Rebuilding the Xiuxian family

Chapter 297 Resurgence

Brother Ninth/Uncle Ninth!

Facing Li Zhirui, the golden elixir elder, the elders' momentum suddenly weakened.

With the current strength of the Li family, we can't stop it. Li Zhirui said helplessly.

Doesn't he know the importance of spiritual veins? But the water demon is coming fiercely. Without the help of outsiders, is it possible to let the tribesmen die? !

Just this time, more than two hundred tribesmen died in the beast wave. How many will there be next time?

You know, the Li family has been developing very fast. Not only does it vigorously promote more children, it also absorbs a large number of people with other surnames who have spiritual roots, and tries every means to integrate them into the family.

Over the past few decades, the effect has been remarkable, but the base number at the beginning was too small. So far, the Li family only has one or two thousand monks.

If the Li family is given another hundred years to develop! Even if it doesn't take such a long time, Li Zhirui will not make the choice now. He is confident that the Li family at that time can easily overcome this disaster.

But the problem is, it’s too late now!

The elders did not expect that the family's Optimus Pillar Li Zhirui would say this, and their expressions suddenly became dim, and they quietly stopped talking.

Cheng Mo, I will leave it to you to prepare this matter, and then seize the time to spread the word and let a large number of monks know about it. Li Zhirui sighed in his heart and warned.


Turning around and seeing Li Shiqing's tired face, Li Zhirui couldn't hide his worry and said: Second Grandpa, go back and rest quickly.

With his current body, he couldn't fight vigorously. If it lasted a little longer, he would feel uncomfortable and tired. He had gritted his teeth and endured the previous battle.

Thank you for your hard work. Li Shiqing did not refuse, because he knew that he would need to take action next, and he had to be energetic now.

After Li Zhirui and Li Shilian sent him back, they returned to their cave.

Are you okay? Are you not injured? Jiang Fengwu hurriedly ran out of the room when he heard the noise, his eyes full of worry and uneasiness.

Li Zhirui hurriedly took a few steps forward, hugged her gently, and said softly: Isn't it good for me? You don't know my strength yet? Don't worry!

But I heard that this beast wave is particularly dangerous... Jiang Fengwu paused and said, Why don't you let me replace the second grandfather and let him take charge of the clan.

He won't agree. Just stay at home peacefully, take care of yourself and the clan members, and don't think too much. Moreover, Li Zhirui himself was not willing for her to take risks.

Seeing what Jiang Fengwu wanted to say, Li Zhirui said first, If you feel embarrassed, just make more formation disks. When the time comes, you can use formations to deal with the water monsters, which will make the clansmen easier and safer.

Not only Jiang Fengwu, but also all the clan members in the family who knew alchemy, talisman making, formation and other skills, spent all their time in the following days except resting to prepare for the war in the near future.


A few days later, people in Yunping Prefecture, Guangqing Prefecture, and nearby Qingshan Prefecture were all spreading rumors that the Li family was going to rank the number of water monsters killed in the tide of beasts.

For those ranked first, you can choose a spiritual vein in Yunping Prefecture or Guangqing Prefecture. You can build your own power or transfer it to others.

Do you think this is true or false? Can the Li family be so generous?

It should be true, right? After all, this is what the Li family said personally. If it turns out to be false in the end, they will lose their face.

As expected of the Jindan family, they are so willing to give away their spiritual veins.

Countless monks were talking about this. Although most of them were moved, they knew their own strength, so they just talked about it.

Of course, there are also some monks who do not go there for the spiritual veins, but want to take this opportunity to kill more water monsters and earn spiritual stones.

There are some monks who have established their own strength, but because they do not have a spiritual foothold, they can only hang out in the city, or even in the mortal world! There is no way to grow.

Now when they heard that the Li family was going to distribute spiritual veins, they quickly took action, asking around for information and collecting spiritual objects. After the news was confirmed, they began to rush towards Ten Thousand Immortals Island.


The reaction of the narwhal whale family was similar to what Li Zhirui had guessed. Although Blue Horn was seriously injured, except for its parents, the other giant whales were not too angry.

When its parents want to summon the water monsters again for revenge, they only verbally support it and will not really help. After all, this kind of thing requires a certain price.

For example, if you want to privately summon water monsters of a certain race to start a beast wave, you need to find high-level water monsters and then spend money to buy their lives in this battle.

Once the beast tide is over, their lives will have nothing to do with you, regardless of victory or defeat.

In the next few months, Blue Horn's parents took care of him and began to gather water monsters, preparing to tangle a large group of water monsters to avenge their son.

A few months later, two fourth-level monsters came to the border area of ​​the sea, took out the summoning spiritual weapons of each water monster race, and then activated them.

Because this is a private action, rather than an order issued by the high-level water demon to relieve the pressure in the sea, it is so complicated and requires the use of different summoning magic weapons.

If it were a 'natural' beast tide, only one magic weapon would be needed to summon all the water monsters within a radius of dozens of miles.


Waves of unintelligible sounds resounded in the sea water, and it was unknown how far they reached. However, after hearing the sounds, a large number of low-level water monsters rushed towards their location as if they were possessed.

After waiting for about an hour or two, tens of thousands of low-level water monsters were finally aroused, including four third-level water monsters.

These four third-level water monsters are vassals of their small family and the main force in this operation.

It's not that the fourth-level great demon doesn't know Li Zhirui's ferocity, but there's nothing he can do about it. Their small family hasn't cultivated many vassals before, and there aren't many third-level ones at all.

So it had already given orders this time. They mainly focused on resistance, entangled with Li Zhirui and others, and allowed a large number of low-level water monsters to break through the defense line and directly invade Ten Thousand Immortals Island.


Kill them for me!

Following its command, countless water monsters rushed towards the monks like madmen.


Li Zhirui, who had moved here before re-building the island chain, had always paid attention to the situation in the sea.

So as soon as the beast tide appeared, he was quickly discovered.

The water monster is coming, everyone, be prepared to hunt the water monster! Li Zhirui's murderous voice reached the ears of all the monks.

When the water monsters reach a hundred steps, activate the Black Ice Talisman to freeze a large number of water monsters. Then take advantage of this opportunity to kill as many water monsters as possible to reduce the pressure of the beast tide.

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