Come back? The moment they were waiting to land on the island, Li Shilian flew out, and at first sight he noticed that the two people and Daqing's breath was unstable.

It’s understandable that Daqing just broke through, but what happened to Li Shiqing and Li Zhirui?

What happened?

Li Zhirui immediately told what happened to them, and finally said with a smile: We are all back safely, don't worry.

Things have passed, and although there was some danger, fortunately it was not too bad. Li Shilian didn't want to say anything more, so he just said: As long as you are fine.

We just dealt with a big battle, go back and rest quickly.

Then I'll leave first. Li Zhirui said goodbye without being polite and turned around to leave.

He is still suppressing the mana that Daqing sent after breaking through to the third level, so he has to refine it as soon as possible.

After Li Zhirui returned to the cave, he released Xiao Qing and said to Da Qing: Next, you will have to work hard to discipline Xiao Qing so that he will not be lazy all day long, causing his cultivation to stagnate.

Daqing has already broken through to the third level. You should work harder. I don't expect you to reach his height in a short time, but you must at least break through to the late second level!

He didn't make the request before because Xiao Qing's accumulation was not enough, but in the past three years, it has already been completed. It's just because Da Qing is making breakthroughs and he still has to refine the Zengyuan Pill, so he doesn't have much energy to do it. Discipline, so that Xiaoqing is still in the middle of the second level.

Don't worry, I will restrain Xiaoqing.

Daqing agreed readily, but Xiaoqing, who was used to being free, looked dejected.

However, under the force of Li Zhirui and Daqing, he had no room to resist.

After taking out some spiritual objects needed for cultivation, Li Zhirui entered the quiet room and began to concentrate on refining his magic power.

During his retreat, several major events happened one after another in the Li family!

First of all, Li Zhizhun has made it clear that he will resign as the patriarch, and the successor is confirmed to be Li Chengmo.

Over the years, with the pouring of family resources, Li Chengmo successfully broke through the foundation building, and he had been with Li Zhizhun for many years, and he had learned everything he needed to learn.

And as early as a year ago, Li Zhizhun let him try to handle family affairs. Not only did he make no mistakes, but he also completed it well.

This incident did not cause much turmoil in the family because it was already known to everyone.

On the day when Li Zhizhun resigned, because Li Zhirui was still in seclusion, he was unable to participate, but all the clan members were present.

And Li Zhizhun, who has worked hard for the family for decades, is no longer so young.

When the treasure seal and roster, symbolizing the clan leader, were handed over to Li Chengmo, Li Zhizhun showed a relaxed smile, patted his shoulder and said, I will work hard on you in the following days!

I will definitely do my best for the development of the family! Li Chengmo promised in front of all the clan members.

In addition to this incident, it was the first spirit testing conference after Li Chengmo took office, and several children with good qualifications appeared.

Perhaps it was an auspicious sign, or perhaps it was just a coincidence. The twin spiritual roots that had not appeared in the family for many years actually appeared this time!

This little girl of the adult generation was named Li Chenghui. She had the dual spiritual roots of fire and wood, and the purity of the fire spiritual roots was as high as 70.

In addition to her, there are several members of the Three Spiritual Roots clan with relatively high spiritual roots, as well as a boy with three spiritual roots of wood, fire, and earth who has a special spiritual body. His name is Li Chengrong, and he has a heavy earth spiritual body.

The emergence of these outstanding juniors made up for the lack of successors in the Li Jiacheng generation, and also allowed Li Shiqing and others to see the hope that every generation of the Li family could produce golden elixirs.

As for whether they can meet their expectations, it depends on the juniors themselves.

The sun rises and the moon sets, and several months pass in the blink of an eye.

And Li Zhirui, who had been in seclusion, finally refined the magic power and integrated it into his own golden elixir after practicing hard during this period.

Even though he had expected this, he was still shocked by the huge magic power!

Without going into too much detail, just saying that it saved him four years of training time is enough to show how much mana he has and how deep Daqing's accumulation is.

This is a benefit that only monks who have practiced the All Spirits Sutra can enjoy! Although cultivating contracted spirit beasts will cost a lot of resources, there are also many benefits.

It would be great if Xiao Qing also had such a foundation. After saying that, Li Zhirui shook his head, knowing in his heart that this was impossible.

Not to mention Xiao Qing's temperament, which cannot bear loneliness at all, and his own situation, it is impossible for him to accumulate such a huge amount of mana.

Li Zhirui walked out of the quiet room and found Xiaoqing practicing with his eyes closed, while Daqing was right next to him, staring at him while breathing in spiritual energy.

He didn't bother them, just looked at Daqing, thinking about how to help him further evolve his bloodline.

Although the thunder calamity purified his bloodline, it was far from reaching the level of improving his grade. In other words, he was still a third-grade spiritual beast.

Daqing's current cultivation level is already at the upper limit of his bloodline. If he wants to continue to break through and reach the fourth level, it will be extremely difficult, even with Li Zhirui's help.

If we go further, after reaching the fourth level of Daqing, there is no way out!

Because Qinggui, the source of this road, is only at the fourth level.

Li Zhirui frowned. There was nothing he could do about it now. He could only suppress his sadness and talk about it later.

He did not disturb the training of his two pets, and since he had not refined the Yuan-increasing Pill for several months, the family's inventory should be almost exhausted, and he would have to seize the time to refine some.

Two flowers bloom, one on each side.

However, in the main hall of the Yinfengdong sect in Efengzhou, the headmaster and the elders gathered together, but their faces became uglier than the last.

I don't know how long the silence lasted, but the leader said, Are you sure? Isn't this news deliberately released by Shen Lei Mountain?

Several disciples have sent back news about this matter. A certain elder in black said solemnly.

The reason why they gathered together and looked so ugly was that Shen Leishan, a certain elder in the late Golden Core stage who had received a copy of Nascent Soul cultivation experience a few years ago, seemed to have some insights and was 50% sure of breaking through to Nascent Soul!

Although it is only 50% sure, if it were other late-stage Jindan cultivators, they might not even be 10% sure.

We must not allow Nascent Soul monks to be born in the Divine Thunder Mountain, otherwise the sect will be in danger! A certain elder said with murderous intent in his eyes.

Although these words are a bit exaggerated, after all, with the background of Yinfeng Cave, a newly promoted Nascent Soul monk can't do anything to them.

But what they have in hand will one day be used up. How will they resist the attack of Shen Lei Mountain?

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