The monk's spiritual consciousness is indeed important and can help people avoid many dangers, but it is not a good thing to rely too much on the spiritual consciousness and ignore the five senses.

Just like Yang Liu this time, he didn't notice that the other party used colorless and odorless fragrant powder to mark it. If Li Chengsheng hadn't keenly sensed something was wrong, they might have fallen into his trap.

It's my problem! I will pay more attention to it in the future! Yang Liu was shocked and sincerely thanked him, Thank you, fellow Taoist, for the reminder!

His natural consciousness was stronger than ordinary people's. After embarking on the path of cultivation and practicing the secret method of spiritual consciousness, his talent became stronger. Gradually, he became accustomed to using his spiritual consciousness to replace other senses.

There had been no accidents before, so he naturally didn't think anything was wrong. This time, he was lucky. Li Chengsheng and others were around to remind him, otherwise he would definitely fall hard! Even being seriously injured and dying is not impossible.

It's fine. Li Chengsheng smiled, not wanting to get into any more entanglements on this matter, and instead said, Everyone, go and have a rest and keep your condition perfect. After all, no one knows when the secret realm will be opened.

That's what fellow Taoist said.

The four of them each chose a room and began to adjust their breath and recover.

Time flies by, and in the blink of an eye, it's only a few days later.

In the past few days, many monks have come one after another. It is estimated that there are at least close to a hundred Nascent Souls. The number of Golden Core monks is slightly less, but there are still more than fifty.

As for the monsters, both in number and strength, they far exceeded the monks.

In the past few days, the four of them, Li Chengsheng, had stayed in their rooms and never stepped out of the room.


On this day, a low humming sound suddenly sounded between heaven and earth. All the monks reacted instantly and looked toward the secret realm.

I saw the aura of the phantom in the secret realm shining brightly, and a moon-white portal gradually taking shape. Through the hazy white light, I could see the rich and substantial aura inside the secret realm.

Although I didn't see any precious spiritual objects, the rich aura is a necessary condition for the growth of high-level spiritual objects, and there must be no shortage of high-level spiritual objects.

At the moment when the portal was completely formed, the Yuanying monks and the fourth-order monsters set out together, both wanting to enter the secret realm as soon as possible.

For this reason, all kinds of spells are flying around, just to stop the opponent and prevent him from getting in first.

hold on!

Li Chengsheng and other golden elixirs could only stand in place, not daring to move. Not to mention being able to resist the indiscriminate bombardment of spells, even if they got even slightly closer, they might be harmed by the terrifying energy waves!

It wasn't until half a quarter of an hour later that all the Yuanying and the fourth-level monsters entered the secret realm that they entered the scene.

Fellow Daoist Bai, use all your strength to activate the spirit ship, and we will resolve the interference! Li Chengsheng said in a deep voice.

If he read it correctly, the portal to the secret realm has faded a bit! They must enter the secret realm as soon as possible, otherwise the portal will be closed and they will miss it and wait so many days in vain!

Understood! Bai Qiushan and the others responded.


The spirit ship burst into flight, setting off a storm, and instantly surpassed a large group of monks.

Quick! Stop them!

We can't let them get the upper hand!

Several Jindan shouted loudly, and their teammates responded to the call, throwing various spells at Li Chengsheng and the four of them.

The three people who had already prepared their spells immediately took action to counterattack, neutralizing the attack while blocking other monks.

Fortunately, the spirit ship was of a good grade, and Li Chengsheng and others were also very strong. They successfully broke out from the crowd and were the first to enter the secret realm!

There was a spinning teleportation. The moment Li Chengsheng felt that he had stepped on the ground, he used his defensive magic weapon. After getting over the dizziness caused by the space shuttle, he took stock of the surrounding environment.

Am I on an island?

About a few miles away, you can see the turquoise water.

The island is not large, probably only about ten miles away. The vegetation is also very sparse, and there are no creatures with strong auras.


Li Chengsheng looked at the lake with a solemn expression. There might be some terrifying monsters hiding under the water. He just took a look and felt uneasy in his heart.

You can't stay here for long, you have to leave as soon as possible!

But he was afraid that after he flew into the air, he would attract the attention of the monster in the lake, which would be the real big trouble.

Thinking of this, Li Chengsheng raised his brows, carefully restrained his aura, and kept thinking in his mind how he could leave safely.

But soon, he waited for the opportunity to leave!

A passing Nascent Soul monk discovered the monster in the water. He took out a spiritual sword and slashed it down. It was like a meteorite falling from the sky, causing huge waves in the lake and completely angering the monster.


With a deafening dragon roar, a huge creature rushed out from the water.

It was a fourth-level dragon!

I didn't expect that there would be a dragon with such rich blood in the secret realm! The Nascent Soul monk was not surprised but overjoyed, with a greedy aura shining in his eyes.

Li Chengcheng, who was hiding aside, was also very surprised because the dragon's might was much stronger than that of other fourth-level dragons. The two sides were not at the same level at all!

But after thinking about it, he understood the reason. The laws of the secret realm restricted the dragon's realm, but it could not limit the improvement of his bloodline.

But because there was no way to break through, it caused a strange phenomenon where the cultivation level could not keep up with the bloodline.

As long as I take you down, I can not only get the spiritual objects in the lake, but also the various spiritual materials on your body, as well as the dragon essence and blood that is comparable to the fifth grade! The more he said, the greedier in Nascent Soul's eyes became more and more. obvious.

Human monk?!

The dragon was also more surprised than angry, and laughed wildly: Hahahahahaha, I didn't expect that I would be able to wait until the secret realm is opened in my lifetime!

As long as I take you down, I can know the location of the secret portal!

Before he finished speaking, the huge body turned into an afterimage and rushed toward him. The lake water below also began to boil, changing into various shapes, and launching attacks continuously.

Li Chengsheng, who was hiding in the distance, was watching the battle between Nascent Souls at such a close distance for the first time. He didn't dare to reveal the slightest bit of his breath, and even stopped breathing temporarily, just for fear of being discovered by them.

As the fight between one person and one dragon became more and more intense, he began to worry about whether he would suffer the same fate as the fish in the pond!

I originally thought it was my chance to escape, but I didn't expect that I was in danger.

Fortunately, the Nascent Soul woke up in time and fought with the dragon in the lake. He suffered some losses, so he slowly moved away from the battlefield.

This move gave Li Chengsheng hope of escape.

The dragon was naturally aware of the opponent's small movements, but it didn't pay attention because it had unparalleled confidence in its own strength!

You must know that in the secret realm, you cannot break through. You can only constantly polish your body, mana, and refine your bloodline to improve your strength.

And it has done all of this over the course of thousands of years!

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