Still want to escape? Leave them all to me!

The few transformation gods who rushed over first vented all the anger they had held in their hearts for a long time on the demon cultivator.

The demon cultivators who were originally so arrogant were now powerless to resist and could only watch their bodies being separated.

However, a few Nascent Soul demon cultivators used the lives of others to temporarily withstand the blow and managed to survive, but they were still seriously injured due to the impact.

Many times, the higher the cultivation level, the better, but in some special moments, it is just the opposite!

For example, now, the ancestors of the gods who have arrived one after another, their first target is the Nascent Soul Demonic Cultivators. In this way, they have given Jindan and many low-level demonic cultivators a chance to escape.

For a time, countless demon cultivators scattered like birds and beasts, fleeing frantically towards the south.

No one can guarantee that he will survive, but as long as he runs faster than others, the probability of his survival will be greater.

Li Zhirui, who was hiding in the cave, saw countless escaping auras in the air, and became more and more careful to hide himself, and at the same time, he was ready to escape into the space at any time.

The power of the transformed god far exceeded his imagination!

Now he no longer fantasizes about gaining enlightenment from Xuanfa Pavilion, and only hopes that he can retreat safely and return to Ten Thousand Immortals Island.

Facing the demon cultivators who were fleeing in all directions, the ancestors of the gods did not kill them all. In Li Zhirui's view, they even meant to let them escape.

'Why is this? ’ He had some vague thoughts, which should be related to karma, but he was not sure, mainly because he did not know much about these advanced knowledge.

Under the fierce attack of more than a dozen ancestors of the gods, within a quarter of an hour, almost all of the fifty or so Nascent Soul demon cultivators hated this.

Only a few people had both luck and the means to escape.

But even if they are still alive, they still have very serious injuries. If they don't settle down early, they will most likely die from the serious injuries!

And after something like this happened, Xuanfa Pavilion's large-scale auction, which was held once every ten years, was naturally unable to be held.

Xuanfa Pavilion now neither has the face to continue hosting the event, nor does it have enough manpower.

Although not many monks died in Xuanfa Pavilion, most of the corpses scattered throughout the south were those of casual cultivators and monks from other forces.

But the death of dozens of Nascent Souls was enough to greatly reduce the strength of Xuanfa Pavilion! I had to close the door and lick my wounds.

That is to say, for top powers such as Xuanfa Pavilion, if it were other families and sects, the death of a few Nascent Souls would seriously damage their vitality, and they might even face overthrow.

Dozens of Nascent Souls die? There simply aren't that many of them!

Moreover, the various forces that came to participate in the auction probably had no intention of staying any longer. After all, many of them died under the siege of the demon cultivators.

The most important thing is that this incident made them lose trust in Xuanfa Pavilion!

The foundation of a chamber of commerce, in addition to sufficient spiritual items and fair prices, the most important thing is the safety of customers!

But this auction in Xuanfa Pavilion caused the death of tens of thousands of monks! This is already equivalent to an old large-scale Nascent Soul sect! Looking at the entire Eastern Region, these forces are second only to the three major sects of the Wanxiang Sect!

How can anyone be reassured by such a horrific number of deaths?

If Xuanfa Pavilion does not handle this matter well and resolve its negative impact as soon as possible, the Chamber of Commerce in the Eastern Region may no longer be the only one in the future.

For example, the Nanya Chamber of Commerce has been preparing to further expand its business scale in the Eastern Region over the years.

Big forces such as Wanxiang Sect and Tianyan Sect have always had their own chambers of commerce, but their scale and strength are far inferior to Xuanfa Pavilion. They have always been suppressed and relegated to a corner.

But now Xuanfa Pavilion is severely damaged and has suffered heavy losses. If they don't seize such a good development opportunity, they really deserve to be suppressed for so many years.

There are even some elders who are starting to think about what to do next to make their chamber of commerce take a further step.

My Xuanfa Pavilion did not provide good hospitality this time. Please forgive me. In order to compensate you, Xuanfa Pavilion will bear all losses. At the same time, we will also give you a gold card that gives you a 20% discount on any purchase! A transformed god stood up and said sincerely.

Senior, what you said is serious! No one wants to encounter this kind of man-made disaster. Your Chamber of Commerce should not be blamed. It is all because of those damn demon cultivators!

Some people want to support their own family, and naturally there are others who want to provide help in times of need and take the opportunity to establish a good relationship with Xuanfa Pavilion.

If we really compare the two, more people would choose the latter. After all, not every force has the strength to promote the Chamber of Commerce.

Thank you for your understanding, little friend, but the compensation is still indispensable!

While he was talking to everyone, the few Nascent Soul monks who were still alive had already prepared everything. Hearing this, they hurried forward and distributed the compensation and gold cards to everyone, while constantly apologizing.

Don't worry, everyone! Xuanfa Pavilion will ensure that such a thing will never happen again in the future! In one month, Xuanfa Pavilion will summon monks to attack the demon cultivators within a radius of 50,000 miles! Avenge the dead monks!

It can be seen that the demon cultivator's action this time has really angered Xuanfa Pavilion, and he plans to clear out the nearby demon cultivators.

And this action, rather than retaliating against the demonic cultivators, is more about demonstrating one's strength to all parties and telling them that one is still strong and it is best to put away those little thoughts.

When the Wanxiang Sect and other monks present heard this, a trace of sarcasm flashed in their eyes. Even though they were like this, they did not forget to threaten everyone.

You must be eager to return home, so I won't keep you here. You can fly within Xuanfa Prefecture.

Normally, flying is prohibited in Xuanfa Prefecture, but now it is naturally a special matter.

After hearing this, everyone said goodbye one after another, and immediately took out the spirit boat and flew towards their mountain gate.

Li Zhirui, who had been watching here, immediately withdrew his gaze and escaped into the space at the same time.

There were many monks here before, so it didn't matter if he was a little bit more arrogant, but now they have all left. If it is still the same as before, it is tantamount to seeking death!

Fortunately, the space is special and can be contacted without using magic power. Otherwise, Li Zhirui would probably be discovered by those transformed gods!

Perhaps, I can try to be a green forest once. Li Zhirui suddenly had an idea.

Among that group of monks, there were monks from the Tianyan Sect of the Wanxiang Sect and the Sword Sect!

They are all Yuanying realm monks, and they cannot guarantee that they have the insight to break through to become gods. After all, the sect must ensure that this kind of thing will not be leaked to the outside world.

But when they came to participate in the auction, they must have brought many spiritual stones and spiritual objects with them.

These are his goals! (End of chapter)

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