Rebuilding the Xiuxian family

Chapter 204 Calculation

I will definitely find you! Jiang Fengwu said with a serious look, and then led the team members into the fairy city, leaving only a wisp of fragrance.

Perhaps, becoming a Taoist companion with her is a good choice. After all, Jiang Fengwu looks very good, and she can practice to the late stage of foundation building as a casual cultivator, which is enough to prove her qualifications and talents.

If she still has feelings for him after breaking through the golden elixir, she can get to know him deeply and try to get along with him for a while.

Thinking of this, Li Zhirui couldn't help but laugh. He shook his head and put the matter behind him. He called Xiao Qing out and said excitedly: Go home!

Several years later, after experiencing life and death, he finally fulfilled his expectations before leaving, and naturally he would no longer stay in the outside world.

You know, retreating to form alchemy is not a trivial matter. If there is no one to protect it, it will most likely be destroyed by someone who is interested!

There once was a foundation-building casual cultivator who worked hard to break through the shackles. He was looking forward to the scenery after the breakthrough, but he was destroyed by an enemy.

Not only did the breakthrough fail, but he also fell on the spot and died under the angry thunder!

Li Zhirui doesn't want to be what others say he wants to talk about, so he will never break through in isolation from the outside world.


Xiao Qing screamed, spread out his huge wings, and with a fierce wave, he was several miles away. In the eyes of other monks, there was a streak of fast blue light rising into the sky, and disappeared from their sight in the blink of an eye.

Why don't you catch up and kill him? As long as he is dead, no one will compete with you for Jiang Fengwu. A certain monk in white said to Qin Haoming next to him.

Even if he dies, Jiang Fengwu will not be tempted by me. Qin Haoming smiled coldly, I have let go of her, and will return to the family and start seclusion.

The white-clothed monk's heart moved, and he suppressed his excitement and asked, Are you going to form an elixir?

Once the obsession in your mind is gone, the bottleneck will break down automatically. Qin Haoming turned around and glanced at him, with a trace of deep resentment in his eyes, and said lightly: Isn't this what you want to see?

After cutting off his love for Jiang Fengwu, the first thing he did was to look through his previous memories and carefully examine various experiences, and finally came to a result that he couldn't believe.

Although he fell in love with Jiang Fengwu for his own reasons, it was mostly because of the work of some people in the family!

They used a spiritual fragrance that could arouse feelings on him to make him fall in love with Jiang Fengwu, and then used various means to deepen his feelings for her. Because he couldn't get what he asked for, he eventually formed an obsession in his heart.

If Li Zhirui hadn't appeared, Jiang Fengwu would have only ended up suddenly dying. This extreme method was used to crush his obsession and allow him to take the final step.

Of course, this method is not safe, because it is very likely that the impact will be too great and Qin Haoming's Taoist heart will be completely shattered.

But to the Qin family, it was nothing at all. After all, he was a waste who couldn't even survive the 'love disaster' and had no value in cultivating him.

Regarding the fact that Qin Haoming had seen through the family's calculations and was so calm, the monk in white was not only not worried, but also became more and more excited, because such a person was the talent the family wanted!

I will report your performance to the family, and you will definitely receive key training from the family! the monk in white vowed.

Qin Haoming acted very calmly, or in other words, he had no feelings for this family anymore, but he couldn't leave.

Because his parents and relatives are still in the family, and no matter what, his current achievements are inseparable from the cultivation of his family. This cause and effect alone will make him unable to escape unless he gives up his own path.


You have been following me for so long, and you still don't want to show up? Li Zhirui asked Xiao Qing to stop in a wilderness and said in a cold voice.

He had left the fairy city for half an hour. At first, he did not notice the group of monks behind him, but when Xiaoqing's speed became faster and faster, they had to speed up in order not to be thrown away, and then they were exposed.

Originally, Li Zhirui didn't want to start a big fight and wanted Xiaoqing to throw them away, but he didn't expect that they refused to give up and followed him.

Six monks suddenly appeared from behind, four men and two women, including three in the late stage of foundation establishment and three in the middle stage of foundation establishment.

Facing such a strong lineup, Li Zhirui didn't feel panic at all. Although he might not be able to defeat them, there was no problem in leaving safely.

I heard that you are an alchemist? You must have a lot of spiritual stones and spiritual objects in your hands, right?! The leading monk said with greed in his eyes: Hand over the storage bag, and we will let you go.

Li Zhirui's eyes darkened. Apart from the monks from Jiang Fengwu's team, did anyone else know that he was an alchemist?

What he didn't know was that because the elixir he refined was of excellent quality, the price was much higher than the elixirs on the market.

As a result, some monks started selling the elixirs in their hands to earn spiritual stones, which they then used to buy elixirs on the market and earn part of the price difference.

So even though Li Zhirui hadn't gone out in the past few months, he was still noticed by many interested people. As soon as he went out today, he was targeted by several waves of monks.

It's just that Xiao Qing's speed was too fast, and in the end only the six of them caught up. Otherwise, Li Zhirui would have to face more than just these people.

Want a storage bag? Let's see if you have the ability! As soon as he finished speaking, Li Zhirui's spell was cast, and a giant blue dragon nearly a hundred feet soared into the sky. The vine dragon breathed out and exploded fruits towards it. They fly away.

These fruits seemed harmless, but they didn't dare to be careless. After all, if they were from casual cultivators, if they weren't careful enough, they wouldn't be alive now.

Each one of them cast defensive spells as quickly as possible while retreating towards the rear.


The continuous explosion caused a tremor in the surrounding space. If it fell on them, the consequences would be disastrous!

Even though they were far enough away, the terrifying power still frightened them.

But before they could take a breath, they saw the huge dragon's tail swinging and hitting them with great force.

The heavy dragon tail fell on them at an unexpected speed, directly shattering the outermost defensive aura on their bodies, and the terrifying impact knocked them several hundred feet away.

In fact, their strength was not that weak. It was just because Li Zhirui attacked one after another that they were unable to respond in time, which gave him the upper hand.

But if they come to their senses and join forces to deal with him, the offense and defense will be reversed, and Li Zhirui will be where they are now.

Therefore, Li Zhirui did not continue to entangle with them. He controlled the Vine Dragon to launch the final attack. After a huge self-destruction, he took the opportunity to get rid of them.

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