Rebuilding the Xiuxian family

Chapter 704 Serious Injury

not good!

When Liu Qingqi and the remaining female cultivator saw the formation taking shape, they shouted in panic, Brother, we have fallen into the formation now!

Why panic! It's just a third-level formation.

He Jianyi scolded the two of them, and then turned to Li Chengshuo and said, Fellow Taoist, as soon as I saw you, I was very moved and fell deeply in love with you. There must be an inseparable fate between you and me. How about becoming Taoist companions with me?

The tone was so greasy that it made people sick.

And what responded to him was the formation that was activated with all its strength!

The wind and rain were blowing, thunder and lightning roared, and Li Chengshuo had no intention of holding back. All kinds of sharp attacks emerged one after another, attacking the three people continuously.

The wind and rain formed heavy curtains, separating the three of them. Thunder and lightning attacked with all their strength, and the moon python was hidden in it, waiting for an opportunity to move.

Among the three, the female cultivator was the weakest, so she naturally became Li Chengshuo's primary target.

The moon python opened its bloody mouth, and a stream of Taiyin cold energy spurted out, directly towards the female cultivator who was hurriedly responding to the thunder attack. By the time she reacted, the cold energy had already seeped into her body.

As the mana was transferred, cold air spread all over the female cultivator's body, and her body gradually became hard. Her originally healthy skin color now turned pale, and even her sea of ​​consciousness slowly froze, eventually turning into a lifelike ice sculpture.

Li Chengshuo, who was fighting with He Jianyi, noticed the movement on the Moon Python side, and diverted a part of his mind to guide him to find Liu Qingqi. As long as he was dealt with, He Jianyi would not be able to escape death!

However, although He Jianyi was a little carried away before, he has calmed down now, knowing that the other party is defeating them one by one. Although he despises those two people, he also understands that he cannot let her continue, otherwise he will die in the formation sooner or later. among.


He Jianyi no longer struggled with Li Chengshuo, but planned to break the formation first, and then gather the power of three people to deal with her.

His natal magic weapon is a heavy sword. Every time he strikes, the formation trembles slightly, but it consumes a lot of energy.

Li Chengshuo glanced at him coldly, and then disappeared in the formation. Both of them had their own plans, and now it was up to them to see who could be one step ahead of the other.

He Jianyi worked harder to destroy the formation. The attack, which was not controlled by anyone and relied entirely on the formation to evolve on its own, did not pose much of a threat to him, but in the end he still had to devote his attention to resisting it, which greatly slowed him down. speed.

On the other hand, Li Chengshuo was at home in the formation she presided over. With the cooperation of the moon python, Liu Qingqi was no match at all, but within a moment, he was forced into a desperate situation.

Fellow Daoist Jin, please spare my life. I actually don't want to do anything to you. I am completely forced to do nothing. Liu Qingqi said urgently, for fear that if he slowed down, he would become a corpse.

Li Chengshuo was not moved at all, so what if what he said was true? They have already made a grudge. Is it possible that they can just laugh away their grudges?

Even if hatred can be resolved, it will still be a dead person and a living person! There is no way both parties are alive!

Fellow Daoist Jin! I know He Jianyi's weaknesses and trump cards, which can help you defeat him quickly. As long as you let me live! I will tell you.

Ha! Do you really think I'm afraid of that thing that's about to die of old age?

She has the Nascent Soul Distraction Jade Slip in her hand, and a mere Golden Elixir monk, even if he has reached perfection, is still just a Golden Elixir!

You will regret it! I will wait for you on the road to the underworld! Liu Qingqi shouted sharply, his eyes filled with hatred, and he kept spitting out curses.

Li Chengshuo turned a deaf ear to this. Not only did he not stop, but he became more ruthless and controlled the formation. With the help of the moon python, he quickly killed him.

Only one person left!

If possible, she hoped to deal with the last person without the help of distracting jade slips. She wanted to push herself and try to break through the bottleneck in danger.

Just like Li Zhixuan who took the initiative to challenge Yuanying in order to break through Yuanying.

For this reason, Li Chengshuo no longer maintained the formation and allowed He Jianyi to break it.


About a quarter of an hour later, with a crisp sound, the formation that had been trapping him suddenly shattered.

Two losers! They couldn't even hold on for an hour.

The first time He Jianyi appeared, he was looking for Liu Qingqi and the female cultivator, but what he saw were two corpses.

I will give you one last chance and follow me obediently. Although you are just a cauldron, at least you still have several years to live. But if you continue to be so stubborn, don't blame me for being cruel!

Those eyes were still full of disgusting and disgusting looks, and Li Chengshuo wanted to go forward and dig them out.

Where did the mad dog come from, barking everywhere? If no one is there to discipline it, why not just kill it!

act recklessly!

He Jianyi snorted coldly, and the secret method was activated. In the next moment, six identical human figures appeared in the air. No matter whether it was breath, appearance, expression, or movements, there was no difference at all!

Originally, for the sake of beauty, I left you the last trace of dignity, but since you don't want it, forget it! The voice rolled from six directions.

In the next breath, he picked up a broadsword and struck at Li Chengshuo from all directions.

Is this your trump card? It's just a few incarnation illusions. Li Chengshuo said easily, but her serious eyes revealed her true thoughts.

Because she was surprised to find that she couldn't tell which one was true and which one was false!

Whether you are true or false, I will defeat you with one force!

But the gap in cultivation between the two sides cannot be made up by shouting two slogans, not to mention that now it is not a one-on-one fight, but a six-on-one group fight!

In just a quarter of an hour, Li Chengshuo was beaten with bruises all over his body. If He Jianyi didn't need a living person instead of a corpse, I'm afraid she would really go to accompany Liu Qingqi now.

Still unwilling to give up, do you want to fight stubbornly? He Jianyi looked down at her from above, his tone full of ridicule.

Cough cough cough——

Li Chengshuo hunched over and tried with all his strength to stand up straighter, but found that he couldn't even do this. He kept coughing when he wanted to say something.

But He Jianyi saw it clearly, and his eyes became extremely indifferent. He looked at her as if he were looking at a dead person, and he didn't feel that she had a chance to turn around.

You have a strong temper, but it's a pity that you met me. No matter how unruly a wild horse is, under my taming, it will only become an obedient foal.

He Jianyi was no longer patient, and all six figures rushed up, intending to knock her out and take her back, and then slowly train her.

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred!

A spiritual light suddenly flew out of Li Chengshuo's arms, and the jade slips shone brightly. A terrifying aura filled the air, and finally formed the phantom of Li Zhirui.

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