Zhirui, are you leaving now?

Jiang Fengwu looked at Li Zhirui, who had left the quarantine early, and asked uneasily, Is it really okay?

Don't worry, Nanya Chamber of Commerce is based on business, how could they attack me for no reason? It's not like I don't have the ability to pay off my debts.

From the very beginning, Li Zhirui had no intention of going into seclusion on Ten Thousand Immortals Island to break through to divine transformation!

Because he knew that the news that he had broken through to the late stage of Nascent Soul could not be kept secret forever, and one day it would be known to all parties.

From this day on, they will pay special attention to the movements of the Li family!

When Li Zhirui overcomes the tribulation, no matter how well prepared his family is, it will be useless. Without enough strength, they cannot resist the obstruction of the Xuanbing Sect and the Demon Clan!

And there is a high probability that they will destroy the Li family easily.

Although the human-monsters are mortal enemies of the race and cannot join forces, and even the Xuanbing Sect will take the initiative to retreat to avoid getting involved with the demon clan, even if there is only the Daxue Mountain demon clan, the Li family is no match!

Therefore, for the sake of his own life and that of his family, Li Zhirui could only leave Ten Thousand Immortals Island to break through.

field? impossible! Not to mention the safety issue, he needs strong spiritual energy when he breaks through, and it is difficult to satisfy it in the wilderness. After all, this kind of place has been occupied for a long time, how could it be empty?

There were only various fairy cities and cities. In order not to disturb his breakthrough, he thought of the kind of caves that were specially rented out to provide retreat and protection.

This is indeed a very good idea, and it brings convenience to many monks. The disadvantage is that it is expensive, and many monks simply cannot afford it.

However, he could choose to serve him for a certain number of years to repay the spirit stones, but Li Zhirui didn't want to waste time on this, so he brought all the spirit stones that he had exchanged for high-grade spirit stones in his family.

There is also something to be said for choosing this. Xiao Men Xiao Hu's spiritual vein level is too low and cannot bear his breathing and absorption. After some screening, there are only two options left, Xuanfa Pavilion and Nanya Chamber of Commerce. .

In other words, he had only one option from beginning to end, and that was the Nanya Chamber of Commerce!

Xuanfa Pavilion is too close, and there is no guarantee that no one will secretly spread the news. However, the Nanya Chamber of Commerce is different. Its headquarters is in the Southern Territory, and it is far enough away that it will not meddle in the East Territory's business.

The family is counting on you! I will definitely come back within thirty years. Li Zhirui solemnly entrusted him.

He felt very sorry for Jiang Fengwu. She often had to sacrifice her training time to take care of the family for him.

After I break through to become a god, the family won't have so many trivial matters, and you can practice with peace of mind.

We will discuss this matter later. The most important thing is that you focus on your own cultivation now and make an early breakthrough. Jiang Fengwu rambled on about many small things, and it could be seen that she was still very uneasy.

Li Zhirui listened patiently and did not interrupt. Instead, he waited for her to finish speaking and then said warmly: I'm leaving. Don't send me off, so as not to be noticed by some interested people. If Sheng'er and Shuoer ask, just tell the truth. Well, let them help you share some of the pressure.

Then, he hid his figure, left Ten Thousand Immortals Island through the secret tunnel, and disappeared into the vast sea.

Time passed day by day, and for ten years, there was no movement in Li Zhirui's retreat room.

According to the script, Li Zhirui, disguised as Jiang Fengwu, appeared several times during this period, publicly claiming that he had broken through the late Nascent Soul stage.

The members of the Li family were naturally very excited because they were very likely to witness the birth of an ancestor who transformed into a god!

The casual cultivators in Wanxian Prefecture also discussed the matter a lot and expressed their own opinions, which caused a storm in the city and everyone knew about it.

The monks who didn't understand the situation thought that Li Zhirui had already achieved a breakthrough in becoming a god.

Xuanbing Sect.

Master, did the Li family deliberately release the news about Li Zhirui's breakthrough to become a god to tease us? Didn't he show up? an elder asked doubtfully.

Although the leader took the opportunity to collect a lot of rights, the elders were not stupid and could not hand over their foundation. However, even so, he also gained a high prestige in Xuanbing Sect.

Have you ever thought that this Li Zhirui is pretending to be here? The real Li Zhirui has been in seclusion, attacking the gods? the leader said with an inexplicable expression.


They really didn't think about it at first, but now they think it makes sense.

Don't worry, every move of the Li family cannot escape my observation. If Li Zhirui really wants to break through, I will know it as soon as possible.


Ten Thousand Immortals Island.

Sheng'er, have you found any information?

Before Li Zhirui left, he asked Jiang Fengwu for a very important thing, which was to take the opportunity to find the clan members in the family who were colluding with other forces!

But there is no need to rush to clean them up. After all, this situation happens repeatedly. Instead of doing this, it is better to catch everyone in your own hands and deliberately spread some false news. This will be more beneficial to the Li family.

Yes, among the elders, the foreign affairs elder and several deacons have connections with other forces. Among them, the foreign affairs elder passed the news to the Xuanbing Sect through a clan member who often goes out to hunt monsters!

If he hadn't been the Nascent Soul Lord, he would have been discovered by the cautious foreign affairs elders several times during his exploration and follow-up.

Li Chengcheng frowned and said, I'm afraid that Xuan Bingzong already knows that you are pretending to be your father, and will definitely be more sure that my father is attacking the gods.

It turns out it's him! He really knows people but doesn't know his heart. When has the family ever treated him badly? A sharp light flashed in Jiang Fengwu's eyes. He wished he could kill this bastard who betrayed the family's interests right now.

Mom, he may not be the only traitor among the elders, so don't talk to them about these things for the time being. This was the feeling in his heart, but there was no clue yet.

I understand, but as an elder, they are acting like dogs for other families. After this incident, we have to find a way to test whether they are loyal to the family.

It is really shocking that a high-ranking elder is actually a spy!

Fortunately, the Li family's family protection formation has always been managed by Jiang Fengwu himself and has never been borrowed from others. If it were handed over to a bad person, she could not imagine the consequences.

I don't know how your father is doing now? I hope he can break through and return home soon.


After traveling for more than a year, Li Zhirui finally arrived at the headquarters of the Nanya Chamber of Commerce.

Compared with Xuanfa Pavilion, Nanya Chamber of Commerce is more publicized, with various carved beams and painted buildings, gold tiles and red walls. When the sun shines, it shines with golden light and is so dazzling.

It doesn't look like some immortal monk, but rather the mortal palace.

He went to inquire about the retreat cave of the fourth-level spiritual vein that day. When he heard the number from the other party, even Li Zhirui couldn't help but said: This price is too expensive!

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