We must not let these borers go!

Xiao Qing shouted angrily: We can use this opportunity to warn other tribesmen to prevent traitors from appearing again!

He had always had a bad temper, and he had tolerated it for so many years because he had taken care of the overall situation. But now that Li Zhirui had successfully broken through the divine transformation and returned to Ten Thousand Immortals Island, there was no reason for him to continue to swallow his anger.

But killing everyone directly will definitely cause panic among the tribesmen. Daqing immediately expressed his opinion. He still hoped to use gentler means to resolve the matter.

Seeing this, the two began to argue, refusing to give in to each other.

During this period, Li Zhirui did not stop the two of them, but frowned in thought. After a while, he asked: Feng Wu, are the two spirit beasts you contracted with possible to break through to the fourth level in the near future?

Longli has been in seclusion for a long time, and he should be able to break through in a few years.

After saying that, Jiang Fengwu understood what he meant, Are you planning to use the Dragon Carp Thunder Tribulation as bait to lure the snake out of its hole?

But why bother? Over the years, we have collected a lot of evidence, and we can take down those traitors at any time.

Several people present looked at him with doubtful eyes, and a strange smile appeared on Li Zhirui's lips, saying: In order to ensure that outside forces can arrive in time, they will definitely spread the news as soon as the thunder disaster begins to take shape. .

And what we have to do is wait for them to finish spreading the news and control them as soon as possible! Then deal with those monks who don't know how to live or die.

He is not a good man or woman. Over the past hundreds of years, no fewer than a thousand monks have died at the hands of Li Zhirui!

Brother Ninth, are you planning to take the opportunity to attack other forces?

Daqing reacted immediately and couldn't help frowning: Are you too anxious? You have to offend several Nascent Soul forces at once. This puts too much pressure on the family.

Just a warning, I'll just collect some interest by the way. Li Zhirui had no intention of taking action.

Although he has become a god, his combat power is always limited. If he really wants to take action against nearby forces, the family's losses will definitely not be small! It will also delay your own cultivation time, which is not worth it.

The main purpose of Li Zhirui's doing this was to test who these Nascent Soul forces were, and to force them to take out precious spiritual objects to beg for his forgiveness.

Let's do this for the time being. We still have to discuss how to do it.

Everyone agreed that it was already several hours later, so Li Zhirui did not try to persuade them to stay, and said: It's been a bit hard for me to travel all the way, so let's go back on our own.

After Li Zhirui returned to his family, he still stayed behind closed doors, just outside the courtyard gate, quietly waiting for time while studying the fifth-level treasure elixir that he had temporarily given up on.

His purpose in deducing the fifth-level treasure pill is very simple, just to speed up his own cultivation!

The practice of transforming into gods is different from before. Mana is still the key point, but if you want to break through, you must collect some kind of Yuan Qi from the heaven and earth, and then merge with the soul to be promoted to Yang Shen. From then on, you will have a wonderful form and spirit. .

It was extremely dangerous to transform the soul into Yang before, let alone integrating foreign objects into it? Therefore, in order to reduce the difficulty, most monks will choose the Yuan Qi corresponding to the laws they control.

Moreover, doing so can also promote the mastery and understanding of the rules and enhance one's own combat power.

Before breaking through to transform into gods, Li Zhirui knew nothing about transforming into gods, and had no idea where to start to deduce the elixir recipe, but now that he has become one of them, he also has some rough ideas.

But it is not perfect enough, let alone the rationality of Danfang.

However, Li Zhirui is not in a hurry. He still has a lot of longevity and enough energy to spend on this.

And his return also completely calmed down Jiang Fengwu and others, and the show could only begin.

Soon, nearly three years passed.

On this day, there was a sudden wave of fluctuations on the top of the mountain, and the calamity clouds began to take shape.

And just as soon as Jie Yun appeared, those traitors couldn't wait to send news to the outside world!

But they never imagined that as soon as the news was sent out, they would be arrested the next moment.

Who are you! How dare you attack me! The foreign affairs elder was horrified and wanted to attract the attention of other tribesmen by shouting.

The number of Li Zhirui and others was too small to capture many traitors at the same time, so he called Li Wenli over and asked him to arrange for trustworthy clan members, and just wait for an order to control them all.

When Li Wenli saw the sudden appearance of Li Zhirui that day, he was startled. Because he had restrained his aura, Li Wenli mistakenly thought that Li Zhirui's breakthrough had failed. He comforted him with a depressed look on his face: Ruizu, with your ability, you can definitely break through. God-incarnation, you can’t be disheartened because of a temporary failure.”

This made Li Zhirui dumbfounded. He let go of his breath and explained: I have become a god!


Li Wenli was stunned for a long time, unable to finish his words.

Fortunately, he is not stupid, and he quickly figured out that Li Zhirui broke through from the outside world. This surprise will definitely catch Xuan Bing Sect and other forces with ulterior motives by surprise!

There is something for you to deal with.

After getting back to the topic, both of their expressions became serious.

Li Zhirui didn't even try to persuade Li Wenli, he just nodded and agreed. As the leader of the clan, he was the last person to tolerate the existence of traitors and traitors.

After taking action, he realized how much the family had rotted under his eyes over the years.

Especially the foreign affairs elder!

The family treats the elders very well. The monthly salary and various benefits are far beyond those of ordinary Yuanying elders.

But even so, there are still elders who collaborate with the enemy!

If he hadn't been of some use, Li Wenli would have killed him right away.


The news from Ten Thousand Immortals Island quickly spread in all directions. It was obvious that the forces that did not want the Li family to give birth to a god were not only the Xuanbing Sect and the Monster Clan, but also other forces.

The news was reported layer by layer and soon reached the respective mountain gates.

The day has finally arrived!

Li Zhirui must not be allowed to break through to become a god, otherwise this far east corner will completely become the territory of the Li family!

My Xuan Bing Sect will surrender to him!

Humans and monsters are at odds with each other. Once a god-transformation monk appears in the Li family, we will never allow a powerful monster clan to be nearby. We must either die or escape!

If we talk about some small forces, they are still a little hesitant when they 'really' have to face this matter, but the Xuanbing Sect and the Monster Clan did not hesitate to summon an army and march towards Ten Thousand Immortals Island! (End of chapter)

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