Hehe, senior is so complimentary.

When he heard others praising his own power, he was naturally happy and said with a smile: Senior, please take your time and choose. Don't be in a hurry. I'll go and get started first.

Although Li Zhirui could only choose four spiritual objects, looking at the list of spiritual objects could open his eyes and increase his knowledge. It was a rare opportunity, and he naturally did not want to miss it.

It was a pity that the jade slip, which was a rare fifth-level spiritual object, was restricted. He could not pass it on to others, and he could not reproduce it like the other two jade slips to provide backup for the family.

Li Zhirui first looked at the forbidden jade slips, from the first piece of Mingguang Nine Sparks to the last piece of clear clouds and rain, his eyes were filled with tears. Each piece was very precious and had a special function. He couldn't choose at the moment. .

Fortunately, he had a definite goal early in the morning. Although he was very attracted to these spiritual objects, especially the Yang God Orb among them, if he could refine it, he could directly push his soul to the perfection of Yang Transformation, saving him decades of trouble. achievement!

But Li Zhirui still moved his soul to the other two jade slips.

Moreover, he has always believed that teaching a man to fish is worse than teaching him to fish. Even if he really had to choose a fifth-level spiritual object in the end, Li Zhirui would not want the Yangshen Orb, but would choose a fifth-level spiritual root - Wuye Yunqi. .

This is a kind of spiritual root that lives in the white clouds. It has no leaves and has nine branches. It matures for five hundred years and then bears nine fruits every two hundred years.

Its fruits can be used to refine Yuanqi treasure pills, increase the magic power of the god-transforming monks, and slightly speed up the fusion of heaven and earth Yuanqi and divine soul.

The spiritual root given by Xuanfa Pavilion has been growing for more than four hundred years and will mature soon and begin to bear fruit.

After all, Li Zhirui had enough longevity, so there was no need to save those decades.

As he flipped through, he gradually reached the last page of the list of fifth-level spiritual objects. Except for Wuye Yunqi, he saw no spiritual objects that met his conditions.

Alas! I'm still greedy after all. After looking at the last fifth-level spiritual object, Li Zhirui shook his head and sighed.

How valuable is a spiritual object that can speed up the fusion of Yuan Qi and Divine Soul? It is extremely generous for Xuanfa Pavilion to take out a leafless Yunqi.

That's all, the fifth-level spiritual creature will settle on this spiritual root.

As for the growing environment and so on, Li Zhirui doesn't need to worry about this matter at all if he has space at his disposal.

Then he started to look at the fourth-level spiritual objects. He already had a goal in mind. The first was a spiritual species that could increase the golden elixir's ability to break through the Nascent Soul, and the second was a spiritual species that could evolve the dragon beast's bloodline.

He didn't have much idea about the last spot. He could only see if there were any spiritual objects in the list that could attract his attention.

Li Zhirui searched carefully and quickly found two spiritual objects that met the conditions. One was called the Lingying Fruit Tree, which matures in three hundred years. After that, it bears fruit every three hundred years, with no more than nine fruits each time. After taking it, the probability of breaking through the Nascent Soul can be increased by 10%.

Even though it’s only 10%, it’s already very high!

If a treasure elixir could be refined, it might be possible to go one step further, but without an elixir recipe, it would require a lot of deductions and experiments, and I don’t know how many years it would take to figure it out.

The other type is called Dragon Blood Peach, which has a large number of results, but also has a longer growth period. It can increase the bloodline in the dragon beast's body, but it is only effective for dragon beasts below the fifth level.

For the third level 4 spiritual object, Li Zhirui still couldn't find the one he wanted, so he could only continue searching patiently.

And when he saw the name and brief description of a spiritual grass, his heart suddenly started beating violently, like a cowhide drum being beaten hard.

Melting Breath Grass!

This is a relatively unpopular fourth-level spiritual grass. After taking it, the breath can be completely integrated into the surroundings. In the past, it was used to refine spiritual elixirs such as breath gathering. If combined with high-level invisibility charms and the like, even if you are standing in front of you Can't find it either.

But after Li Zhirui saw this spiritual grass, he remembered a kind of elixir he had planned to create before. Its effect was to make himself cater to the Yuan Qi of heaven and earth, thus reducing the natural rejection of Yuan Qi.

Why can the elixir refined from the Wuye Yunqi fruit only slightly speed up the fusion of Yuanqi and the soul? It’s because of Yuan Qi’s inherent repulsion!

He wasn't sure whether Melt Breath Grass could satisfy his idea, but it was indeed worth a try!

If you fail, you will only lose a fourth-level spiritual object, but if you succeed! In the future, the Li family will also have spiritual objects to assist cultivation in the realm of transformation into gods!

Li Zhirui made up his mind and asked the waiter who had been guarding the door to call the shopkeeper.

After a while, the shopkeeper pushed the door open and said with a smile: Senior, have you chosen the spiritual object?

Yeless Yunqi, Lingying Fruit Tree, Dragon Blood Peach, and Melting Breath Grass, these are my choices.

After hearing these four kinds of spiritual objects, the shopkeeper couldn't help but ask: Is it possible that the senior is going to break through to the realm of spirit transformation?

It's still far away. I'm only in the middle stage of Nascent Soul. I don't know if I can break through to the Divine Transformation in my lifetime.

Li Zhirui sighed and said: It's just a rare opportunity, so I want to save some foundation for the family.

In front of outsiders, he deliberately lowered his cultivation level to a small level in order not to touch the sensitive nerves of certain forces.

At the same time, he also asked all tribesmen not to tell anyone.

Senior, you are so amazing and talented. The state of transformation into a god is easy for you! The shopkeeper complimented, but there was also a bit of probing.

It's difficult! It's difficult! It's difficult! It's harder than going to the blue sky! The techniques passed down by the family can only reach the late Nascent Soul stage.

Li Zhirui shook his head, not wanting to talk about it anymore, and said, Thank you for sending the news back.

By the way, I want to buy a sound transmission array. I wonder if your chamber of commerce sells it? How much is it worth?

The Li family's territory is too large. If they still rely on the Baili Tongsheng bell or the third-level communication talisman, the transmission of news will be delayed. If something urgent happens, the Li family will not have time to respond.

There are some, but this item is quite precious. The Chamber of Commerce does not have stock. Seniors, why not select it first and send it back to the headquarters later. The shopkeeper did not expect to be able to make a deal, so he dug out another jade slip.

The talisman array is considered a strategic material, so only the third-order talisman array is sold to the outside world. It can transmit messages up to three thousand miles away, which is far inferior to the fourth-order talisman array they use.

But even so, the price is extremely expensive!

According to the farthest distance of message transmission, it can be divided into three grades, namely one thousand miles, two thousand miles and the furthest three thousand miles. The price also ranges from 300,000 at the beginning to 1 million at the end.

But I still have a conscience, at least if I buy a set of talisman formations, I will also get the method of drawing the matching talisman. Otherwise, I will have to spend spiritual stones to buy special talismans in the future.

Li Zhirui made some calculations in his mind. His family had developed well in recent years and had earned a lot of spiritual stones, so he simply chose the Three Thousand Miles Sound Transmission Array.

Senior, a deposit of 200,000 spirit stones.

He didn't hesitate and took out the spirit stones directly and handed them to the shopkeeper. After he counted them, he gave Li Zhirui a voucher. Only in the future can he take away the talisman array with the remaining 800,000 spirit stones and the voucher.

Happy National Day everyone! Happy 74th birthday to our great motherland!

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