Rebuilding the Xiuxian family

Chapter 229 Thrilling

For monsters, the tribulation of other monsters is likely to be a gluttonous feast for them!

If they fail to overcome the tribulation, the monster's body is a great supplement to them; if they succeed in overcoming the tribulation, the monster beast that has just broken through is extremely weak, so how can it have any strength? They will still become their blood food.

However, in the past few years, Li Zhirui often checked the nearby waters and determined that there were no third-order water monsters within a radius of two hundred miles, only some second-order water monsters.

But despite this, Li Zhirui did not hesitate to activate the Thousand Miles Communication Talisman and tell Li Shiqing about Daqing's tribulation.

Shi Lian, the Da Qing Crossing Tribulation is imminent. Next, you will be in charge of the family alone. Remember to act with caution. The moment Li Shi Qing received the news, he sent a message to Li Shi Lian. With a simple explanation, he disappeared and flew towards Xiao Ling Island. go.

Li Shilian's expression became serious. Although Yuan Mingzong didn't know the situation and was unlikely to attack Wanxian Island, there couldn't be any luck in this matter, otherwise it would be a disaster for the Li family!

This is also the reason why Li Shiqing and Li Shilian have stayed in the family all these years. They dare not take a gamble.

As Li Shiqing left, Li Shilian was very energetic, but he could not go too far, so as not to arouse Yuan Mingzong's suspicion.

‘I hope Daqing can survive this disaster safely. ’

At this time, Li Shiqing, after leaving Ten Thousand Immortals Island, increased his speed to the limit, speeding all the way, and arrived at Xiaoling Island in just half an hour.

At first glance, he saw the small island surrounded by thunder and lightning.

And through the dazzling electric light, one can see that Daqing's body is protected by layers of aura shields, weakening the thunder.

How is the situation? After discovering Li Zhirui's location, Li Shiqing immediately flew forward and asked.

Although Li Zhirui's face was tense, there was no worry at all, and he said: Daqing's situation is pretty good, and the Golden Core Thunder Tribulation is not a problem for him.

as expected!

Although the first tribulation thunder was powerful, it was just rootless and was eventually wiped out.

Daqing's condition is good, and even his mana has not been consumed too much. After all, after so many years of accumulation, in terms of the amount of mana alone, ordinary new Jindan monks are not necessarily larger than him.


The second tribulation thunder struck down instantly, like a giant dragon tearing apart the space, carrying the power of destroying everything, and rushed towards Daqing.


Daqing raised his head and roared, and a dazzling blue light emerged, which instantly evolved into countless wooden shields, which appeared continuously to offset the power of the thunder. At the same time, he was also surrounded by a water curtain to ensure his own safety.

Li Zhirui and Li Shiqing watched nervously from a distance, but they did not forget to use their spiritual consciousness to observe the surroundings and use their own pressure to drive away the nearby water monsters.

Although he had checked before and found that there were no third-order water monsters nearby, all water monsters were a great threat to Daqing now.

If it entered the range of the thunder tribulation and caused the power of the thunder tribulation to surge, then Daqing would be in danger.

Time passed bit by bit, and the second thunderbolt was also wiped out. The third thunderbolt fell instantly and sank directly into Daqing's body.

The moment the two came into contact, Daqing let out an extremely painful scream.

What's going on... Concern leads to confusion. Li Zhirui lost his usual composure and asked in a panic.

Li Shiqing quickly replied: The monsters have broken through the third level, which is different from us humans. They are not only training to form pills, but also to evolve their bloodline.

The two phases are superimposed, and the power of the third thunderbolt increases dramatically, so this situation occurs.

Bloodline is both a shortcut and a shackle for monsters. It can speed up the cultivation speed of monsters, but it locks the upper limit of monsters.

If a monster wants to break through its bloodline, in addition to taking heavenly materials and earthly treasures, the most common way is to use the power of tribulation thunder to refine and purify its bloodline when breaking through to the third level.

In fact, in addition to these three tribulation thunders, the monster beast also has an additional tribulation thunder, called the transformation thunderbolt.

As the name suggests, only by surviving this calamity can one truly transform into a human form, otherwise it will just be a magical illusion or a blinding method.

However, you can choose the time when this tribulation thunder will land, it can be together with the golden elixir thunder tribulation, or you can pick it up later.

If four tribulation thunders were struck at once, then this side of the world would be too targeted at the demon clan, because in this case, it would be impossible for ordinary monsters to survive this tribulation.

With Li Shiqing holding him by the side, Li Zhirui could only look at Daqing anxiously, watching his body continue to discharge black blood, his breath erratic, and his face full of pain under the influence of the thunder.


This thunder disaster was a test for Da Qing and a torture for Li Zhirui. After all, he could only watch his spirit beast being tortured, but could do nothing.

Daqing, you can definitely succeed!

Perhaps Li Zhirui's shout inspired Daqing. His aura gradually stabilized, and the surrounding spiritual energy began to gather towards him.

Successful! Li Shiqing couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this scene.

The robbery cloud turned into pure and rich spiritual energy and poured it into Daqing's body to help him condense the golden elixir, or demon elixir.

Just when Li Zhirui was relaxing, his spiritual consciousness suddenly caught a little movement and immediately gathered there.

I saw a third-level water demon that appeared at an unknown time and rushed towards Daqing who was forming pills.

I have to say that the timing chosen by the other party was excellent!

The thunder tribulation is already dissipating and will not be locked by the thunder tribulation, and Daqing is working hard to form pills. He is not very clear about the external situation. Even if he knows, he will not be able to take action in time.

How dare you, evil beast!

Li Zhirui became furious in an instant. He grabbed forward with his right hand, and the divine light of water and wood appeared, turning into a large net, instantly blocking the way of the water monster.

This is a giant-clawed lobster with a trace of dragon blood. It is nearly ten feet long. It has a pair of terrifying claws. It clamps on the French net and breaks the restraint immediately.

Fortunately, it had been stopped for a moment, and Li Zhirui and Li Shiqing's attacks came again, giving it no chance to get close to Daqing.

Human race, this is a fight between us water monsters. If you are interested, leave as soon as possible! Lobster said in a weird tone.

Hmph! Li Zhirui snorted coldly and said, Da Qing is my contracted spirit beast. Since you dare to attack him, I will definitely kill you!

Lobster naturally knows that the two of them have a close relationship with Daqing, otherwise it would not protect him. It is just looking for a reason to take action and delaying time!

No! It's stalling for time! Li Zhirui soon noticed something was wrong, and a powerful demonic energy rushed towards them quickly.

Second Grandpa, be careful! This monster is at least the middle stage of the third level! Li Zhirui said with a solemn expression.

We just need to hold on until Daqing forms a golden elixir!

For a quarter of an hour at most, he believed that the two of them could still do it.

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