless it is a fifth-level formation master. Song Lao suggested.

Thank you, Mr. Song, for the tip. Li Zhirui changed his previous thoughts. He originally thought that it would be good to exchange a few pill recipes and a few fifth-level spiritual seeds, but now it seems that there is something better.

At this moment, a dazzling spiritual light suddenly erupted from the formation, and then several transformed gods walked out of it. Judging from their condition, they must have been seriously injured in the battle and had to return to the Xuanyuan Realm to recuperate.

Song Lao!

But that's it, they came over specially to greet me.

This scene made Li Zhirui feel that Song Lao's identity was by no means simple.

How is the situation on the battlefield?

Currently, our side still has the advantage, but the Yuanhao Realm's offensive is getting more and more fierce. I'm afraid we have to call in more Taoist Huashen friends to join the battle.

Song Lao's expression remained unchanged, and he said lightly that he understood, and then let them go to heal their wounds first. He turned around and said to Li Zhirui and the others: Yuxue, you send Fellow Daoist Li to Yungong, I have other important matters.

Yes! Yuxue, who had hardly spoken a word along the way, responded coldly.

Then he walked straight to the high platform and motioned for Li Zhirui to follow. As soon as the two stood still, the formation started on its own and was teleported away in a torrent of spiritual energy.

Song Lao came alone to a newly built courtyard not far from the formation.

Did the newly promoted god come with Brother Dao?

There are nine futons placed in the hall, but now only five people are sitting cross-legged on them, and no one is present on the remaining four.

Already gone to the void, purification law, alchemist, but it is a pity that he is not a fifth-level alchemist, otherwise the war might have ended a few years earlier. Song Lao said while sitting on his own futon.

It's barely enough.

Song Lao said in a solemn tone: Before I came, I happened to meet a few Avatars who had retreated from the battlefield. They said that the situation on the battlefield was becoming increasingly tense. With these dozens of Avatars now, they are somewhat unable to withstand it.

It is necessary to summon more gods.

No one objected to this, but someone suddenly said: Should we tell the Demon Dao, Monster Clan and Sea Clan about this matter?


Someone immediately objected, The Demonic Clan is ambitious, and the Demon Clan and the Sea Clan are even more alien. If they make great contributions in the war, win the favor of Heaven, and rise from then on, what should I, the Immortal Clan, do?! Can they still control the Xuanyuan Realm safely? ?”

When the Yuanhao Realm invaded, it happened that a certain god from the Central Territory went to the void to hunt for treasure. In addition, the Immortal Dao deliberately concealed it, so until now, the Demon Dao, the Monster Clan and the Sea Clan did not know that such a major event had happened.

I, the Immortal Dao, have stood proudly in this world for many years, and my strength is far superior to theirs. Even if they have made great achievements, so what? Don't I, the Immortal Dao, have no merit at all? Besides, they are not aware of it at all. How long can they hide it?

The two sides are arguing endlessly about this. One side wants to monopolize the great achievements, and the other side hopes to reduce the losses of Immortal Dao. Both sides are very reasonable.

Brother Songshou, what do you think?

When they saw that Mr. Song had not spoken, they took the initiative to ask, hoping that he could join their side.

Since I can still cope with it now, it's better not to tell outsiders for the time being. After thinking for a while, Mr. Song finally chose a compromise.

Both sides also took a step back and stopped arguing.

But we have to summon the cultivators to join the battle as soon as possible. This sincere proposal was also recognized by everyone.

This order was passed to the major deity-forming forces in the Central Region through the magic weapon, urging them to send the deity-forming forces to join the battle as soon as possible.

But it was said that at this time Li Zhirui passed through the formation and came to the void for the first time.

However, the feeling given to him is not much different from the inside of Xuanyuan Realm, mainly because he is now in the Nine Heavens Cloud Palace, a top-level fifth-level magic weapon.

After the activation of the Cloud Palace, the area is very large, and the palace is larger than the house, which is enough to accommodate tens of thousands of people.

It was this magic weapon that isolated the intrusion of chaotic spiritual energy. Otherwise, Li Zhirui would never have such an idea.

Recalling the tearing pain in his body during the teleportation, he suddenly understood why even if there was a magic weapon to isolate him, the monks under the transformation of the gods would not be allowed to come.

This is where Fellow Daoist Li will rest in the future. Go straight east after going out. Not far away is the main hall with the plaque of Dan Palace. This is the place where Fellow Daoist Li receives tasks and elixirs.

With that said, he took off the jade plaque hanging on the door and handed it to Li Zhirui.

This is the token for entering and exiting this place. You must not lose it.

Thank you, fellow Taoist, for informing me. Li Zhirui bowed his head in thanks.

The long speech just now seemed to have finished all that could be said today. Yuxue glanced at Li Zhirui, turned around and left in silence.

Li Zhirui looked at the direction he was leaving, put the jade token away, and followed him.

Why are fellow Taoists following me? Yuxue stopped and asked coldly.

Li Zhirui pointed to the Dan Palace behind him and said innocently: Fellow Taoist, you misunderstood. We happen to be on the same road.

A trace of anger flashed in Yuxue's eyes, and she turned around and strode into the Dan Palace.

Fellow Taoist is also an alchemist! If I have any questions in the future, can you come and visit? Li Zhirui quickly followed him in surprise and walked side by side with him.


Fellow Taoist, don't be so heartless. Let's help each other. Li Zhirui said shamelessly.

Although I just broke through to become a god not long ago, I still have some experience and accumulation in alchemy. For example, I am currently deducing a kind of elixir that can speed up the practice of becoming a god. Li Zhirui said this last sentence using voice transmission. said.

Yuxue immediately stopped and asked seriously: Is what you said true?

Of course! It's just that the progress is a bit slow, but if we have fellow Taoists to help, we can definitely finish it quickly. (End of Chapter)

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