Just as the Li family was preparing the caravan and thinking about how to open up the market and gain a firm foothold, the Sanding Sect that caused the incident was planning a major event.

Senior brothers and sisters, Xuanfa Pavilion has been trapped! Just wait! I can avenge you! I will definitely make them pay the price!

A middle-aged man murmured to himself in a deep voice, which almost turned into actual hatred, which made people feel creepy.

But the two Nascent Soul casual cultivators sitting next to him had dull eyes and no reaction, just like two puppets.

In fact, these two people were indeed made into puppets by Song Yalong!

In other words, there is actually only one Nascent Soul among the three casual cultivators rumored by the outside world, and he is not a casual cultivator, but a disciple who was practicing in the outside world and looking for the opportunity to transform into a god when the Qingxuan Sect was destroyed!

As for the two puppets beside him, they were also Nascent Souls of the Qingxuan Sect when they were alive, but unlike Song Yalong, they were unwilling to avenge the Qingxuan Sect, so they were turned into puppets by him.

It wasn't that he didn't want to call in more fellow disciples to help, but when Song Yalong knew that the sect had been destroyed, the only fellow disciples he could contact were these two Nascent Souls, and the rest were just foundation building and golden elixirs, which couldn't help him at all. busy.

He also thought that he wanted to avenge the sect. No matter whether he succeeded or failed, he would inevitably die, but the inheritance still needed someone to carry it on.

Therefore, among these people, a few disciples with good qualifications and affection for the Qingxuan Sect were selected, and the inheritance of the Qingxuan Sect was entrusted to them, and then they were asked to stay away from the Eastern Region and go to the Southern Region to re-establish the Qingxuan Sect. Restore the glory of the sect!

The purpose of Song Yalong's establishment of the Sanding Sect was firstly to get close to Xuanfa Pavilion for future revenge, and secondly to collect resources to facilitate the reconstruction of the mountain gate in the future.

The most important thing is to strengthen your own strength!

While Song Yalong was training outside, he obtained an evil method that could turn a monk into a puppet, completely retaining his original strength!

And if he doesn't activate the method, the other party will be no different from a normal monk! Unless you're probing the soul, which monk would probe someone else's soul for no reason?

It is precisely because of the existence of this evil method, otherwise he would not dare to think about revenge. With just these three Nascent Souls, how can they take revenge?

Song Yalong recruited disciples without any conditions. In fact, he used them as materials for refining puppets. When they want to attack Xuanfa Pavilion, these suicide bombs will bring them huge trouble!

But since it is an evil method, the cultivation method is naturally unusual. Every time you refine a puppet, you need to pay a little blood essence as a price!

The essence and blood of a monk is limited. Even if he is a Nascent Soul monk, he only has a few hundred drops of essence and blood all over his body. If he is a physical practitioner, it may be a little more, but it is only a thousand drops.

But facing Xuanfa Pavilion, a thousand low-level monk puppets could only cause limited damage, and it was impossible to achieve his goal of severely injuring the opponent.

It's sad to say that even Song Yalong, who was burdened with the hatred of destroying his family, didn't dare to destroy Xuanfa Pavilion, he just wanted to inflict heavy damage on the other party.

If a thousand puppets are not enough, then two thousand! If that's not enough, then three thousand! No matter what, he will avenge his dead classmates!

But refining the puppet takes time. After all, Song Yalong cannot recover all his blood essence overnight, so he suppresses the overwhelming hatred in his heart and even actively asks Xuanfa Pavilion for cooperation.

Song Yalong introduced Xuanfa Pavilion into Sanding Sect in order to dispel their concerns and gain their trust, so that he could better approach the core area of ​​Xuanfa Pavilion and launch an attack.

The reason is that he wants to find a backer and hopes that Xuanfa Pavilion can help complete some inheritances and provide a large number of low-level spiritual objects in the early stage. In return, Sanding Sect can become the source of raw materials for Xuanfa Pavilion and obey its orders.

How could Xuanfa Pavilion refuse such conditions? Those inheritances may be very precious to the outside world, but Xuanfa Pavilion can copy them at will.

A large number of spiritual objects are worth some spiritual stones, but compared with the harvest in the future, this small amount of effort is nothing.

So Xuanfa Pavilion happily agreed, without even thinking that the other party had sinister intentions.


Are you all ready?

When Li Zhirui arrived, he happened to hear Li Wenli's question.

The Li family discussed it and finally determined the size and personnel of the caravan, as well as the various spiritual objects and resources carried by the merchants.

This time, it was more about accumulating experience, so instead of going to Canghai Prefecture, I chose Xuanbing Prefecture.

Thank you for your hard work!

Li Zhirui warned: If you encounter irresistible danger, you must focus on saving your life. You can scatter the spiritual objects everywhere to buy yourself time to escape. Don't stick to the spiritual objects.

The world of cultivation is not peaceful, but Ten Thousand Immortals Island is located in a corner and is cut off from the outside world. Therefore, many tribesmen are relatively simple and have not experienced much in the world.

He was afraid that they would be too stubborn when encountering danger and wanted to protect the family property, which would lead to them being in danger.

That's right! These spiritual objects are just foreign objects. They can be refined again when they are gone, but you are different. You only have one life, so you must cherish it! Li Wenli quickly agreed.

They are also concerned about chaos. Wanxian Island is not far from Xuanbingzhou, only a few thousand miles away. With the speed of a third-level spirit ship, if it is faster, it can make a round trip every day.

Moreover, the Li family often cleans this sea area. It is unlikely that there is a powerful sea monster. The Taixu monster clan rarely goes to the boundless sea. It seems that there is some agreement between the land monster clan and the ocean monster clan.

Overall, it's relatively safe.

However, it would be more dangerous to set off next time to the Chamber of Commerce in Canghai Prefecture. The journey is far away and it is easy to be targeted by some robbery cultivators.

Because it was the first time to trade with Xuanbing Sect, an elder was specially arranged in the caravan. In the eyes of many tribesmen, the spirit ship soared into the sky and turned into aura and flew away quickly.

A short while later, a group of people arrived at the mountain gate of Xuan Bing Sect.

The foreign affairs elder of the Li family of Wanxian Island came to visit.

Li family? What are they here for? The head of the house frowned. Since he couldn't figure out the reason, he just brought the people in and asked them directly.

Why did Elder Li come here this time?

Come here to trade with your sect.

Oh? A gleam flashed in the leader's eyes, and he had vaguely guessed the other party's purpose.

The two families are not far apart, so some news can easily spread.

Fellow Taoist also knows that my Li family can sell a large number of low-level spiritual objects, which are very popular among casual cultivators, so I want to come here to benefit local casual cultivators. I just don't know what your sect's thoughts are? The foreign affairs elder said with a smile.

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