On Ten Thousand Immortals Island, the family competition is in full swing, and a large number of exciting competitions are staged every day.

Some clan members who were unknown in the family in the past also gained the attention of the family because of their outstanding performance in the competition.

Especially those young tribesmen, they will enjoy the tilt of family resources in the future, and strive to improve their cultivation as much as possible before the war comes.

Zhi Rui, do you have any juniors you think are good? Li Shiqing asked with a smile.

Li Zhirui did not watch the competition from beginning to end like Li Shiqing and others, except for the first few days, which was when he appeared in today's final.

Second Grandpa, aren't you making things difficult for me? I don't know them well yet, how do you evaluate them?

Li Shiqing said with a smile: It just so happens that today is the finals of the competition. The tribesmen who can make it here must have good strength among other things. Let's see if there is anyone who can catch your eye.

Li Zhirui didn't know whether to laugh or cry. At first, he just thought that Li Zhixuan had a very good character and just said a few words. He never did anything similar again.

But this time, in the eyes of Li Shiqing and others, he seemed to be like the Bole who can distinguish a thousand-mile horse, with a keen eye for recognizing talents.

As the competition began, the clansmen on the viewing platform gradually became quiet and looked expectantly towards the center of the ring.

The two tribesmen in today's first duel are both at the ninth level of Qi training, and there is almost no difference in their cultivation. In other words, the tribesmen who can reach this point are at least in the late stage of Qi training.

There is no such thing as in the storybook, where there are those who are very lucky and pick up the mistakes all the way to the end, or the monks who possess rare treasures and have extraordinary talents in the early and middle stages of Qi training.

From Li Zhirui's point of view, the fight between the two was naturally boring and boring. It was nothing more than using spells to attack and defend, or summoning contracted spirit beasts to fight on the side.

When they released the spirit beasts, Li Zhirui let out a light sigh and asked, Has the family cultivated enough second-level hybrid spirit beasts?

Otherwise, how could two people just contract one?

That's not the case. It's just that there are more fire-eating toads and steel-splitting eagles, and the number of black rock giant bears is still relatively small.

Li Shilian, who was in charge of this matter, explained: Of the three spiritual beasts that were initially obtained, the first two were male beasts, and the quantities produced each time were large, especially the steel-splitting eagle, because the family had a jade-billed eagle before. ethnic group, its descendants are the most numerous.”

Although Li Zhirui's Xiaoqing later disrupted the situation and expelled the Steel-Splitting Eagle from the eagle group, the family later split the Jade-billed Eagle group into two and continued to cooperate with the Steel-Splitting Eagle in crossbreeding.

Although Xiao Qing is higher than the cracked steel eagle in terms of potential and status, it is still a third-grade spiritual beast, and the family will not abandon it casually.

As for the Black Rock Giant Bear, the first one we got was a female bear, and she could only give birth to two at most each time, so the number of giant bears in the population is still small.

Well... because of the appearance of the fire-eating toad, except for some tribesmen who were planning to learn alchemy or weapon refining, or whose spiritual roots were really not suitable, the others chose two types of hybrid spirit eagles.

But if Li Zhirui had to choose, he would definitely choose the Fire-Eating Toad, because its superior bloodline is the fifth-grade spiritual beast, the Fire-Eating Toad!

If luck goes against the grain and the spirit toad mutates, the positive pole turns to negative, and a trace of Taiyin Jade Toad bloodline is born, then it will be at least sixth grade. If the bloodline is richer, the grade will be higher.

In addition to these three third-grade spiritual beasts, the family also has several third-grade spiritual beasts such as Li Zhirui's Daqing and Xiaoqing, Li Zhiyue's water turtle and third-grade mist bird. However, there is only one of them now and no group has been formed.


While a few people were chatting, the fight between the two in the ring was coming to an end. In the end, the tribesman who was contracted as a descendant of Xiaoqing was superior and defeated his opponent.

There was nothing worth elaborating on in the next few fights, but Li Zhirui did not become impatient because of this. After all, he was now highly cultivated and had seen too many high-altitude scenery. Naturally, he was familiar with the sights everywhere on the roadside. The sight is not interesting.

But soon, a tribesman who was in the late stage of Qi training brought him a surprise.

This man's name was Li Chengwu. He was tall and thick, and his aura was very fierce. He didn't look like a monk, but more like a mortal warrior.

He has extremely rich combat experience. No matter how strong his opponent is, he can easily deal with it, and he has even defeated the strong with the weak on several occasions.

Moreover, he seemed to have another chance and contracted a rare third-grade armored beast. At the same level, its defensive power was even better than that of Daqing.

It's a pity, this man is a bit old. Li Zhirui said with a bit of regret. Judging from his appearance, he should be in his thirties or forties.

At this age, he only has the eighth level of Qi training. If he is a casual practitioner, he can be said to have above-average qualifications, but in the Li family, which is currently developing extremely well, his qualifications are indeed average.

Li Chengmo next to him had a strange look on his face when he heard these words, and whispered awkwardly: Uncle Jiu, Chengwu is not yet thirty years old this year.

In fact, Li Chengmo said this to give him face. Li Chengwu is only twenty-four years old this year!

Ahem! Li Zhirui's expression froze, and he cleared his throat unnaturally, Really? Maybe he's a little too mature.

He can use his spiritual sense to detect the opponent's bone age, but they are fighting now. If he does this, it will definitely disturb Li Chengwu and may even cause him to lose.

How could Li Zhirui do such a thing? I could only observe it with my naked eyes, but I didn't expect that I was mistaken.

If this is the case, then my Li family may have another golden elixir seed. Li Zhirui said with a chuckle.

When several elders nearby heard these words, a look of surprise suddenly appeared on their faces. Even Li Shiqing and Li Shilian did not expect that Li Zhirui would give such a high evaluation.

You must know that within the Li family, clansmen are divided according to their level of qualifications, from the lowest ordinary clansman, to the key clansmen, and then up to the foundation building, and the highest is the golden elixir seed!

Those tribesmen who will not be able to break through to the late stage of Qi training until they are fifty years old and have almost no hope of breaking through the foundation building are ordinary tribesmen.

The key point is that there is hope that one can break through the foundation building before the age of sixty. For the next higher level of foundation building, one can build the foundation before the age of fifty.

As for the golden elixir seeds, it doesn't mean that they can definitely break through the golden elixir, but it is possible.

But even if there is only a slight possibility, it is still taken very seriously within the Li family.

Let's see how he grows in the future. Li Zhirui shook his head, seeming to take back what he just said.

In fact, after he finished speaking, he felt a little regretful. Looking back now, he said what he said was a bit impulsive, as if he said it to save his own face.

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