Ancestor, in two months, Xuanfa Pavilion will hold a large-scale ten-year auction. Does the family want to participate? Li Wenli asked, and at the same time handed over the list of auction items.

What's the family's opinion? Li Zhirui asked while checking the jade slips.

There are many spiritual objects in the auction that the family needs, so most people want to participate.

Although the Li family is cultivating fifth-level spiritual veins, they have always saved another amount of spiritual stones as a reserve, which is just for use here.

Then go ahead.

For more than half a year, the Li family has been sending people to keep an eye on the Sanding Sect, but nothing unusual was found, so Li Zhirui gradually relaxed his vigilance, feeling that the previous speculation was that he was too worried.

If it were him half a year ago, he would never agree.

This time, I will lead the team myself.

Li Wenli was shocked when he heard this. He knew that Li Zhirui had not left the cave for several years, but now he broke the rules for an auction.

It can also be seen from this that Li Zhirui is still not at ease, and the auction is not safe in the first place, so he went to protect the safety of the spiritual objects and the clan members.

Get ready to go.

Li Wenli could only retreat.

Are you really planning to go out? If you go like this, not only will the results of several years of meditation be ruined, but at least half of the effect will be lost. Why don't you let me go? Jiang Fengwu said uneasily.

It doesn't matter, I just happened to have been in seclusion for many years and I was depressed. I wanted to go out for a walk and relax.

Li Zhirui smiled and said: Maybe when I come back, I will be able to break through the bottleneck and be able to break through to the spirit form soon?

Then remember to bring both Daqing and Xiaoqing with you. He was now relaxed, but Jiang Fengwu became even more nervous.

Don't worry. Even if he is in front of the transformed god, he can escape safely.

Because it would be too troublesome to explain, Li Zhirui did not say the next sentence.

When the time comes, I will ask you to protect the family.


Inside the underground palace of Sanding Sect.

Song Yalong looked at the invitations and jade slips sent from Xuanfa Pavilion in his hands, and couldn't help but laughed crazily: I have finally waited for this day! I must make you pay the price!

If anyone saw what he looked like now, they would definitely be shocked!

The whole person was as shriveled as a skeleton, with only a thin layer of skin and flesh covering the bones, making it completely impossible to tell that this was actually a Nascent Soul Lord.

The reason for this is the evil method that uses blood essence to control monks and refine them into puppets!

In the past few years, in addition to refining puppets, he has been trying his best to restore blood essence, swallowing treasure pills, eating various spiritual objects, and even practicing the Blood Demon Dao. Song Yalong has done it all.

Thanks to his unremitting efforts, as of today, he has more than 40,000 puppets in his hands! Among them, there are only two Nascent Soul puppets and more than a hundred Jindan puppets. The remaining puppets are all for foundation building and Qi training.

This is a very exaggerated number. Song Yalong is completely pushing himself to the limit of death to refine the puppet with blood essence.

In the last two months, Song Yalong did not refine any more puppets because he needed to recover so that he could successfully enter Xuanfa State.

At the same time, he also has to send most of the puppets nearby during this period of time, so that they can be easily controlled when he takes action and can better destroy the Xuanfa Pavilion.

While everyone is preparing enough funds for the auction, Song Yalong is implementing his own conspiracy!


Two months passed in a blink of an eye.

Soon it was time for the auction to start, and all the forces in the Eastern Region sent their disciples to Xuanfa State, and the Li family was no exception.

I don’t know what Li Wenli thought about it. There were only five tribesmen participating in the auction this time, including Li Zhirui. Like before, he took some outstanding tribesmen out to see the world. The situation of long-term exposure did not happen again this time. .

Because the number of people was relatively small, they took a faster spirit boat. If they flew at full speed, they were no slower than ordinary Nascent Soul cultivators.

When the time comes to really encounter danger, it will be easier for the spirit boat to escape.

This auction was actually much more lively than the last one. Li Zhirui said silently.

The wide streets are crowded with people, and there is no safe place to stay. As for walking? There was no need to even think about it. We could only move with the crowd.

Have a night's rest first, the first auction will begin tomorrow.

A night of silence.

Early the next morning, a large number of monks poured into Xuanfa Prefecture, and the auction house also opened its doors, waiting for the arrival of many monks.

Li Zhirui took the remaining four clan members into a private room in the auction house and said, If there are any spiritual objects that the family needs, just ask and take them.

But what happened next caught all the monks off guard.

Thousands of casual cultivators launched an attack on Xuanfa Pavilion without fear of death!

Because Xuanfa Pavilion failed to take active measures for a while, after all, who would have thought that a 'casual cultivator' would be so bold?

So at the beginning, the casual cultivators were unstoppable and had a huge advantage, even setting foot on the border of Xuanfa State.

Are those casual cultivators crazy? How dare they take action at this time? There must be someone behind the scenes instigating them. Do they want to see Xuanfa Pavilion embarrassed? The monks at the auction house heard the casual cultivators attacking Xuanfa. This is how most people reacted to the news from the state.

Because based on the strength of these casual cultivators, they will not cause any damage to Xuanfa Pavilion at all. Didn't you do this during the auction just to embarrass it in public?


In the private room, several tribesmen approached Li Zhirui uneasily.

It's okay, don't worry! I'm here, nothing will happen. That's what he said, but he felt a little uneasy in his heart. I'm afraid things are not as simple as everyone thought.

After thinking about it, I decided to take the clan members out of the auction house first.

Ancestor, the auction is about to start.

I won't participate, let's leave first!

With that said, Li Zhirui stood up from the couch, but before he could take a step forward, he heard a loud noise and the huge auction house trembled.

It turned out that several Jindan monks rushed into Xuanfa State and blew themselves up not far from the auction house!

This incident made all the monks stunned and couldn't believe it. At the same time, there was a strong feeling of something bad in their hearts.

Because they have the power of Jindan realm dead warriors, there are only a few of them in the entire Eastern Region!

Therefore, in the eyes of most monks, the mastermind behind these casual cultivators is one of them!

How could they, with their little arms and legs, dare to participate in the struggle between the two top forces?

Li Zhirui felt both lucky and a little regretful in his heart. The former was because he was lucky to have come and there were very few tribesmen, and the latter was because if he had not let down his guard, he would not be in danger now!

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