After communicating with him and cultivating a relationship, Li Zhirui said, Let me give you a name. Your real body is Purple Green Jade Ginseng, so I'll call you Qingyu and your nickname is Xiaozi. How about that?

As a name-dropper, he thought this name was already pretty good.

But Ginseng Tong is a little kid and has his own ideas. He said: I am Purple Jade Ginseng now, but when I break through the fourth level in the future, my true body will change. Is it possible that I have to change my name?

Why don't you give me a name for the time being? Just call me Ashen.

Li Zhirui didn't pay attention. The name was just for convenience. He nodded and said, Okay, you have the final say.

There should be some cultivation techniques in your inheritance, right? If not, that would be trouble!

In the human world, high-level demon clan skills are rare, not to mention the rarity of the demon spirit clan. There is no shadow of any skills on the market at all, and they have to be suitable for Ashen.

If there is no skill, then one can only use the most superficial breathing method to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and the essence of the sun and moon, and slowly increase one's own cultivation level.

Even if Li Zhirui can refine spiritual elixirs, there are various spiritual objects in the space, but the absorption efficiency is not high. At most, they can only catch up with the wild monsters, but there are monsters that inherit the skills.

Yes, what I inherited is the Dayuan Dikun Health Sutra, which is the most suitable method for practicing Shen Ling! Speaking of this, A Shen's little face showed a bright light.

Hearing this, Li Zhirui was also a little surprised. Except for Xiao Cang's inherited skills, Daqing and Xiaoqing's skills were relatively ordinary. It was only after their bloodline evolved that they awakened new skills.

Then you have to practice hard and don't let this skill down.

Li Zhirui continued: I will refine several furnaces of first-level elixirs for you, but the first-level is the time to lay the foundation. You can't just swallow the elixirs and practice. You have to polish your magic power.

He would be in seclusion for a long time and couldn't care about Ashen at all. He could only let him take care of himself and told him this matter by the way.

By the way, I asked Xiao Cang to bring in some Jade Slips of the Spiritual Planter. If you have nothing to do, you can study them.

The reason why Li Zhirui signed a contract with him was, firstly, because the demon spirit clan is quite special. As long as they are cultivated well, they may advance and break through faster than Xiao Cang in the future!

The second is to find a suitable labor force who can help him take care of the many spiritual objects in the space.

Although space is extremely mysterious, any spiritual creature can survive as long as it is planted! However, some spiritual objects need to be preserved using special methods after they mature; or the maturity period is extremely short and they will soon become corrupted and turn into spiritual seeds again, which must be picked in time.

In the past, Xiao Cang helped to deal with it, but now he is in the outside world, and Li Zhirui himself is busy attacking the gods. Over the years, I don't know how many spiritual objects have been missed.

Now that I have assam, this situation will never happen again in the future.

Okay, okay! Ashen was very happy.

After thinking for a while, he said: I want to cultivate some of my own kind and then raise them in this world. What do you think?

You can do it if you want, but in order to keep the secret, I will leave a backup in their souls. In this regard, Li Zhirui could not give in.

Ashen was a little hesitant. Although he believed that Li Zhirui would not take action against his fellow tribesmen in the future, being controlled by others like this was not much different from being a slave. He did not want his fellow tribesmen to become slaves.

If you don't want to, you can go to the outside world to cultivate them on the Ten Thousand Immortals Island. Then as long as they swear not to do anything to the Li family or harm the interests of the Li family, they can come and go freely on the island. Li Zhirui added after some consideration.

He also has his own thoughts in doing this. If Ashen can really cultivate demon spirits - maybe the demon spirit clan has some special method that can increase the chance of demon spirits being born - then he will definitely find a way to abduct them. , let him sign a contract with his tribe!

In this way, Ashen now has a kin, and a member of the Li family also has a rare demon spirit.

Then I'd better go to Ten Thousand Immortals Island to cultivate other members of my race.

Li Zhirui didn't say anything, only reminded him that in recent decades, he had to stay in the space and take care of these spiritual creatures.

Waiting for you to break through to the Divine Transformation, I wonder if I can break through the third level in one fell swoop with the help of the feedback mana. Ashen said out of the blue.

He felt that he would definitely break through to the second level in a few decades, and Li Zhirui's huge mana after breaking through the divine transformation might really help him reach the third level.

We'll know the result then. Li Zhirui's eyes lit up, but he couldn't be sure. After all, this kind of thing had never happened before.

If it really succeeds, it will save Ashen dozens or even hundreds of years of practice time!

And because it is a unique feature of the All Spirits Sutra, there will be no problems such as empty magic power and unstable foundation.

After chatting for a while, Li Zhirui and Ashen both started to get busy.

He first sent a message to Xiao Cang, briefly talking about Ashen's existence and asking him to exchange some basic Ling Zhifu techniques from the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion for Ashen to learn.

After doing this, he picked the first-level elixir and opened the furnace to refine the first-level elixir.

Li Zhirui has not refined a first-level elixir for many years, but with his alchemy cultivation, it is only a first-level elixir, so there is no difficulty at all.

And as long as he puts a little thought into it, he can refine the best elixir with elixir patterns!

Therefore, the refining efficiency is very high. In just half a day, hundreds of bottles of first-level elixirs were refined. Since all of them are top-grade elixirs, it is more than enough to satisfy Ashen's first-level cultivation.

Demon spirit ginseng boy?

But Xiao Cang was quite curious after hearing the message. He didn't expect that a demon spirit would be born during the years he was absent from the space.

He took action immediately. He couldn't wait to see with his own eyes what Ginseng Tong looked like.

Xiao Cang did not hide his actions, so he soon fell into the eyes of Jiang Fengwu and others, Why did Zhirui suddenly want the Lingzhu method?

Unfortunately, as soon as Xiao Cang entered the quiet room, he never came out again. No one could answer the doubts in their hearts.

Is this the legendary demon spirit ginseng boy?

Originally, Li Zhirui didn't want Xiao Cang to go to space to practice, but he couldn't stand him being so shameless, so he had no choice but to send him in.

But what he didn't know was that the main reason why Xiao Cang didn't want to stay on Ten Thousand Immortals Island was because the group of dragon beasts on the island would harass him from time to time!

You know, Xiao Cang is the only fifth-grade spiritual beast in the Li family, and he is also a dragon. This has a great attraction for the group of female dragon beasts in the mountains.

This made him upset, but he couldn't do anything to those dragon beasts. After all, these dragons were precious treasures of the Li family. It would be terrible if they were accidentally broken.

He originally wanted to leave Ten Thousand Immortals Island to avoid the limelight, but he didn't expect that Li Zhirui had communicated with him, so it would be better to hide in space directly.

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