Rebuilding the Xiuxian family

Chapter 718 Explosion

Fortunately, Li Zhirui was always cautious and left early. He saw these demon cultivators and bought himself more time.


Stop talking! Come with me quickly! Li Zhirui shouted in a cold voice.

The four people with lower cultivation levels had no idea what was going on. They just felt that his anger was too strange, but they did not dare to say anything anymore. They lowered their heads and followed him closely, but there was something in their hearts. dissatisfied.

Until the warning bell of Xuanfa Prefecture rang in all directions, the darkness was overwhelming, and the black clouds that could not see the border were approaching, and a strong sense of suffocation came over the face.

The Li family members who were initially disapproving and even a little dissatisfied saw this scene and were trembling all over, unable to even speak.

They dare not think about what would happen if they stayed in the auction house!

You know, the area of ​​Xuanfa State is not large, and the location of the auction house is only a few hundred miles away from the border!

With such a short distance, it would take the demon cultivators only a few breaths to reach it.

Surrounded by such a large number of demon cultivators, Li Zhirui may still have a glimmer of hope, but they will definitely not survive!

Xiaoqing, hurry up! Take us away from the east! Li Zhirui couldn't care about anything else now, he just wanted to escape from the siege of the demon cultivators.

Xiao Qing heard the urgency and anxiety in his tone, and without any hesitation, she vibrated her wings and flew towards the distance. At the same time, she continued to use her magic power to control the atmosphere around her to speed up her speed.

Someone ran away! A Nascent Soul, a fourth-level spirit beast. As for the remaining four golden elixirs, they didn't even notice them.

The demon cultivators immediately spotted Li Zhirui and the others who were escaping, but no one pursued them because compared to these two, there were more Nascent Soul cultivators in Xuanfa Prefecture.

Another point is that Xiao Qing's speed is too fast, and only a few of them can catch up.

After escaping for hundreds of miles and seeing no demon cultivators chasing after him, Li Zhirui asked Xiao Qing to stop and said: Xiao Qing, take them back to Wanxian Island and tell Feng Wuxuan what happened in Fazhou. , let her and the family prepare.

He was worried that this war would spread to Wanxian State. To avoid the death of his clan members, he had to avoid it in advance.

Brother Ninth, do you plan to stay in Xuanfa Prefecture? It's too dangerous! Xiao Qing, who has always been bold, did not agree with it this time.

When he first ran away, he saw the demonic energy soaring into the sky and the endless black clouds of evil energy. He didn't dare to think how many demonic cultivators there were.

Whether it is the Demon Cultivator or the Xuanfa Pavilion, the Li family and Li Zhirui cannot provoke them. If something unexpected happens, the consequences will be disastrous!

Don't worry, I will be more careful. Uncharacteristically, Li Zhirui looked particularly determined.

This was an impromptu decision he made on the way to escape. He wanted to fish out a few fish from the muddy water in Xuanfa State. Maybe there would be spiritual objects or methods that could help him break through the transformation into a god. .

Then I'll stay with you.

Li Zhirui glared at him and said, Then how can they go back?

Okay, let's go now, don't worry about me.

After saying that, he turned around and flew to Xuanfa State alone.

Ancestor Qingpeng, why don't you stay and help Ancestor Zhirui, and we should be more careful on the road, and nothing will happen. One of the tribesmen whispered.

To put it bluntly, let alone the four of them who died here, there were forty or hundreds of tribesmen, and they were not as important as Li Zhirui alone.

That's all, I'll send you back first, and then rush to Xuan Fazhou as quickly as possible. Xiao Qing was also a little shaken, but thinking of Li Zhirui's instructions, she still didn't disobey him.


at the same time.

Inside Xuanfa State.

Damn it! Why did the casual cultivators join forces with the demonic cultivators?

But now is not the time to dwell on this matter. Several elders who usually preside over the affairs of the Chamber of Commerce took action one after another.

Some told the Ancestor of Transformation God; some organized manpower to start a counterattack; some contacted the monks from all sides who stayed in Xuanfa Prefecture and asked for their help...

In just half a quarter of an hour, an army of monks was formed.

But at this time, the venue where Xuanfa Pavilion originally held a large-scale auction, which was supposed to be crowded with monks, has now turned into a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood!

Countless monks and demon cultivators died here.

But this is actually only part of it, because the living ones are more nutritious than the dead monks.

It has to be said that Song Yalong chose an excellent time. If it hadn't been during the auction, there would never have been so many monks in Xuanfa Prefecture.

Only in that magnificent auction house were there a large number of monks!

If Xuanfa Pavilion had not specially arranged a fifth-level formation in the auction house in order to prevent monks from robbing or using secret methods to steal spiritual objects, otherwise these monks would have had no choice but to rush out of the encirclement at the risk of their lives, let alone hide in the formation. Below, save your life.

Therefore, it is not that all parties want to help Xuanfa Pavilion, but they have to help!

Otherwise, the corpses all over the place would be their fate.

Those demon cultivators are so audacious! They actually dared to attack Xuanfa Pavilion as a Nascent Soul! After this disaster is over, I will report it to the sect and cleanse the surrounding demon cultivators! A certain Nascent Soul cultivator said fiercely said.

A pessimistic monk said bitterly: Whether he can survive or not is still a matter of doubt.

If we hold on for a little longer, Xuanfa Pavilion will definitely send someone to rescue us!

Otherwise, Xuanfa Pavilion will really be nailed to the pillar of shame!

A dignified god-forming force was randomly bullied by a group of Yuanying monks, and they wantonly captured and killed the monks who participated in the auction.


Just when everyone was expecting Xuanfa Pavilion to send reinforcements, a powerful explosion suddenly occurred inside them.

Relying on being the loyal 'dog' of Xuanfa Pavilion for several years, Song Yalong took two Nascent Soul puppets and entered the interior of Xuanfa State.

Of course, it is impossible to be in that kind of core area, but for an outsider, it is already very rare.

So Song Yalong didn't force it anymore. When the time came to agree, he activated the secret method and controlled those low-level puppets to attack Xuanfa State and attract the attention of Xuanfa Pavilion.

Then with the help of the puppet's mouth, he notified the demon cultivators who had already been lurking, allowing them to launch a real attack.

When Xuanfa Pavilion summoned men to prepare for a counterattack, Song Yalong also responded positively to the call, and at this time, the puppets brought in came in handy!

He directly controlled two puppets and blew themselves up in the crowd!

The self-destruction of the Nascent Soul monks is no less powerful than the attack of the Ancestor of the Transformation God, and they are standing near a large number of monks. The terrifying energy impact is like a huge wave, directly engulfing the surrounding monks.

A few monks who react very quickly may be able to save their lives, but most of the monks are either dead or injured, and they are extremely seriously injured!

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