Rebuilding the Xiuxian family

Chapter 212 Difficulties

My god-given magical power is called the Divine Light of Water and Wood. It is an attacking magical power. Water and wood are in harmony with each other. It may not be as powerful as other magical powers, but it is very long-lasting and difficult to control.

Li Zhirui explained: And the divine light is invisible and can change at will, so it suits me.

Li Shiqing and Li Shiqing did not ask further questions after hearing this. After all, it was not easy for Li Zhirui to demonstrate on the spot.

Zhirui, after you broke through the golden elixir, you were able to contract a spiritual beast. What do you need from this? Li Shiqing suddenly asked another thing.

Li Zhirui hadn't had time to think about this question. Now that he asked it, he thought seriously for a moment, and finally shook his head and said, Let nature take its course. I have Da Qing and Xiao Qing now, which is enough.

It's not that Li Zhirui doesn't have enough resources, he has space at his disposal and doesn't lack training resources!

You know, because he broke through the golden elixir, the area and spiritual energy of the space have once again increased a lot. Its area has doubled, and the spiritual energy is richer than ordinary third-order spiritual veins.

Moreover, when Daqing refines his mana, he will definitely be able to successfully break through to the late stage of foundation building. By then, he should prepare for Daqing to form pills. He does not have so much time and energy to take care of a juvenile spiritual beast.

Of course, if I meet a suitable spiritual beast, I will also find a way to make a contract with him. For example, the fourth-level spiritual beast of water and wood.

He just said that he would not force the matter, and the preciousness of the fourth-level spirit beasts can be seen from the fact that Yuan Mingzong took out a fourth-level spirit beast egg in exchange for a gold-forming elixir.

Since you have a plan, I won't say anything more. Originally, Li Shiqing wanted to use the power of his family to see if he could meet Li Zhirui's request, but now he doesn't need to.

And he could also tell that Li Zhirui's vision had improved a lot now, and I'm afraid that the family might not be able to meet his requirements even if they try their best.

Zhirui, what are you going to do next? Li Shilian asked from the side.

He had already considered this, and immediately said: I am going to refine the natal magic weapon first, and then try to refine the third-level elixir.

Innate magic weapon? Have you prepared all the materials?

Li Zhirui nodded. He had obtained many precious spiritual objects during his recent outings.

The natal magic weapon he wants to refine is the fourth-level spiritual object Millennium Purple Patterned Bamboo. After he obtained the Purple Patterned Bamboo from the secret realm, he invested a lot of spiritual stones in cultivating it, and spent a lot of money on it. Hundreds of thousands of spiritual stones were spent, and finally a fourth-level spiritual bamboo was obtained——

He Wanzai Muxin (obtained from the golden elixir monk who wanted to seize Li Zhirui's body) was the main one, supplemented by third-level spiritual objects such as Yunni, Qianjie Mushu, and Baijun Heavy Water.

According to Li Zhirui's idea, after the magic weapon is refined, it should be in the shape of a giant bamboo clump carried by a spiritual cloud. It can attack and defend through the bamboo leaves and roots, and the spiritual cloud below can carry people to fly.

And because there are mainly two kinds of fourth-level spiritual objects, the grade of the magic weapon will naturally not be too low. When Li Zhirui breaks through the Nascent Soul in the future, the grade of the magic weapon will naturally increase. There is no need for him to look for spiritual objects or find ways to integrate into it. in.

Of course, although this magic weapon is very comprehensive, it also means that there are no outstanding points.

After listening to Li Zhirui's description, Li Shiqing and the two couldn't help but frowned and said, Although your idea is good, without considering how difficult it is to refine it, the finished magic weapon is a bit mediocre, isn't it?

For example, Li Shiqing's natal magic weapon is a spiritual sword, and Li Shilian's natal magic weapon is a strange stone orb. The former is an offensive magic weapon, and the latter is a defensive and auxiliary magic weapon.

Don't I still have Da Qing and Xiao Qing? Li Zhirui said with a smile: My Li family monks never fight alone.

He chose to refine such a comprehensive natal magic weapon mainly to assist him and his two spiritual pets.

Since you have thought about it, let's do what you said. Li Shiqing didn't say much, and just said: If you are missing any spiritual objects, you can entrust the family to find them.

Okay. Li Zhirui nodded in agreement, If there is nothing else, I will go back first.

After leaving the back hall, he did not return to the new cave immediately - because he broke through the golden elixir, the original small courtyard was already a little unsuitable. Although he was also on the third level of spiritual veins, the spiritual energy was not as rich as that in the spiritual cave.

Li Zhirui had no objection to this. After all, it was conducive to his cultivation, so he tidied up a little and went to the spiritual cave assigned to him by his family that day. After a few modifications, it became his new cave.

Instead, he went to the family's mission hall. He had several things to entrust the family to help him do.

The first thing is naturally the spiritual objects and restrictions that he lacks in refining his natal magic weapon, and the second thing is to buy third-level elixirs and elixirs.

This is the benefit of being powerful. You don't need to do some trivial things personally.

About half a month later, Li Zhirui gathered the spiritual objects and restraints he needed and began to study in seclusion. He occasionally used some low-level spiritual objects to practice his skills in order to master them faster.

As for the purchase of third-level elixirs and elixirs, there has been little progress in the elixirs, mainly because Yuan Mingzong is not so generous, and they do not have much accumulation in this area.

It can be purchased through Xuanfa Pavilion and other chambers of commerce, but the price they charge is too high and there are many restrictions. For example, it can only be used by one person and cannot be transmitted to outsiders.

You can buy some third-level elixirs, but not many. And for the future development of the family, the family spent a large amount of spiritual stones and purchased a lot of third-level spiritual seeds in order to build a third-level medicine garden.

But now, Li Zhirui's energy was all focused on refining his natal magic weapon. After he gathered everything, he never stepped out of the cave again, with a determination that he would never give up.

What exactly is the problem? Li Zhirui looked at the unsatisfactory first-order magic weapon in front of him, his brows furrowed and his face looked a little ugly.

He saw a few spiritual bamboos growing in a yellow spiritual cloud, which were no different from what he imagined. However, once activated with magic power, they did not meet his expectations at all.

The bamboo leaves cannot be attacked, the roots are tangled, and the flying speed of the spirit cloud is extremely slow. In short, they are all shortcomings!

It's a pity that the family doesn't have the skills to refine weapons... Halfway through his words, Li Zhirui suddenly remembered that there was a genius in weapon refinement in the family, and maybe he could help solve these problems.

With this in mind, Li Zhirui couldn't wait to take action, and soon he found Li Chenghao.

Uncle Jiu, what do you want from me? Li Chenghao asked nervously.

His nervousness was not fear or fear, but the nervousness caused by being overly excited when his idol suddenly appeared in front of him.

Relax, I'm here to ask you a few questions about weapon refining. Li Zhirui used a little trick to make Li Chenghao relax involuntarily.

Go ahead. Li Chenghao gradually calmed down.

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