Rebuilding the Xiuxian family

Chapter 223 Transaction

The elixir Li Zhixuan gave him was called Huangliang Mengguo. Although it was only a second-level elixir, it had a powerful function that could create a 'real' dream world.

For example, after Li Zhirui took this fruit and fell into a dream, he could imagine some elixirs in his dreams, and he could even refine the elixirs.

Of course, limited by the grade, the higher the cultivation level of the monk who takes this fruit, the worse the effect. If it is taken by a foundation-building monk, it may last for an hour, but if it is taken by a golden elixir monk, it should only last for two or three quarters of an hour.

And if it is taken by a monk who is not determined enough, he may not be able to distinguish between reality and dreams.

In addition to these, there is another reason why Li Zhirui does not accept this product, and that is that Huangliang Mengguo has no seeds and cannot be planted artificially.

So far, no one has figured out how the Huangliang Mengguo is bred. If you want to get this thing, you can only encounter it by chance.

And this is one of the reasons why it is expensive.

This thing is not of much use to me, so you should take it yourself. Li Zhirui forcefully stuffed the jade box back into Li Zhixuan's hands and said, When you have reached the stage of perfect foundation building, you can try using Huangliang Mengguo to break the bottleneck.

With Li Zhixuan's character, it is unlikely that he would be unable to distinguish between fantasy and reality.

If you feel sorry for yourself, give me a third-level spiritual object after you break through the golden elixir.

Li Zhirui said these words originally just to comfort her and make Li Zhixuan feel better, but he never thought that he would get a bigger surprise that day.

Go back, I still have things to do. Seeing that she was still silent, Li Zhirui shook his head helplessly and walked straight into the cave.

For the next few months, Li Zhirui studied the two third-level elixir prescriptions in the cave.

When he first looked at it, he felt that refining the elixir was extremely difficult. Not only did the elixir need to be refined many times, but the elixir refining method was also very complicated.

Especially for the Zeng Yuan Pill, you must use the Nourishing Pill Technique, otherwise it won't be that powerful at all.

Li Zhirui simulated it countless times in the sea of ​​consciousness. It wasn't until he felt a little confident that he started refining it.

There are more than twenty kinds of elixirs, including three precious third-level elixirs. It took more than an hour just to remove the impurities in these elixirs!

Then the essence of the elixir is put into the alchemy furnace, and the ten-finger magic formula changes to fuse the essences one after another. At the same time, you need to use your spiritual sense to observe so that you can find something wrong in time.

But even though Li Zhirui was so careful, he still made a mistake!

When fusing the essence of a certain elixir, because the speed was slightly faster, the essence conflicted and spread out.

Facing this failure, Li Zhirui was very calm. To be honest, it was only the last few elixirs that made the mistake, which was beyond his expectation!

Li Zhirui put the previously refined elixir aside and rested for a while before continuing to try to refine it.

However, it was not until a month later that he consumed all the elixir in his hand, and there was still a long way to go before he could successfully refine the elixir!

Fortunately, Li Zhirui has been making progress. From the initial fusion of elixir essences, he can now fuse all the essences without making any mistakes.

Although there are still several methods to successfully refine the elixir, and if you want to cross these thresholds, you don't know how many times you have to practice and how many elixirs you need to consume.

He estimated that he would need to practice at least a hundred times before he could succeed!

Sigh, I don't know how many elixirs the family has acquired during this period. Li Zhirui sighed helplessly. Since there was no elixir, he could only give up refining it and start deducing it in the sea of ​​consciousness.

He waited for half a month for a batch of elixir, but there were only ten golden soil fruits, and Li Zhirui used them all in just a few days.

When Li Zhizhun heard that the elixir had been used up again, a wry smile appeared on his face, No wonder Zhirui deliberately strengthened the difficulty of the third-level elixir.

But there is no other way, we still have to arrange for the clan members to go to Qingshan Prefecture to buy the missing elixir.


Senior should be from the Li family of Darong Island, right? In the Nanya Palace, a pot-bellied Foundation-Building monk said respectfully.

Li Shiqing, who had bought the elixir and was about to return to Darong Island, frowned slightly. He deliberately concealed his cultivation and appearance. How did he, a foundation-building monk, recognize his identity?

It's not difficult to find out the news about the Li family. Your family purchased a recipe for the Zengyuan Pill before, and Jinyang is indeed one of the main ingredients of the Zengyuan Pill. Na Zhuji explained.

Li Shiqing asked calmly: You said so much, do you have anything to do with me?

I heard that there is a genius alchemist in the Li family, must he be refining the Zengyuan Pill now? We can provide the elixir for free until he refines the Zengyuan Pill, but from now on, the Zengyuan Pill refined can only be sold to I am the Nanya Chamber of Commerce.

The Nanya Chamber of Commerce is an external force. If all spiritual objects have to be transported from other continents, the cost will be too high and the income will be greatly reduced!

Faced with this situation, the solution they thought of was to join forces with nearby forces to be as self-sufficient as possible in Dongzhou and reduce their dependence on the Chamber of Commerce headquarters.

Among all spiritual things, elixir is the most important!

In the area near Qingshan Prefecture, Li Zhirui, a second-level alchemist in the Golden Core Realm, was the one they tried their best to win over.

This matter is very relevant. I have to discuss it with my family before I can give an answer. Li Shiqing thought for a while, but did not refuse immediately, nor did he agree directly.

The conditions offered by the Nanya Chamber of Commerce are very attractive, and can at least save the family nearly one million spiritual stones. However, the promise of Shenlei Mountain and the Xuanfa Pavilion are behemoths that the Li family cannot ignore.

Then I'll wait for the good news from senior! After saying that, the foundation-building monk bowed and slowly withdrew.

After Li Shiqing returned to Darong Island, he immediately summoned Li Zhirui, Li Shilian and others to tell them the promises and conditions of the Nanya Chamber of Commerce.

Do you think you should agree?

Li Shilian was the first to say: As long as this matter is not leaked, it will definitely be a great benefit to the family.

It is not difficult to see that he agrees with it.

Li Zhizhun must be more cautious, worried that if this matter is known by Shenleishan and Xuanfa Pavilion, it will bring disaster to the family!

These two behemoths would definitely not notice the Li family, but Yuan Mingzong nearby had arranged how many pairs of eyes to stare at the Li family.

Promise. Li Zhirui shook his head and said: The difficulty of refining the third-level elixir is too high. If I want to refine the elixir, I need at least a hundred spiritual materials, and it is impossible for the family to supply so many elixirs. I practice.

But what the elder brother said makes sense. We must be very careful about this matter, and we must not let Yuan Mingzong get a handle on it!

Although Li Zhirui studied water alchemy, when the Zengyuan Pill is sold by the Nanya Chamber of Commerce, suspicion will definitely be cast on him.

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