Rebuilding the Xiuxian family

Chapter 241 Embarrassment

Of course, if you are impatient, you can also apply to the sect, but you will need to take a discount. Of course, compensation for death will be distributed in a few days. Seeing everyone's faces, the leader added slowly.

If the compensation for the fall has to be discounted, even if Shen Lei Mountain has True Lord Nascent Soul, it will lose the hearts of the people. I am afraid that no vassal forces will be willing to fight for Shen Lei Mountain in the future.

I dare to ask Master Wen, how to break up the points? A golden elixir monk asked impatiently.

His family needs spiritual objects to promote a late-stage Foundation Builder and allow him to break through the Golden Core. There is a huge demand for spiritual objects.

Within three days, the discount will be 20%, and within one month, the discount will be 10%. After that, there is no need to discount it any more.

Li Zhirui asked in a low voice: Second Grandpa, which plan should we choose?

In a month's time, I just calculated it. Our accumulated merit points are just enough to exchange for two Foundation Establishment Pills. If we exchange them, it won't be enough.

And although the Foundation Establishment Pill is a necessity for the Li family, there is no need to be so urgent. After all, the family still has a few Foundation Establishment Pills.

Moreover, there is still a chance to obtain merit points. They also need to lead their disciples to clean up the vicinity of Shenlei Mountain. The back-up left by the demon cultivators may be able to accumulate and exchange for a Foundation Establishment Pill.

After Head Wen announced the split, the banquet was coming to an end. After it was over, Li Zhirui and the others set off to fly towards Ten Thousand Immortals Island.

I don't know what the situation of the two Jindan Taoist friends of Yuan Mingzong is like now. On the way, Li Shiqing suddenly thought of the current enemy of the Li family.

At the banquet, because they didn't make much contribution, they were seated at the back. In addition, they forgot about it for a while, and didn't think of it until now.

I don't know either. Li Shiqing did remember, but he couldn't find Jiang Tianming and Minngling.

But he never thought that these two people would all die on the battlefield. Not to mention other things, those two were in the middle stage of the Golden Core. Both their ancestors and grandson could survive, let alone these two?

Li Zhirui's guess was correct. Brother Jiang Tianming did not die, but they were not very lucky. They encountered two golden elixir demon cultivators. After all the hard work and all their magic power, they killed them. One of them used this to scare the other person away, thus saving his own life.

But when the demonic cultivators from Yinfeng Cave came to support them, the two of them were unlucky. Because they had no mana and could not use magical powers or spells, they could only watch the formation being broken and a large number of demonic cultivators rushing toward them. Come.

With his death imminent, Jiang Tianming had no choice but to burn his essence and blood and take Ming Ling to escape into the second line of defense.

But even so, the two of them were injured by the demon cultivator, especially Jiang Tianming. Due to the burning essence and blood, his injuries were very serious and he was unable to attend the banquet.

However, Ming Ling was decisive and took out all the merit points to exchange for a third-level Ten Thousand Spirits Life Pill, thus saving Jiang Tianming's life.

In the end, Jiang Tianming survived, but Yuan Mingzong gained nothing from his trip.


Li Zhirui and Li Shiqing took turns to control the spirit boat, and returned to Darong Island in less than a day.

Second brother, Zhirui, you are finally back! Li Shilian, who had been worried since the two left the family, finally felt relieved at this moment.

You two are not injured, are you? Did the one from Shenlei Mountain succeed in overcoming the tribulation?

Li Shiqing shook his head and said: We are fine, we are not injured, but after a while, we need to gather some tribesmen to follow us to Wanleizhou to help Shenlei Mountain clean up the demon cultivators.

Is this a success? Li Shilian's face changed for a while, and finally he sighed helplessly, as if to comfort himself, and said quietly: That's fine, the Divine Thunder Mountain is still there, and we will not become the training materials of Yinfeng Cave. .

If it weren't for the Nascent Soul cultivator in Shenlei Mountain, how could Li Zhirui and the others not dare to take a moment to rest before picking up their clansmen and leaving?

Shi Lian, the family still needs you to guard it for a while, but this time we will not encounter any danger, and we will try our best to save the lives of every clan member.

Although this must be difficult to do in the end, after all, there are some things that even a Golden elixir monk is too late to do.

Okay, I'm going to call the tribesmen here.

After a while, all members of the Li family who were in the late stage of Qi training or above came to the square. There were more than a hundred people, including more than a dozen foundation-building monks.

This time, the demonic cultivator took advantage of the time when Lord Yunlei of Shenlei Mountain was going through the tribulation to destroy the spiritual veins and bring disaster to all parties...

Li Shilian briefly explained the cause of the matter, and then said: Now the family needs to summon forty clansmen to go to Wanlei Province to clean up the remnants of the demon cultivators. Are there any of you who can take the initiative to sign up?

Ancestor, this junior is willing to go!

As soon as he finished speaking, many clan members came forward, including Li Shiren and Li Shiting who had returned to the family.

These two elders of Li Zhirui are also the only elders in the family who are building foundations. They have been stuck in the late stage of foundation building for decades and have not found a chance to break through.

If nothing unexpected happens, their lives may end here!

Okay, okay! Li Shilian cheered repeatedly when he saw that he had gathered forty people easily.

You guys came with me. Because there were elders present, it was not Li Zhirui who came forward this time, but Li Shiqing who spoke.

After everyone got on the boat, Li Zhirui greeted them with the courtesy of a junior: Uncle Ren, Aunt Ting, long time no see.

Although the family of cultivators is based on the order of bloodline, in the world of cultivators, those who have achieved first come first, so situations like Li Zhirui, Li Shiren, and Li Shiting will inevitably be a little embarrassing.

And this is indeed the case. When the two elders faced Li Zhirui, who had achieved the golden elixir, they didn't know how to deal with it. The atmosphere between the three of them suddenly became very awkward.

But Li Zhirui was not an eloquent person, so he didn't know how to resolve this embarrassment, so in the end he could only say goodbye and leave in frustration.

After all, these two are your elders. When you were still a child, they were foundation-building monks. But now that you have surpassed them, they naturally feel uncomfortable.

At the end, Li Shiqing comforted him: But you don't have to take this matter to heart.

I know. Intellectually, I know this very well, but emotionally it is inevitable that I will feel a little uncomfortable.

Soon, everyone came to Wanlei State, and was assigned an area by the Jindan monks of Shenlei Mountain. They were responsible for cleaning up the demonic cultivators and evil cultivators in it.

In order to complete this matter as soon as possible, Li Zhirui and Li Shiqing had already agreed to split up.

When they were divided into teams, in order to avoid embarrassment, Li Shiting and Li Shiren both went to Li Shiqing's side. The foundation-building monks on Li Zhirui's side were all of the same generation as him, or were his juniors.

The magic cultivator's methods are weird, so be sure to pay attention to safety and act with caution! Li Zhirui warned as he flew towards the other side.

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