Uncle Ninth?! The team leader couldn't help but exclaimed. He didn't know what he thought of, and his attitude became more respectful and said, Senior, please wait a moment!

Then he sent another clan member back to tell the clan leader and Li Zhirui himself about the incident.

Okay. Jiang Fengwu was already thinking about Li Zhirui's surprised expression after the two met.


The expanded and renovated family hall should now be called the family hall. The patriarch, Li Chengmo, was handling various family affairs at his desk. When he was worried about the size of the reception for the Jindan monks, a burst of hurried footsteps interrupted his thoughts.

Patriarch, there is a strange Jindan female cultivator visiting outside!

Li Chengmo raised his head from the table full of documents, A strange Jindan female cultivator? Do you know what her purpose is?

I don't know. As soon as we found her, we came back immediately to report her.

After pondering for a moment, Li Chengmo said: In that case, I will go see her first to see if she is an enemy or a friend. You go and tell the ancestors about this.

But as soon as the two of them walked out of the hall, another member of the escort hurried over and said, That senior said he was a friend of Uncle Jiu and came here specifically to visit.

Uncle Jiu's friend? Is he a confidante? Li Chengmo had a lot of thoughts in his mind and asked him to tell Li Zhirui quickly.

Li Zhirui, who was working hard to improve the quality of the Vitality Pill, heard that a female Jindan cultivator was looking for him, and he immediately thought of Jiang Fengwu.

I haven't seen him for more than ten years, has she really broken through the golden elixir? But what surprised him even more was that after so many years, she still hadn't forgotten him, and even fulfilled her previous promise.

On the way to greet Jiang Fengwu, he met two elders, Li Shiqing and Li Shilian.

Zhirui, is this the peach blossom debt you incurred outside? Li Shiqing looked like a gossip.

Li Shilian on the side also teased: If that's the case, then just marry her home. A golden elixir female cultivator is more than enough for you.

Second Grandpa, what are you talking about! Li Zhirui explained in a dumbfounded voice, My fellow Daoist Jiang and I are innocent, it's not a peach blossom debt!

Then how did you meet?

Once during a training session, I was accidentally seriously injured and was chased by a demon cultivator. Then I met Jiang Daoyou's team and was rescued by them. In order to repay the cause and effect, I agreed to help them refine the elixir. After going back and forth, we finally Be more familiar. Li Zhirui thought for a while and added: Just friends.

Li Shilian asked sharply: Then why did she come all the way to Wanxian Island to find you?

Li Zhirui didn't know how to speak for a while. He couldn't say that someone was interested in him, right?

What if he came here this time just to fulfill his previous promise and had no interest in him for a long time? How embarrassing would that be?

Fortunately, they were not far away from Jiang Fengwu at this time, and Li Zhirui escaped.

Friend Daoist Li, long time no see! Jiang Fengwu said with a generous smile, and then greeted Li Shiqing and Li Shilian.

Friend Jiang, long time no see! Li Zhirui couldn't help but smile.

Li Shiqing next to him saw this scene, his heart moved, and he interrupted: Fellow Daoist Jiang, come in first. If you want anything, let's sit down and talk slowly.

In fact, there was nothing to talk about. After all, I didn’t know two of the people, and I didn’t know the other one very well either.

After an awkward chat, Jiang Fengwu got down to business and asked bluntly: What do you think of me?

That's good, but we don't have much contact and we don't know each other very well yet. There's no need to be so hasty.

Li Zhirui takes relationships very seriously. He wants to find a Taoist couple who can be together forever, so they must understand and be compatible with each other, otherwise they will eventually part ways over the long years.

You're right, I've thought about it over the years. Jiang Fengwu was still not annoyed and said with a smile: The reason why I was so excited at the beginning is no longer clear, but later, it was because after being rejected by you, It evolved into a bit of an obsession.”

And the reason why I came to you, in addition to the promise I made back then, is also because I want to get to know you! Jiang Fengwu said directly and frankly: I thought about all the male cultivators I know, and found that you are the only one who makes my heart move. a feeling of.

Okay! This time, Li Zhirui did not refuse.

Maybe it was because she had broken through the golden elixir, or maybe it was her initiative, or maybe he didn't notice it himself. When Jiang Fengwu spoke, his heartbeat suddenly slowed down a beat.

But I'm a little sorry that I will be very busy in the next period of time, and I'm afraid I won't have much time to spend with you.

Jiang Fengwu shook his head and said nonchalantly: It doesn't matter, you can go live in Yunqingfang City.

There's no need to go so far. Our Li family has opened a market on Wanxian Island. Li Zhirui said, I'll take you there!

The two people left the hall without anyone else, leaving Li Shiqing and others looking at each other.

Hahahahaha, it seems that my Li family will have a big happy event soon! Li Shiqing said with a laugh.

A female golden elixir cultivator married into the Li family! Thinking of this, he became even more excited.

But it was said that Li Zhirui and Jiang Fengwu were riding on the clouds and chatting happily along the way.

About a month from now, the family will hold an alchemy conference. I hope fellow Taoist Jiang will attend.

Jiang Fengwu suddenly said: Are you busy with this matter? I didn't expect that you are already a third-level alchemy master.

Didn't you learn some kind of skill? Li Zhirui was a little curious. Although she was a casual cultivator, given her status, she had enough capital to learn the skill of cultivation.

Jiang Fengwu shook his head, a trace of loneliness flashed in his eyes, At that time, I was busy hunting demon cultivators, earning merit points, and improving my cultivation. How could I have time to study?

Moreover, casual cultivators do not have the guidance of teachers, nor the inheritance of their ancestors, so they can only learn slowly by themselves, which is not without difficulty.

It's good to have talent, you can touch the door frame by yourself, and then slowly open the door and push out a gap.

Those who have no talent spend a lot of money and learn nothing in the end.

You can now learn about various cultivation techniques, but... Li Zhirui frowned and thought for a moment, then said: With your current cultivation level in the Golden Core realm, you should be able to make many low-level spiritual objects.

But this is not a talent, but because the realm is too high and it is cultivated in a high position.

Thank you for reminding me, I will pay attention. Jiang Fengwu nodded and said, Fangshi is not far away, right? I can go there by myself, you can go back first.

Li Zhirui said dumbfounded: It doesn't matter, it won't be short of such a short time.

Thanks for the big reward from the humble monk

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