Rebuilding the Xiuxian family

Chapter 272 Discussion

My fellow Taoist has extraordinary talent, I admire you so much! the old alchemist from Shenlei Mountain said sincerely.

The third-level alchemist from the Sun family in Danshan also said: It's rare for you all to gather together, how about a discussion on Taoism?

What Fellow Daoist Sun said is true! The eyes of those second-level alchemists suddenly lit up. Maybe after listening to this sermon, they felt something in their hearts and made a breakthrough in alchemy? ! As a result, everyone spoke out in agreement.

Some even said directly: I'm just going to throw some light on this, and I hope fellow Taoists won't dislike it.

Without giving others a chance to object, he directly started talking about his understanding of alchemy, and all he talked about was his own valuable experience and insights.

I'm afraid that except for the last bit of special skills, everything else about alchemy has been revealed. Even a third-level alchemy master like Li Zhirui has learned something.

Li Zhirui sighed silently in his heart. He couldn't bear this cause and effect even if he didn't want to! And in order to repay the cause and effect, he must also show his true ability.

The same is true for other alchemists present, but if everyone does what he does, each other's cause and effect can be canceled out.

If someone is unwilling, I am afraid that everyone will join forces and throw him out. At the same time, he will offend dozens of golden elixirs present and owe the karma of the previous sermon.

You must know that immediately after the Jindan preached, Li Zhirui deliberately cast a spell to shield Li Shiqing and others from the outside, and did not give them a chance to listen to the sermon, in order to avoid cause and effect.

The same goes for other golden elixirs, who actively exclude the juniors behind them.

Li Zhirui crushed all the distracting thoughts in his heart and continued to listen attentively to the Jindan sermons.

With almost all of their own knowledge revealed, Li Zhirui's level of alchemy was also constantly improving, and he also learned a new alchemy technique called Hidden Alchemy Jue.

After performing this method, the elixir can contain more spiritual energy, thereby enhancing the effectiveness of the medicine.

After all these second-level alchemy masters finished speaking - yes, none of these dozens of golden elixir monks had anything to hide, they all showed their special skills!

In fact, it's normal to think about it. If they don't come up with something good, how can they let Li Zhirui and others teach the third-level alchemy method?

After all, this may be the closest opportunity they have to get close to the third-level alchemy master. If they miss it, it will be almost impossible to have such an opportunity in the future!

When the last golden elixir finished speaking, everyone digested it and looked at Li Zhirui and the others eagerly.

Since I was the one who suggested it, let me start over there. The Sun family golden elixir said with a smile.

The cauldron of water and fire is used to refine the elixir embryo. It all depends on Li Kan's actions, and the metal and wood are intertwined...

A trace of surprise flashed in Li Zhirui's eyes. This was not only an alchemy method, but also a cultivation method.

However, what he said was incomplete and could not be practiced at all. But just from these few words, one can see how extraordinary this technique is, because it is a technique that directly refers to the Nascent Soul!

You must know that the Wan Ling Jing inherited by the Li family only has the Golden Elixir Scroll. The Nascent Soul Scroll at the back has been ruined and should still be in the hands of the Wan Ling Sect who knows where it is. As for the subsequent exercises, the Li family No news at all.

That is to say, the ones with the highest cultivation level in the Li family are only in the early stage of Jin Dan, and they are still a hundred and eighty thousand miles away from becoming a baby from Broken Dan, so they are not in a hurry to find follow-up techniques.

The Li family definitely wants to find the follow-up exercises to the All Spirits Sutra, but if they really can't find them, they can only switch to other exercises!

At that time, the contracted spirit beasts attached to the All Souls Scripture will still exist. After all, they are engraved in the soul, but after the realm is broken through, the effects such as transmitting mana to the other party will no longer exist.

Li Zhirui originally wanted to go back to Bailang County after breaking through the golden elixir to see if he could find any news about the disciples of Wanling Sect, but who could have imagined that so many things would happen next?

After finally waiting for the war between immortals and demons to end, Shen Lei Mountain decided to attack the demon clan of Taixu State again. As a result, his plan was delayed again and again, and he has not yet started.


After Li Zhirui listened carefully to the lecture on the Sun Family's Golden Pill, he felt vaguely enlightened and felt that his level of alchemy had improved a bit.

He was not the only one, there were many golden elixirs in the crowd who looked happy, and it seemed that they had gained a lot, which gave them hope of a breakthrough.

This is Fellow Daoist Li's home field, so I'll leave it to you to finish. The old alchemist waited for everyone to open their eyes and said with a faint smile.

As you all know, alchemy is to extract the essence of elixirs and then mix them with the help of emperors, ministers and envoys...

If the Sun family's golden elixir teachings are mysterious and high-end, then the method of alchemy he teaches is extremely basic and ordinary.

But in Li Zhirui's eyes, what the old man said was even more powerful, because he was truly imparting his experience in alchemy.

If he could understand what he had learned, then these golden elixir monks present would definitely have several more third-level alchemists!

So after everyone woke up from their enlightenment, they all stood up to pay homage and said: Fellow Taoist, great virtue! Please accept my bows!

Li Zhirui was secretly worried because it was his turn to preach next!

What these people are saying is becoming more and more important, so how can he not show some ability to keep the bottom of the situation?

After pondering for a moment, he said: My fellow Taoists and I have different methods of alchemy, but we have the same goal through different paths. I hope you can gain something from this.

He imitated the preaching method of an old alchemist, starting from the basics of alchemy, and incorporated his unique insights and techniques into alchemy.

Of course, some contents have been roughly skipped. After all, if we were to explain them one by one in detail, we would not be able to finish them in ten days and a half.

But even so, everyone felt very satisfied, because Li Zhirui taught him a little method to remove erysipelas, and it would not make alchemy more difficult!

My Taoist friends will be enlightened once they hear it, and I will be ashamed of myself.

Sun Jiajindan also said: If fellow Taoists don't dislike him in the future, I would like to visit him and discuss the Tao with him.

Thank you fellow Taoist for teaching me the Dharma!

Other Jindan monks also spoke one after another to express their gratitude to Li Zhirui.

Although the Li family had an ulterior motive for holding the Alchemy Conference, if it hadn't been for this, they wouldn't have had this opportunity to break through to the third level in alchemy.

Moreover, the method Li Zhirui taught would be of great benefit regardless of whether they could refine third-level elixirs in the future.

So even if they preached the truth, they could only pay off part of the cause and effect. Although the remaining cause and effect was not much, it was no problem to count it as a favor.

The golden elixir monk of the Qingzhu Sect on the side could not help but feel relieved, and said to himself: Fortunately, the sect did not take action against the Li family, otherwise the favor of these golden elixirs alone would be enough to make the situation of the Qingzhu Sect very difficult.

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