However, after flying a certain distance, Li Zhirui suddenly stopped and said to himself: If I was seriously injured and had many spiritual objects on my body, and was coveted by many monks, I would definitely not attack the family directly. Fly away.

Otherwise, just the various ambushes and troubles he encountered on the road would be enough to make him die without a burial place!

The monks from Wanxiang Sect should also take a detour, but I don't know which direction they will choose to take a detour.

Li Zhirui stood in mid-air, unable to make up his mind for a moment.

But at this moment, there was suddenly a loud whistling sound in the air, and several powerful attacks came from all directions.

The magical power is terrifying, the sword energy is arrogant, and every attack wants to kill him!

not good!

Since he had guessed that there would be many monks ambushing him on the way to the Wanxiang Sect, but he was still standing openly and openly in the air. Wasn't this a living target for others? !

But now is not the time to be upset. With a thought in his mind, he pressed his whole body downwards, and with a flash of green light, he escaped among the vast vegetation.

He is actually a Nascent Soul who is proficient in Wood Release.

The few Nascent Souls who were hiding aside for the sneak attack were slightly frightened. They carefully guarded their surroundings and took their disciples into the air, fearing that Li Zhirui would suddenly appear next to them.

They have been squatting here for a long time, and they all know each other's existence. It's just because the monks from the Wanxiang Sect haven't appeared yet, so they stay nearby peacefully.

Originally, their patience was about to run out and they planned to retreat, but they didn't expect that Li Zhirui suddenly barged in!

The Nascent Soul cultivator who is alone may not gain much, but it is easy to solve.

You can't stay here for so long and leave without getting anything, right? Therefore, all parties took action in unison.

But they didn't expect that Li Zhirui would escape under their siege!

The consciousness of several Nascent Souls were searching nearby, trying to find his whereabouts, but they didn't expect that Li Zhirui had already used his escape technique to leave the encirclement, hiding in the dark and quietly observing.

Although he was quite confident in his own strength, it was still too difficult for him to fight against many without Da Qing and Xiao Qing.

If these people started fighting in a melee, he might even try to fish in troubled waters and catch some spiritual objects.

Unfortunately, the few Nascent Souls present are not fools. A Nascent Soul hiding in the dark, waiting for opportunities, is too threatening. If they really want to fight, he might be making wedding clothes for others.

Therefore, after many fruitless searches, several forces chose their own direction to leave.


Li Zhirui sighed, looked in both directions, and finally chose the right at random. If he really couldn't meet the Wanxiang Sect, it could only be God's will.


In front of a certain high mountain, the Wanxiang Sect's spiritual ship had been breached by the other two forces, and its disciples tried their best to save their lives, although a few were accidentally killed.

However, based on their cultivation, Wanxiang Sect might not use such precious life cards on them, so they didn't worry too much.

But what makes people feel strange is that from beginning to end, the leader Nascent Soul did not show up!

The two masked Nascent Souls looked at each other and asked people to open all the rooms on the spirit ship, but he was nowhere to be seen.

However, in a certain room that looked very gorgeous, I saw a scrapped talisman.

Ha! Your Yuanying Master has abandoned you a long time ago.

After taking one look at the useless talisman, the two Nascent Souls knew what was going on and couldn't help but sneer.

That talisman is a fourth-level phantom talisman. When activated, it can transform into a phantom that is exactly the same as the user, whether in breath or appearance, making it impossible to tell them apart.

The disciples of the Wanxiang Sect, who had originally thought of resisting and refusing to obey, instantly collapsed when they heard the news!

They never imagined that they and others would become bait! Became an outcast!

With their minds broken, many disciples cried loudly. If this was the result, they might as well have fled each other from the beginning. Maybe they could save their own lives, and how could they become the scapegoats of others like they are now.

Tell me, where are the spiritual stones and spiritual objects you brought?

Before seeing the final harvest, the two forces can still coexist peacefully and will not fight over the spiritual objects that have not yet been seen.

It's all on Uncle Yuanzhong, we were just arranged by the sect to show off. Wang Banxia said with a bitter look on his face.

Like the Li family, when they encounter a large-scale auction like this, they will bring a few outstanding juniors to see the world.

But like the Wanxiang Sect, there is no need for this at all. The rewards of outstanding disciples going out to practice are more abundant than watching a few boring auctions.

Although the two Nascent Souls had already expected it, they couldn't help but be disappointed when they heard the answer.

Do you have any of his belongings on you?

Maybe we can use the secret tracking method to find him.

Everyone was silent. They were not taken very seriously in the Wanxiang Sect. Many people had never seen Yuan Zhong before, let alone a personal item.

The two of them were furious for a while, but they really wanted to kill them, but they were also afraid of being liquidated by the Wanxiang Sect afterwards.

He could only seal their Dantian and spiritual consciousness, use up their limbs and hand muscles, and let the disciples step forward to take away their stored magic weapons.

Then they were thrown into the mountains to be devoured by wild beasts.


At this time, Yuan Zhong, who had escaped the disaster, was flying frantically towards the gate of Wanxiang Sect.

He still has hundreds of years to live, and he must not die here!

As for those disciples who attracted the attention of many monks for him, whether they live or die depends on their fate.

‘We are about to enter the realm of Wanxiang Sect! ’ Yuan Zhong felt a sense of joy. As long as he entered Wanxiang Prefecture, he would be completely safe.


Unfortunately, he was not happy for long. A huge wave appeared out of thin air and caught him off guard.

I didn't expect that I would actually squat down! A Nascent Soul monk said with excitement in his eyes.

When he left Xuanfa Prefecture and failed to follow the Wanxiang Sect's spiritual ship, he went straight to the vicinity of Wanxiang Prefecture and waited for the arrival.

Originally I just wanted to try my luck, but I never expected that I would actually be met by him!

Fellow Daoist Yuanzhong, your injury is so serious, it's better to just surrender and avoid the pain. There was uncontrollable joy in Yuanying's tone.

Hmph! What a sneaky rat! He dares to talk so shamelessly! Yuan Zhong shouted coldly with a stern expression.

That's all. Since fellow Taoist is stubborn and stubborn, let me teach you how to use it!

The man was also worried about long nights and many dreams. After all, this place was only a thousand miles away from Wanxiang Prefecture, so it would be easy for him to wait for support. (End of chapter)

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