The sudden message from Shenlei Mountain was because Qiu Xuan and other monks died in large numbers in an instant, and the life cards were shattered. Combined with the news brought back from the battlefield, it was not difficult to guess that it was the fourth-level demon who had taken action.

You all go down and rest first. Leader Wen waved his hand with a not-so-good look on his face. He, who was in the midst of his glory, was suddenly awakened by this huge defeat. How could he be in a good mood?

Li Shiren and Li Shiting, who were concerned about the situation of Li Shiqing and Li Zhirui, heard this and immediately stood up to leave and hurried to the small courtyard where the Li family lived.

Uncle Yunlei, what should we do now? Head Wen looked anxiously at True Lord Yunlei who was sitting upright with his eyes closed to rest.

Zhenjun Yunlei said with an indifferent expression: Send people to station near Taixu State. Don't take the initiative to attack. We will wait until the monks sent to Xuanbing Sect bring back the news.

Yes. When Master Wen raised his head again, True Lord Yunlei had already left the hall.

'What exactly is going on? How could the Monster Clan know the news in advance? Was it deliberately leaked by the Xuan Bing Sect, or was there an undercover Monster Clan within the sect? ’ After True Lord Yunlei returned to the cave, he began to seriously think about the doubts involved.

According to the news brought back by everyone, they met at least tens of thousands of monsters, including dozens of third-level monsters. It was impossible to gather such a large scale in a short time, and they must have been prepared in advance.

Moreover, the big demon's attack was too sudden. Although both sides suffered heavy losses, the war had just begun and the number of casualties was not too many. Moreover, the demon clan still had a slight upper hand.

‘It depends on how Xuan Bing Sect responds. ’

The reason why Shen Lei Mountain wanted to take action was because Xuan Bing Sect sent a message and agreed on a time to take action.

But if Xuan Bing Sect did not launch the attack on time and told the demon clan the news, then all this would make sense!

But why did Xuan Bing Sect do this? Zhenjun Yunlei was puzzled. There was no major conflict between the two families, and their respective territories now had no border.

Two flowers bloom, one on each side.

But it was said that Li Zhirui, who fell into a coma due to exhaustion, woke up not long after entering the Divine Thunder Mountain.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Li Shiren standing by the bed with a sad look on his face. He asked in a hoarse voice: Uncle Ren, where are we now? How did we escape in the end?

Li Shiren hesitated, but finally told what happened under his questioning.

What!? Li Zhirui heard that the reason they were able to escape was all because Li Shiqing burned his own life force to crush that terrifying blow.

Cough cough cough...

Li Zhirui's body is not yet well. He can't stop coughing and wheezing loudly when he gets excited. He feels extremely uncomfortable.

Don't worry, the second uncle is fine. He is resting next to you now. Li Shiren quickly comforted him.

Li Zhirui shook his head and said anxiously: No, Uncle Ren, help me up quickly. I want to see the second grandpa.

Before Li Shiqing broke through the golden elixir, he was almost close to the end of his lifespan. After forming the elixir, his lifespan doubled, but it was only more than two hundred years. Now that he has burned part of his lifespan, wouldn't he only be able to live for more than a hundred years? !

You should have a good rest now. The meridians in your body are very fragile. If they break accidentally, then my uncle's efforts will be in vain.

Li Shiren said with a gloomy face: The war is not over yet. We will have to go to the border city to garrison in a while to guard against the monsters.

Does Shenleishan really not regard us as human beings? Li Zhirui said through gritted teeth.

Don't worry, they didn't ask us to go up and die. We are just on guard against the demon clan. When he said this, Li Shiren's face was full of sarcasm.

So, you'd better have a good rest now. When we encounter danger, we can escape smoothly. Li Shiren smiled bitterly and said, I'll go check on my second uncle.

Li Zhirui's state of mind could not be calmed down for a long time. He knew that Shenlei Mountain did not take them as vassal monks seriously, but in this situation where people were obviously going to die, they were still forced to do it!

Brother Jiu, how do you feel now? Apart from your meridians, do you feel uncomfortable anywhere else? Daqing hurried in and asked anxiously.

Because the relationship between the two was not an unequal relationship like master and servant, it was not appropriate to call them master. After some discussion, they settled on the current title of Li Zhirui according to his family rank.

I'm fine, thanks to you at that time. Li Zhirui forced a smile and spoke to comfort him.

If Daqing hadn't tried his best to use defensive spells to buy Li Shiqing time and weaken the power of Qingguang, their group would have perished long ago!


Daqing originally wanted to say something, but seeing that Li Zhirui was still coughing and wheezing, he immediately took out a rejuvenation pill from his storage ring and fed it, saying: Brother Ninth, please quickly refine the elixir to heal his wounds. I'll go I’ll help you protect the law outside.”

Li Zhirui carefully mobilized the warm current transformed by the medicine's effect to slowly circulate in the body, repairing the damaged meridians.

Time flies, and several days have passed in the blink of an eye.

Shenleishan once again urged the Li family and his party to go to the border, but this time, because Li Shiqing also woke up from a coma, he had no reason to refuse and could only drag his injured body to the border town.

Li Zhirui, who was supported by Daqing and walked towards the spirit ship, looked back at the tall and majestic mountain gate not far away, and a strong hatred appeared deep in his eyes.

If it weren't for the Divine Thunder Mountain, they wouldn't have gone to the border to fight the monsters, and Li Shiqing wouldn't have burned Shou Yuan to save them.

After Li Zhirui was able to release his spiritual consciousness, he 'saw' Li Shiqing's situation.

The originally long black hair has now begun to turn gray, and wrinkles have appeared on his face, making him look a bit old.

‘One day, I will crush this divine thunder mountain! ’ Li Zhirui swore secretly in his heart, then withdrew his gaze and followed the spirit ship to fly to the border.

Flying at full speed, it only took half a day to reach the destination, and then the group settled in a fairy city.

This is where the Li family will stay next. As for how long they will stay, it depends on when the demon clan retreats or when the Shenlei Mountain calls them back.

Zhirui, you and the second uncle can rest in peace and recover. We will always keep an eye on the demon clan's movements.

Thank you, Uncle Ren, for your hard work. Li Zhirui turned to Daqing and said, Daqing, I would like to ask you to help sit down and frighten the monks in the city.

When a group of them just got off the spirit ship, he and Li Shiqing, two patients who were surrounded by others, fell into the eyes of many people. Maybe there were some daring monks who felt that they were powerful and wanted to take advantage of them. And enter.

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