Did Daqing carry out the mission on our behalf?! Li Zhirui asked eagerly.


At that time, he and Li Shiqing were both recuperating from their injuries, but they were chosen by the Divine Thunder Mountain to complete the task of arranging the demon-inducing liquid. In order not to disturb them, Daqing took the initiative to stand up.

As a golden elixir realm spiritual beast, Da Qing can control his five senses, so the demon-inducing liquid no longer has much appeal to him.

The same is true for other third-level monsters.

How long have they been there? After Li Zhirui calmed down, he sensed the mark of Daqing's soul in the sea of ​​consciousness. It still exuded a faint fluorescence. It seemed that nothing happened, and he was relieved.

It's been five or six days. According to Shenlei Mountain, they will be back in a few days. Li Shiren quickly reassured: Shenlei Mountain has made full preparations for this operation, and Daqing will definitely be able to return safely.

You must know that if the contracted spirit beast dies, the monk's soul will be damaged. Except for the precious treasures of heaven, materials and earth, it will only take many years to repair it.

But for some reason, Li Zhirui always felt that things were not that simple, and he felt a little uneasy in his heart.

But he can't leave now!

Many clansmen in the city, especially Li Shiqing who is still recovering from his injuries, need Li Zhirui to protect him!

The other force in the city has never given up the idea of ​​taking action against the Li family. Even after knowing that Daqing left, it has tried many times to test the situation. Everyone in the Li family had to retreat to their temporary base and be careful.

Now is the time when Li Zhirui is needed. Once he leaves to find Daqing, all the clansmen in the city will probably turn into corpses.

So in the end, he could only deceive himself and comfort himself. It was just an illusion. Daqing would definitely return safely.

Uncle Ren, let's go for a walk. He wanted to relax and at the same time warn that force that he was out of seclusion.

Li Shiren instantly understood what Li Zhirui meant and followed him silently, walking around freely in this fairy city.

The alchemist from the Li family actually showed up?! Could it be that he has recovered from his injuries? The golden elixir monk who had been observing the Li family couldn't help but frowned after hearing the news.

The reason why they planned to take action was because Li Zhirui, a third-level alchemist, felt that he must have a lot of spiritual pills with him and wanted to get a batch of resources.

Anyway, death is like a lamp going out, and no one will trouble them over a dead third-level alchemist.

As for the punishment of Shen Lei Mountain? They are the family that raised True Lord Yunlei! What punishment can there be? At most, it's just a slight punishment to look better.

If they handled it well, they might not even do this and just say that Li Zhirui and others died at the hands of the monster.

But as Li Zhirui wakes up, it will be difficult for them to take action. Once they corner the opponent, they themselves will suffer huge losses.

Is it possible that his injury has not healed and he is just holding on and bluffing? A certain elder still wanted to get the elixir in the hands of the Li family.

Although they are the family of True Lord Yunlei, the relationship between the two parties is actually not that close. Especially after the death of True Lord Yunlei's blood relatives, and after he broke through the golden elixir and helped the family to cultivate a golden elixir monk, the two parties were no longer close. Only on certain days, there is some contact.

But as Zhenjun Yunlei got older and older, and it was almost impossible to break through the Nascent Soul, they gradually lost contact.

But who would have thought that decades later, this old Jindan would suddenly break through the bottleneck and become a Nascent Soul monk?

Therefore, after True Lord Yunlei broke through the Nascent Soul, they did not get any benefits, and they even met him once at the Infant Conception Ceremony.

But having said that, in fact, each family still gave them enough face. This is Zhenjun Yunlei's family after all. What if he suddenly thinks of this family?

This situation is the most terrifying! Jin Dan, the leader, shook his head and said, Let the clansmen stop.

No matter how unwilling everyone is, they can only obey orders. Their patriarch cannot tolerate the opposition of others.


That family has withdrawn everyone! The next day, Li Shiren came to tell Li Zhirui the good news.

That's good. Li Zhirui also breathed a sigh of relief. His current condition only looked good, but in fact his meridians were still fragile and not suitable for fighting.

But he wasn't too happy, because the previous premonition made him worried about Daqing's situation.

When Li Shiren saw this, he couldn't say much. Fortunately, at this moment, Li Shiting burst in with a happy face and said, Second uncle, he's awake!

Li Zhirui and Li Zhirui immediately looked over, stood up and walked quickly towards the quiet room.

Ahem... Before they could enter, they heard a weak cough and gasped, and asked quickly: Second uncle/second grandpa, are you okay?

It's okay, I just lost some vitality. Just cultivate for a while. Li Shiqing forced a smile.

But in fact, his injury was not that simple. His longevity was damaged and his body also aged further. The reason why I said this was just to prevent them from worrying.

What's going on now?

Li Shiren explained their current situation in detail, and finally said: Depending on the situation, this war will end in an anticlimax.

That's fine. Li Shiqing sighed and coughed again.

When several people saw this, they didn't dare to stay any longer. They got up and left, letting him have a good rest.

A few days passed quickly.

Since yesterday, Li Zhirui became more and more uneasy and could not concentrate on practicing. In the end, he flew directly up to the city wall and looked into the distance, hoping to see Da Qing's return.

But after two days, not a single person was seen!

If it weren't for the contracted aura in the sea of ​​consciousness, he could barely sense Daqing's situation, and the clan members still needed his protection. Li Zhirui was ready to rush into Taixu State to find Daqing's whereabouts!

Zhirui, Daqing will definitely be fine... Li Shiren comforted him from the side, hoping that he could calm down and go back to recuperate.

Someone is back!

At the farthest end of Li Zhirui's sight, there were two tiny black dots flying towards them.

After getting a little closer, you can clearly see that they are two golden elixir monks who are using the spirit ship.

Li Zhirui could no longer hold back, and immediately cast a spell to greet them. After approaching the two of them, he asked anxiously: Li Zhirui, two Taoist friends from Xiawanxian Island, do you know the whereabouts of Daqing? He is also with you. Arranged the demon-inducing liquid.

At first, the two wanted to bypass him directly, but when they heard his identity, they immediately stopped.

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