Under the pressure of the Transformation God, all the monsters and monks were like puppets who had lost all their energy and spirit and had only flesh bodies and no souls.

Not to mention mustering up the courage to resist, even the physical body is difficult to control.

This is the power of the law!

Laws are the foundation of the world and part of the way of heaven. After breaking through the transformation of gods and mastering the laws, it is equivalent to mastering the way of heaven, the supreme way of heaven.

You have offended the power of the transformed god, so you can stay on the island and spend the rest of your life atone for your sins.

Li Zhirui glanced at the group of monsters and took action to keep all the monsters with rich dragon blood. As for whether they are breeding beasts or mountain-protecting spiritual beasts with a little dignity, it depends on how aware they are. Taller.

As for other monsters, I don't want to go on a killing spree, so get out!

With a flick of his hand, a gust of wind roared away, blowing thousands of monsters several miles away. After getting out of the coercive range, they did not dare to show any nostalgia and fled towards Taixu Prefecture as fast as they could in their lives. go.

Don't worry, for the sake of my fellow tribesmen, I won't treat you like this. However, the majesty of the gods cannot be offended, so if you want to survive, just buy your life with a spiritual object.

After Li Zhirui finished speaking, the monks were finally able to control their bodies. In the face of absolute power, even if they were unwilling to do so, they could only obey unless they wanted to die here.

It was naturally impossible for Li Zhirui to go up and trade with them, so he pushed Li Wenli and others out and let them deal with it.

Regarding the spiritual objects that buy lives, it is not that they take out whatever they take out, but they take out all the spiritual objects in the stored magic weapons and let Li Wenli and others select them.

During this period, there were not many monks who wanted to resist, but before they could take action, Li Zhirui destroyed the Dantian. It was not a big deal that they would not be able to practice in the future, because they had no future at all!

Their Dantian was shattered, their realm fell, and most importantly, they, who had already exceeded the limit of mortal life, died in just half a quarter of an hour!

Under the threat of death, no monk dared to resist, so he honestly poured out the spiritual objects and let Li Wenli and others choose.

After working hard for half an hour, I finally finished it.

Li Zhirui immediately withdrew his pressure and let everyone leave.


Li Zhirui seemed to have suddenly thought of something, and said: The God Transformation Ceremony will not be held, but remember to send the congratulatory gifts.

Not holding a grand ceremony, firstly, he doesn't like it and finds it troublesome, and secondly, when holding a grand ceremony, major nearby forces must be invited to participate, which is a huge expense. The most important thing is that he doesn't want to preach to outsiders.

Senior, please rest assured!

How could everyone dare to say no, so they quickly responded before continuing on the road back to the clan.

You put these spiritual objects into categories, especially the spiritual seeds. You must keep them well. I will take the first step.

After entering the formation, Li Zhirui immediately dodged away.

As for the Nascent Soul Thunder Tribulation, which caused many beings to surround them and spread false news to those forces, it has also begun.

Li Zhirui stood not far away. Seeing Long Li's relaxed expression, he knew that he could definitely break through.

After another long while, Longli's lightning disaster quickly dissipated, as if it had never happened before, and he successfully broke through to the fourth level.

Seeing Jiang Fengwu closing his eyes and feeling the magic power coming from Longli's breakthrough, Li Zhirui couldn't help but think of Daqing and the others, as well as Ashen in the space.

The first three were okay. After all, they were all fourth-level spirit beasts. Although the mana gained after breaking through to the gods was huge, they could digest it slowly.

But Ashen was different. When Li Zhirui broke through, he was just a second-level little demon spirit. To him, those magical powers were like huge waves, and those who had no power to fight back were swallowed up.

Fortunately, he did not die, but fell into a deep sleep. Otherwise, Li Zhirui could only change his skills. Not to mention the incompleteness of his other skills, his level would be far inferior to the All Spirits Sutra.

But it won't work if it doesn't change. The death of the contracted spirit beast means that it is incomplete. First, it has to bear the pain of backlash, and it will not be able to go any further in the future.

Fortunately, Ashen's condition is relatively stable and she is just unconscious.


Li Zhirui did not disturb Jiang Fengwu's refining of mana, but quietly returned to the quiet room and continued to deduce the fifth-level treasure pill.

In just one day, the outside world knew that Li Zhirui had broken through to become a god and defeated a large number of monks and monsters on his own, leaving many monsters behind.

As for embarrassing things like handing over life-buying spiritual objects, they will naturally not spread it.

After most of the casual cultivators learned about this, they could only exclaim and express a few words of emotion in time, but did not take it to heart at all. After all, it was impossible for them to provoke the Li family.

In fact, Xuan Bing Sect and others did not release the news to these casual cultivators at all.

A god-turned-ancestor appears in the Li family?!

After the shopkeeper of Xuanfa Pavilion learned the news, he immediately reported the matter back to the headquarters, but he knew that from now on, his relationship with the Li family must be good!

Because Li Zhirui is a master of alchemy! A true alchemy master who can deduce elixir recipes on his own!

If he can refine a fifth-level treasure pill, he will be greatly sought after, because there are very few spiritual objects that can help monks practice, and the price is even more horrifyingly expensive. A little bit of practice.

This is also one of the reasons why it is still difficult for monks to ascend to the gods even though they have a lifespan of two thousand years. This is because not all monks are like Li Zhirui, who can achieve the status of god in just five or six hundred years.

It is true that monks who can break through to become gods are the pride of heaven, but it does not mean that they were young when they made the breakthrough.

And even if Li Zhirui cannot refine the fifth-level elixir, the quality of the fourth-level elixir refined by the God-Transforming Lord is absolutely extraordinary, and its value is still expensive.

Compared to Xuanfa Pavilion, the shopkeeper of Nanya Chamber of Commerce was more decisive. As soon as he learned the news, he visited in person.

Sorry, Ruizu is practicing. If you have anything, fellow Taoist, you can tell me. Li Wenli came forward to receive the shopkeeper.

The shopkeeper was not disappointed, because even if Li Zhirui had not gone into seclusion, he would not have come out to see him in person. He knew that he did not have such a high status, but his face was still full of smiles and said: I heard that a senior in your family has made a breakthrough, so I came here to congratulate him. , I would like to ask fellow Taoists not to dislike the small gift I brought.

Li Wenli did not refuse. After thanking him, he stopped talking and waited for the other party to take the initiative to reveal his purpose.

I think your family can work more closely with the Chamber of Commerce. I wonder how it would be friendly?

Li Wenli refused without hesitation in his heart. It was impossible for the Li family to tie themselves to a big tree. This would only harm themselves, but for the sake of the Chamber of Commerce's face, he did not say it immediately.

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