With the war ahead, how could the Li family have any thought or energy to take care of Yuan Mingzong's affairs.

Moreover, Li Zhirui guessed that Jiang Tianming suddenly disappeared, not because he died, but most likely because he left this area with his disciples and went to other places to rebuild the mountain gate and continue the Taoism.

As for the reason, it is not difficult to guess. It is simply because Li Zhirui showed off his alchemy skills and the convening of the Alchemy Conference. Many golden elixir monks owed a favor to the Li family.

Although this favor cannot make them fight for the Li family, if they take advantage of the situation and will not be injured, they will have no problem paying off the cause and effect.

Although Yuan Mingzong's current strength has fallen to the bottom, no matter what, Ming Ling is a golden elixir monk. If he fights with his life, he is likely to take away a golden elixir from the Li family and injure several others. no way.

The collapse of Yuan Mingzong is just around the corner. How could Li Zhirui let his family take such a risk?

Wouldn't it be better to wait for them to perish on their own without spending a single soldier?

As for Ming Ling's plan to break the boat and lead his disciples to attack Ten Thousand Immortals Island? Li Zhirui didn't take this matter seriously at all. Today's Ten Thousand Immortals Island and the clan protection formation are not as crude as they were back then!

Let alone a golden elixir monk, even several times more, as long as there is a golden elixir monk sitting on the island, it will not be possible for ten days and a half to break the defense of the formation.

Moreover, when Yuan Mingzong released this news, he didn't just want the Li family to take the initiative, so that he could try to kill the Li family monks.

In addition to these reasons, Li Zhirui values ​​​​the reaction of Shen Lei Mountain even more!

Judging from Shenleishan's previous actions, it will definitely not let a vassal force become too powerful, because this will threaten its own dominance.

Although Shenlei Mountain now has Yunlei Zhenjun, a Nascent Soul cultivator, no one can say for sure whether it will change its previous methods.

If the Li family takes action to overthrow the Yuan Ming sect, Shen Lei Shan suddenly steps in and accuses the Li family, either by trying to sidestep the situation, or by 'taking back' Yunping Prefecture and Guangqing Prefecture, or even using this as an excuse to take action. Destroyed the Li family.

It was because of these concerns that Li Zhirui suppressed his restless heart, turned a deaf ear to the matter, and let the clansmen concentrate on dealing with the war that would soon follow.

You know, Li Zhirui's desire to destroy Yuan Mingzong is no weaker than others.

At that time, the Li family only had one golden elixir, Li Shiqing. The three golden elixirs of the Yuan Ming Sect broke into the Li family's land without authorization and threatened Li Shiqing with the lives of many members of the Li family, asking him to attack the Qingjian Sect's golden elixir. The other clan members might not I know it, but it’s engraved in Li Zhirui’s heart!

A terrifying murderous intent appeared in Li Zhirui's dark eyes. He silently recited the Heart-Cleaning Mantra to suppress the rising anger and murderous intent in his heart.

Go back and prepare your spiritual objects. The war will come soon! Li Shiqing ended the meeting, and everyone got up and left.

Not long ago, news came out from Shenlei Mountain that within half a year at the latest, they would raise their arms and attack Taixu Prefecture.

It seems like a long time, but to the monks, it is just a blink of an eye, fleeting.

Zhirui, how are you and fellow Daoist Jiang? Li Shiqing urged: Since you two are in love and I am interested in my concubine, hurry up and marry her back home!

And you two are both golden elixirs now. You can try to practice the dual cultivation method of the righteous way. You can not only experience the joy of fish and water, but also increase your magic power and speed up your cultivation. Why not?

Li Shilian on the side also tried to persuade him: Although it is not the right time to have a grand wedding, the family will hold a grand wedding for you afterwards.

The reason why the two elders were so anxious and urged so many times was that they hoped that after the war broke out, Jiang Fengwu could enter the clan territory and protect the Li family.

Although everyone in the clan now knows about her relationship with Li Zhirui, but the name is not justified, how can the Li family dare to teach her the clan protection formation and ask her to help manage it?

Second Grandpa, Grandpa Lian, acting like this is suspected of scheming against fellow Taoist Jiang. Li Zhirui shook his head and refused. If he really did this, I'm afraid the relationship between the two would have ended here.

Seeing that the two elders still wanted to persuade, Li Zhirui quickly spoke up and said: I will go to Daoist Jiang and tell her about this matter and ask her to take charge in Hongshanfang City.

If the Li family really encountered any danger, given the distance between the two places, she would be able to arrive in just a moment.

After saying that, without waiting for their answers, Li Zhirui turned into a breeze and went to Fangshi to look for Jiang Fengwu.

Well, since this kid doesn't want to, forget it. Besides, it's not bad to be in charge of the city.

Li Shiqing calculated in his mind that if someone really attacked Wanxian Island, Li Shilian could control the formation defense, and Jiang Fengwu could plunder the formation and interfere with the outside world. With the help of the monks from the family, the Li family would be safe and sound.


Fellow Daoist Jiang, I have something to ask of you! Li Zhirui said very directly after the two met.

you say.

A war will break out soon. Our Li family must respond to the call from Shen Lei Mountain and go to Taixu Prefecture to participate in the war. However, with a large number of clan members leaving, there is no guarantee that some monks will not have evil intentions and want to take advantage of the situation.

Li Zhirui explained in detail, and seeing Jiang Fengwu's expression, he seemed to have guessed what he was going to talk about.

After a pause, he continued: Although Grandpa Lian is left to guard the family, he is the only one in the end. If something unexpected happens, it will happen, so I hope fellow Taoists can stay and take care of each other.

Of course, our Li family will not let fellow Taoist help go in vain. We will give you some elixirs and elixirs as a reward.

Jiang Fengwu thought for a moment and did not refuse, I agreed to this matter. As for the reward, I will waive it.

No, how can we let fellow Taoist do it for nothing? Li Zhirui shook his head and immediately took out a few bottles of high-quality Vitality Pills from his storage ring.

He took these elixirs himself, so the quantity was not large, but there were still many elixirs in the family's warehouse.

The remaining elixir will be given to you when I return to the family.

Jiang Fengwu checked his consciousness, waved his hands and said: Enough, enough, these vitality pills are enough for me to help.

She was a casual cultivator. In order to break through the golden elixir, she had almost exhausted the wealth she had accumulated for decades, so that she still had no way to refine her natal magic weapon because Jiang Fengwu didn't have any spiritual stones to buy spiritual objects.

Please take action because of the Golden Core cultivator. How can such a small amount be enough? Li Zhirui shook his head, and also had the idea of ​​​​taking the opportunity to subsidize Jiang Fengwu.

But he was telling the truth. It was simply impossible to ask a golden elixir monk to do it with only a few bottles of third-level elixir.

Then Li Zhirui went back to his family, took out ten jade bottles, and gave them to Jiang Fengwu.

He believed in her character, and since she agreed, it was impossible for her to leave with these dozen bottles of Vitality Pills.

Thank you, fellow Taoist!

It should be my Li family who wants to thank fellow Taoist.

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