No, aren't you talented at making talismans? Seeing that Jiang Fengwu still looked uncomfortable, Li Zhirui immediately changed the subject and said, Let's go, let's go to Uncle Ren to learn how to arrange the formation.

So far in the Li family, Li Shiren is the most accomplished in formations. Perhaps he has good talent in this area, but unfortunately, due to limited cultivation, he may only be a second-level formation master.

What the two of them didn't expect was that Jiang Fengwu, who had no talent in other skills, actually had extraordinary talent in battle tactics!

She had just come into contact with the first-order formation, and it only took her half an hour to learn it. Although there were a few mistakes in the formation technique, she successfully arranged it in the end.

When Li Zhirui saw this scene, he was immediately dumbfounded. He never expected that Jiang Fengwu's talent was actually reflected in the most difficult formation!

Even Li Shiren, who taught Jiang Fengwu, was stunned. His face was full of surprise, and a hint of complexity appeared in his eyes. After a while, he smiled and said: It seems that it won't be long before there will be another member of the family. A third-level array mage!

By that time, the Li family had Li Zhirui in alchemy, Li Shiqing in making talismans, and Li Shilian in planting and breeding animals, plus Jiang Fengwu, the newly promoted third-level formation mage.

So in addition to the weapon refiners, the Li family has its own people in several common cultivation skills.

Among them, the formation mages are quite special, because they are needed to arrange the island protection formation of Ten Thousand Immortals Island!

The current island protection formation of the Li family was arranged by a certain formation master from Shenlei Mountain. It doesn't look dangerous, but there is still a risk of leaking the formation.

Look! Li Zhirui said with a smile: I said you must be talented.

In fact, he had given up hope before and started thinking about how to comfort Jiang Fengwu. At the same time, he was still recalling his family and whether there were any other skills to inherit.

Jiang Fengwu is also very happy, because as far as she knows, although the ability of formation masters to earn spiritual stones is not as good as others, it is not that few. Especially high-level formation masters, because the number is very scarce, so every time they make a move, the asking price is high. very expensive.

Uncle Ren, I'll leave it to you to Feng Wu! Li Zhirui saw her silly smile and didn't know what kind of fantasy she was immersed in, so he said to Li Shiren without disturbing her.

Don't worry. Since she has such a high talent, I will definitely give her everything I have learned. I hope she can fulfill my wish. At the end of the sentence, Li Shiren could not hide his loneliness and unwillingness.

He tried many times to break through the bottleneck, and even got into danger several times, but no matter what, he couldn't make any progress. So now, Li Shiren has given up. He only wants to pass on the formations he has learned.

Especially that one, the third-order formation that he had spent his whole life working on, and existed in his conception!

He originally thought that in a short period of time, no one with talent for formation would be born in the family, or even if there was, he would not be able to see the other person grow up.

Because Li Shiren is already very old, he and Li Shiting are already the last two members of the Shi generation, and their lifespan is running out.

But he didn't expect that in the last few years of his life, the formation genius Jiang Fengwu would appear, and more importantly, she was a Jindan monk. He didn't need to wait for too many years to see the third-order formation. Fa, see the Starlight Mountain and River Array he designed!

You guys go back first. In the next few days, let me think about how to teach Feng Wu. Li Shiren's dull eyes shone with light again.

Okay, Uncle Ren, pay attention to rest. Li Zhirui pulled Jiang Fengwu, who was still immersed in fantasy, away.

After returning to their cave, Li Zhirui's face became very serious and said: Feng Wu, since you have a very high talent in formations, I hope you will not waste this talent, let alone live up to Uncle Ren's expectations for you. !”

Seeing her confused look, Li Zhirui explained what happened to Li Shiren.

In fact, he was helpless. In fact, he had several mature Jinzhi plants in his hand. If possible, he would not be willing to take the risk and give them to Li Shiren.

But the problem is that Li Shiren is still blocked by a bottleneck, and Jin Zhi, which increases the chance of forming a pill, is of no use to him.

So he could only watch the elder who took good care of him grow old.

I understand, don't worry, I will study hard. Jiang Fengwu, who was already preparing to work hard for the spirit stone, now has new motivation.

A few days later, the two walked into Li Shiren's cave again, ignoring Li Zhirui's presence and teaching Jiang Fengwu one-on-one.

He started from the origin of the formation and slowly extended to various foundations, because he believed that although Jiang Fengwu had a golden elixir cultivation and a high talent for formations, the foundation was the most important.

Therefore, Li Shiren decided to spend half a year to create an extremely solid foundation for Jiang Fengwu, and then slowly teach her how to set up the formation.

If possible, he also wanted to teach her how to construct new formations and how to integrate them into battle.

Because Jiang Fengwu worked too hard during the day, the newlyweds did not play around too much and indulged in pleasure.

At the same time, Li Zhirui was not idle either. In addition to his daily practice and refining the Vitality Pill, he also began to try to deduce and construct the third-level Baicao Pill recipe from the first- and second-level Baicao Dan!

Although the refining of Baicao Dan is very difficult and requires a large amount of elixirs, it has an advantage that cannot be ignored, and that is that it is cheap!

Using ninety-nine first-level elixirs and one third-level elixir, you can refine a third-level Herb Pill. Isn't this cheaper than the Vitality Pill, which requires several third-level elixirs to refine?

Especially for Li Zhirui, who has space, even if he doesn't use spiritual stones to induce birth, the first-level elixir only needs to grow for a month or two to mature!

It's a pity that the fragment of Yao Wang Dan Jing Volume 1 that Li Zhirui got originally only had one direction and no specific guidance. It required him to spend a lot of time and energy to achieve it.

But now because he is newly married, he has just broken through and needs time to consolidate, and Li Zhiyue has officially gone into seclusion and needs him to protect the law. He cannot go out to practice, so he has enough time to do something.

What's more, the process of deducing the elixir formula is not a kind of practice for him? It can not only polish your mind, but also improve your alchemy level, so why not do it.

As Li Zhirui and others began to concentrate on cultivation, the Li family also became quiet and low-key.

But no one dares to ignore the Li family because of this. Smart people know that when the Li family walks out in high profile again, it will inevitably become stronger!

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