What Li Zhirui didn't know was that the reason why Zhang Bufan didn't know was because he happened to receive this mission just after he recovered from his injuries, and went straight to Ten Thousand Immortals Island, which caused a huge misunderstanding in the Li family.

So that's it. Li Zhirui looked like he couldn't laugh or cry. Faced with the puzzled look in the golden elixir's eyes, without explaining, he followed a certain foundation-building disciple into the Ten Thousand Thunder Mountains, where the Nascent Soul Ceremony was held.

I have to say that in this regard, Shenlei Mountain has spent a lot of money!

The huge square is paved with first-order white spirit jade, and the objects used by the guests are at least second-order magic weapons. Third-order green lotus jade incense is lit, and various spiritual fruits are placed on the jade table. These are just the most basic. .

A golden elixir cultivator like Li Zhirui also has several plates of third-level spiritual fruits and a pot of fragrant spiritual tea on his table.

And this is just a pre-dinner snack, used to quench the thirst of monks like him who arrived first and kill time.

Li Zhirui picked up a spiritual fruit and glanced at the nearby monks. He found that all those present were from vassal forces. Big forces like the Wood Spirit Sect and Xuanfa Pavilion had not yet arrived.

Shen Qingqi of the Shen family in Cangshan has met fellow Taoist Li. A middle-aged male cultivator walked up to him and greeted him with a smile.

Li Zhirui returned the gift without knowing why. He had heard of the Cangshan Shen family, which is located to the east of Wanlei State. There are three golden elixirs in the family, which have been passed down for thousands of years. They are good at making talismans and are considered to be relatively powerful under the rule of Shenlei Mountain. Vassal family.

However, because the two families were far apart and had never interacted with each other before, Li Zhirui was still a little surprised when he suddenly came up to say hello.

I heard that Fellow Daoist Li is young and promising. When I saw him today, I found that it was true! Shen Qingqi praised sincerely.

Fellow Taoist, you are overly praised. Li Zhirui felt that this person should have come with a purpose, but he didn't know what it was, so he had to chat with him in a nonchalant manner.

It can be seen that Shen Qingqi has done his homework before, and he actually told several stories about the Li family and Li Zhirui.

I heard that fellow Taoist is good at refining elixirs?

Li Zhirui thought, this must be the purpose of coming here. He said calmly: I just know how to refine some elixirs.

Shen Qingqi showed a hint of joy, I wonder if you can refine a third-level elixir that increases mana?

I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint my Taoist friends. Although I have been trying to break through the golden elixir for several years, I have not succeeded yet because I don't have enough elixirs to practice with.

The Zengyuan Pill was sold to the Nanya Chamber of Commerce, so the Li family would not bring it to light in the short term.

It's me who disturbed fellow Taoist. After saying that, Shen Qingqi left in disappointment.

Just to buy elixir from me? Li Zhirui looked at his back with a trace of doubt in his eyes.

Third-level spiritual elixirs are relatively rare, but for the Shen family, which has had golden elixir cultivators for generations, it is impossible not to buy them. Why go to him specifically?

After thinking about it for a while, I still had no clue, so I had to put it behind me and wait for the major forces to arrive.

The Wood Spirit Sect Master Qingliu brings the peach... The four masters present a fourth-level golden-patterned ginkgo spiritual tree. I wish Master Yunlei to achieve Nascent Soul!

Not long after, as a chorus of harmony sounded, a total of five Jindan monks entered the square.

What a big gesture! Li Zhirui couldn't help but clicked his tongue when he heard the congratulatory gift from the Wood Spirit Sect.

The golden-grained ginkgo is a fourth-level spiritual tree. Its fruit has the effect of pure magic power, but this is not the most precious thing about it. The precious thing is: if it can grow for three thousand years without dying, it can transform into spiritual roots!

After evolving into a spiritual root, the effect of its fruit will be greatly enhanced, and it can be used to suppress luck, and is also a necessity for opening up the cave.

Of course, the method of opening up the cave is extremely rare, and even the Divine Thunder Mountain may not have it.

But even so, the first two effects alone, spiritual roots are already very precious.

Subsequently, the Xuanhuo Fan Family, Xuanfa Pavilion and other forces also arrived one after another, and the gifts they sent were almost as precious as the Golden Ginkgo.

Even the Xuanbing Sect in the north crossed Taixu State, which was occupied by monsters in the middle, and sent several Jindan monks to congratulate him.

‘All the Immortal Sects within a radius of tens of thousands of miles are here! ’ Li Zhirui thought silently in his heart.

At the same time, a doubt also appeared in his mind. Just the birth of a Nascent Soul Lord, why would there be such a big fuss?

Especially the Xuan Bing Sect. According to the information from the Li family's investigation, it has a mediocre relationship with Shen Lei Mountain. There have even been conflicts several times, and now they are crossing the demon realm for this!

Hahahahaha... Along with a thunderous laugh, a thin, stooped, white-haired old man appeared on the cloud bed above.

That seemingly weak body contained frightening and terrifying energy. In Li Zhirui's eyes, it was like a ball of light that gathered a large amount of thunder and liquid. It was so dazzling that he couldn't look at it more.

You guys have traveled thousands of miles to come here to congratulate me. I am very happy. Zhenjun Yunlei said boldly: Don't be restrained and just start!

One after another, good-looking female cultivators appeared on the stage, twisting their voluptuous willow waists. Their slender jade hands and white jade plates reflected each other, making all the male cultivators present's eyes shine.


True Lord Yunlei said loudly: I wish you all a smooth journey!

I wish the true king will transform into an infant and become a god, and he will overcome the calamity and ascend to heaven! Everyone stood up and repeated the words of the monk from Shenlei Mountain.

In the midst of the singing and dancing, the banquet was very lively, and many monks were addicted to it, unable to extricate themselves.

But Li Zhirui always remained calm. Fortunately, there were many monks like him, so it was not too sudden.

Dang, Dang, Dang!

About an hour later, a crisp bell suddenly sounded, causing everyone to wake up.

Smart monks all know that the next step is the most important part of this ceremony, the sermon!

Therefore, many people have begun to clear their minds of distracting thoughts and adjust their status to avoid missing opportunities.

But there are also some people who feel that this so-called preaching is just talking about unimportant things, casually dealing with this inheritance that has been passed down for countless years, and not paying attention to it.

I, Yun Lei, have been blessed by God to break through the Nascent Soul. I will never be able to get rid of the word Thunder throughout my life. Today it is convenient for you to talk about this way and this method! Zhenjun Yun Lei said solemnly.

Thunder is the thin movement of yin and yang, which is also called the unity of yin and yang...

Li Zhirui was shocked. This true king actually came to the truth and was not just talking to everyone!

Faced with this opportunity, how could he dare to be distracted? He immediately calmed down and continued listening to Yun Lei's sermon.

The monks who had previously disapproved were suddenly shocked and quickly cleared their minds to listen to this sermon.

But for some reason, they couldn't concentrate for a long time. To their ears, those sounds were like roaring thunder.

If you listen to the sermon forcibly, it will cause your own energy and blood to surge and distracting thoughts!

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