Rebuilding the Xiuxian family

Chapter 764 Discussion

Brother Jiu, I want to follow you. Xiao Qing was the first to express his stance, and Da Qing and Xiao Cang also spoke quickly.

Li Zhirui rejected them without hesitation and said: You can't go because the battlefield is in the void, and you are not cultivated enough to set foot in it.

And if he stays behind to refine the treasure pill and doesn't need to fight at all, then what's the use of bringing Xiao Qing and others with him? It is better to let them stay in Ten Thousand Immortals Island to practice well and protect the family.

As soon as these words came out, everyone fell into silence.

Practice hard. After all, this kind of war between worlds will not end in a short time. Maybe you can catch up. This is an excellent opportunity.

Of course, the premise is that Xuanyuanjie wins. If it loses, everything will stop.

After a long time, Jiang Fengwu said, Then be careful and don't get hurt.

Don't worry, I'm refining the elixir at the rear. Unless it's a critical moment, I won't be sent to the battlefield.


At this time, in an inn in Xishanfang City, Song Lao and Yu Xue were chatting about Li Zhirui.

Song Lao, have you seen the laws mastered by fellow Daoist Li?

Why arrange for Mr. Song to come? It is because he has mastered the Law of Insight that he can see through the laws of other monks, arrange their places conveniently and reasonably, and make the best use of their talents.

Although he could not see through Li Zhirui's luck, Song Lao could 'see' the laws he mastered. He smiled and said: The laws of purification, coupled with his alchemy, deserve special attention.

What determines the grade of an elixir is the impurities it contains. If Li Zhirui can use the power of the law to upgrade a low-grade elixir to a high-grade elixir, then he will be under very strict protection.

He is a good logistics talent. Yu Xue concluded coldly.

You haven't seen his strength, how do you know that he is not good at fighting?

Yuxue stopped talking, bowed her head slightly, then turned and returned to her room.

Young people are so arrogant! Song Lao sighed and went about his business.

After a night of silence, Li Zhirui quietly left Ten Thousand Immortals Island in the early morning of the next day.

It was not until noon that Jiang Fengwu saw that Li Zhirui had not appeared yet and pushed open the door of the alchemy room, only then did he know that he had left.

In the alchemy room, there are also the treasure pills that Li Zhirui refined for them.

Xishanfang City.

When Song and Lao saw Li Zhirui's arrival, they smiled and said, Fellow Taoist arrived quite early.

Since you have decided to participate, there is no need to procrastinate.

Then let's set off now.

The three of them boarded a spiritual ship and flew towards the west as fast as possible.

With the presence of the three transformed gods, even a monk who wanted to commit suicide would not dare to bump into them. However, the journey was far away and there was no way to reach them in a short time, so being on the spirit ship was quite boring.

In order to pass the time, the three of them started chatting. In other words, only Li Zhirui and Song Lao were chatting. Yuxue just sat aside and never spoke.

I wonder if Mr. Song can tell me about the situation on the battlefield?

It's a battlefield. There's really nothing to say. They're just fighting each other. Fortunately, in general, our side still has the advantage.

Song Lao thought for a while and added: If fellow Taoists want to participate in the battle, you need to pay attention to one thing, that is, only by using the power of law to attack in the void can the true power be exerted. If you use spells and magical powers, The power will be reduced.

Laws are not only the basis of the world, but also the foundation of the universe, so the power of laws can be intact in the void.

But spells and supernatural powers are completely different. If you want to use them, you must rely on mana.

However, in the void, there is Chaos Spiritual Qi all over, and its grade is one level higher than mana. If you use mana, you will be hindered by Chaos Spiritual Qi, thus greatly weakening the power of spells and magical powers.

Thank you, Mr. Song, for your advice.

Li Zhirui bowed his head slightly and thanked him, feeling a little helpless in his heart. The purification law he mastered did not carry additional power like the thunder law and the fire law.

So if fighting in the void, he would be at a disadvantage.

Song Lao, since this world will be found by the outside world and invaded, can we do the same?

If possible, it can quickly grow itself by annexing other small worlds.

Yes, but there are many dangers in the world. It doesn't mean that if you encounter a world, you have to attack it.

And even if you meet, how do you determine the strength of the other party?

Song Lao smiled lightly and said: Just like today's Yuanhao Realm, they attack with confidence, but at this time they are at a disadvantage and are in danger.

He did not continue to discuss this topic, but instead said: In order to quickly reach the Central Region, the three of us will take turns controlling the spirit ship.

Okay. Naturally, Li Zhirui and Yu Xue would not object.

Then let me start, followed by Fellow Daoist Yuxue, and finally Fellow Daoist Li, how about that?

The two nodded again, then each entered the cabin and came out when it was their turn.

Time flies, more than two months have passed in the blink of an eye, and they have already entered the Central Territory, and they will reach their destination in a short time.

Seeing that fellow Taoist is looking happy, has something good happened? Song Lao, who was controlling the spirit ship, asked with a smile when he saw Li Zhirui coming out of the cabin.

Li Zhirui lied without blushing and said: There is some progress in the pill recipe.

In fact, it is Ashen who has been sleeping in the space. He has undergone great changes. His true body was originally a third-grade purple jade ginseng, but because of the huge mana fed back to him after Li Zhirui broke through to become a god, he could not refine it. , but accidentally used it to improve his rank. Now he has become a fourth-rank three-color precious ginseng.

Although there is no breakthrough in strength, the improvement in grade is also a great thing. For example, Ashen's future cultivation speed will be much faster than before. In addition, there are also mastery of supernatural powers, growth of spiritual intelligence, etc. There has been progress in all aspects.

Song Lao, why are you controlling the spirit ship? Li Zhirui asked curiously. According to the order discussed before, it should be Yuxue.

It's almost there. There are some levels in the middle that require my help, so just leave the rest of the journey to me to pilot the spirit ship.

Then thank you Song Lao. If you have any instructions, just ask.

After getting in touch during this period, Li Zhirui already knew that this senior with the Taoist name Song Shou was about to transcend the tribulation and ascend, so his status was very high.

When he first learned the news, Li Zhirui was very surprised. If it were him, he would never run around in the final critical period, messing with cause and effect, and continue to accumulate in preparation for a breakthrough in refining the void.

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