You are finally going to have a result! Li Shiqing, who has become much older, said with a look of relief.

Ever since he burned his longevity energy, he has been healing his injuries. It was not until some time ago that he stabilized his injuries and stopped losing his energy.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I came out, I heard the good news about Li Zhirui.

You have to work hard and try to have more children. Li Shilian on the side joked with a smile.

But they all knew in their hearts that it was not an easy thing for Li Zhirui to have an heir!

You know, the fertility of monks is not as good as that of ordinary people, especially the higher the cultivation level, the worse the fertility!

Li Zhirui and Jiang Fengwu are both Jindan cultivators, so it is not easy to conceive offspring.

However, once pregnant, the possibility of the child possessing spiritual roots is much greater than if both parents are mortal! And the higher the parents' cultivation level, the better the qualifications are likely to be.

Li Zhirui smiled and said nothing. He wanted to have a child, but he couldn't force it, so he could only let it happen.

This is the first Jindan monk to marry into my Li family. The banquet must be held very grandly to show the family's momentum and heritage... Li Shiqing gave a lot of nagging instructions before letting the two of them leave.

But to follow his method, it would require at least two hundred thousand spiritual stones, or even more!

Zhirui, if you have any requirements for the wedding, you can put them forward and the family will try to satisfy them. Li Shilian patted Li Zhirui on the shoulder and hurriedly went to take care of his elixirs.

The foundation-building elixir will mature in a few years, and there are also various precious spiritual objects. He really can't rest assured if he doesn't check them every day.

Li Zhirui also turned around and went back to the cave. As soon as he opened the door, he saw Daqing and Mu Linger quarreling with each other. He rolled his eyes and walked straight back to the room.

Speaking of which, his two spiritual beasts actually tasted it earlier than he did. From this aspect, he was far inferior to Da Qing and Xiao Qing.

Especially Xiaoqing, who spends all day among the eagles, how cheerful and unrestrained he is, and how much of his bloodline has been spread. As a result, the qualifications of the group of jade-billed eagles in the Li family have now improved a bit.

Maybe this is the reason, or maybe Xiaoqing doesn't work hard as a monk without supervision, which is why he is still wandering in the late stage of foundation building.

I'll let you see it then! Li Zhirui muttered quietly, then closed the door and started to prepare something for his wedding.

Early the next morning, Li Zhirui ran to Fangshi and told Jiang Fengwu that his family agreed that the two of them would become Taoist couples.

Because of this incident, I didn't sleep well all night. Jiang Fengwu said with a blush.

Even though Li Zhirui gave him an affirmative answer, she still couldn't stop feeling uneasy. So much so that she had so many thoughts last night that she couldn't practice, let alone fall asleep.

The two exchanged feelings again, and it was not until sunset that Li Zhirui left Fangshi.

Again, the yin and yang of the two people are very important, and they must be prepared.

Time flies, and more than a month has passed in the blink of an eye.

In order to prepare for Li Zhirui's wedding, many clan members were very busy, but they did not feel dissatisfied at all.

What are the Li family doing during this period of time buying so many spiritual objects? Is it possible that another war is about to break out? A casual cultivator asked in confusion.

You don't know? The monk on the side gave him a strange look and explained: The Li family is preparing spiritual objects for a wedding.

In fact, the Li family has not publicized this matter yet. After all, some news has leaked out.

Wedding? Who is with whom?

Two Jindan monks are getting married. When that day comes, we might be able to do some good things along with them.

Uncle Jiu, this is the invitation we designed. Can you take a look at it? If it works, I will leave and send people to deliver invitations to various places.

Li Zhirui looked at it carefully and thought it was pretty good, so he decided to agree to the matter and said: The wedding will be held in ten days. When everyone goes out, please remember the time to avoid missing it.


The Li family is holding a wedding? How can such a trivial matter be reported back? an old man said impatiently, preparing to throw the jade slip into the trash can.

He is a person who initially identifies intelligence in Shenlei Mountain. With many years of experience and analysis, he can know the following content just by looking at a lot of content, thus reducing unnecessary time spent as much as possible.

However, this time he made a mistake.

With the Li family's invitation, more and more forces learned the news, and without exception, they were all surprised.

Because Jiang Fengwu is a female Jindan cultivator who was born as a casual cultivator! Her joining will further strengthen the Li family.

With complex emotions of envy and jealousy, everyone came to the brand-new Ten Thousand Immortals Island.

Starting from the landing point, there is a road paved with spiritual rain. Because of the wedding, there is also a long red carpet.

When we arrived at the square, we saw a mist shrouding it, creating a fairy atmosphere. There were some refreshing snacks and a pot of fragrant spiritual tea on nearly a hundred tables.

While waiting for the main course to be served, there will be several second-grade spiritual foods, and the Jindan monk will bring an extra pot of third-grade spiritual wine and a plate of third-grade spiritual fruits.

And these things alone cost the Li family tens of thousands of spiritual stones.

Time passed little by little, and when the auspicious moment came, he immediately asked Li Zhirui and Jiang Fengwu to come out and get married amidst the blessings of everyone, regardless of the monks who had not arrived yet.

This kind of etiquette is not useless, but tells the world that the two of them have become Taoist couples. From then on, their fortunes are blended and they share weal and woe.

In the world of cultivation, there is no such bad habit of having a wedding ceremony, and the bride does not have to stay in the room all the time. When the time is up, the two of them can go back.

Congratulations to fellow Taoist for marrying a beautiful girl! The elder of Shenlei Mountain said with a smile: I think after tonight, fellow Taoist will have another breakthrough in his cultivation.

Needless to say, Li Zhirui's cultivation speed is indeed extraordinary, much faster than the ordinary double spiritual roots.

Isn't the elder about to break through? Li Zhirui smiled slightly, toasted with a glass of wine, and went to find other monks.

The elder raised his eyebrows slightly. He didn't expect that Li Zhirui, whose cultivation level was a little lower than his own, could actually see that he was on the verge of a breakthrough!

‘It seems that the sect’s regard for him is still too low! ’ The elder thought silently in his heart.

After drinking for three rounds, Li Zhirui said goodbye because he was too drunk. At the same time, he also caught up with Jiang Fengwu who was chatting with several Jindan female cultivators.

As soon as she entered the room, Jiang Fengwu's little face turned red and she lowered her head, looking very shy and cute, completely different from her usual.

Madam, spring is too short, you and I should not waste any more time. Seeing this, Li Zhirui's heart moved slightly and he couldn't help but tease.

But who would have expected that when Jiang Fengwu heard this, he suddenly pulled him over and covered him with his soft lips...

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