Jiang Fengwu looked at Li Zhirui's smiling face, and a warmth suddenly emerged in her heart. She knew that she was tempted.

Because of her background, she rarely came into contact with outstanding monks of the same level like Li Zhirui, who was young, extremely talented, could refine elixirs, and was polite to others.

So she couldn't help but feel a twinge of affection, but Jiang Fengwu knew in her heart that the contact between the two of them was just accidental. After this separation, it would be almost impossible to meet again in the future.

Even though they talk about birth status and so on, these things that worldly mortals value are not important at all in the eyes of monks.

The most important thing for monks is whether they can be together for a long time and whether they can help each other's cultivation.

This means that two people can walk hand in hand, lest one person breaks through the golden elixir, or even reaches a higher realm, but the other person stops at building the foundation. If this is the case, then they cannot be called Taoists, but should be called lovers.

After all, the gap in cultivation and longevity between the two will make their status no longer equal.

Therefore, monks have always attached great importance to the matter of Taoist companions and will never make decisions easily.

Of course, the kind of monks who are looking for the opposite sex to release their desires, and the monks who have reached the end of their road are not included in this list.

What's wrong? Are you okay? Li Zhirui asked when he saw Jiang Fengwu's expression was different.

Jiang Fengwu saw concern in his eyebrows and eyes, and her heart was beating fast and uncontrollably. She was a decisive person who never acted sloppily, but she still had a hint of a woman's natural shyness when it came to feelings.

I'm fine. Thank you for your concern, fellow Taoist. Jiang Fengwu shook his head quickly and said, I still have things to do, so I won't disturb fellow Taoist.

After saying that, he turned around and left in a hurry.

For some reason, Li Zhirui saw a hint of despair in her back and fled.

How come I, the dignified Jiang Fengwu, have become so shy? On the way back, she was very dissatisfied with her performance just now. She should stay a little longer and have more contact with Li Zhirui. Maybe the other person would be as moved as she was?

In terms of appearance, Jiang Fengwu is still very confident. She has never seen a female cultivator who is better looking than her so far!

It's just that her outstanding appearance has brought her a lot of trouble. She has been in danger several times because of her appearance.

So even though she is in the late stage of foundation building and is a well-known team leader in Black Mountain Fairy City, she does not dare to reveal her true appearance.

But even so, Jiang Fengwu has no shortage of suitors, but she has extremely high vision and looks down on these people.

Now that I have finally fallen in love with someone, I have to worry about whether the other person likes me.

Feng Wu, long time no see. A particularly magnetic voice suddenly sounded, causing her to break free from her annoyance in an instant.

Qin Haoming? Jiang Fengwu's eyes flashed with helplessness, and he asked indifferently: What do you want from me?

Qin Haoming didn't care about this, and said enthusiastically and directly: I just haven't seen you for a long time, and I feel a little missed.

To be honest, Jiang Fengwu didn't hate him. After all, Qin Haoming's background and qualifications were pretty good, and his personality was excellent, and his appearance was far superior to others. From all aspects, he was considered a good match.

However, apart from this objective factor, emotional matters have more subjective reasons.

She feels nothing for him!

Maybe we can become a good friend, but that's it, and it's impossible to go any further.

When Qin Haoming confessed his love for the first time, Jiang Fengwu clearly rejected him, but he persisted and had no intention of giving up.

As a last resort, Jiang Fengwu could only treat him with an indifferent attitude, hoping that this would make him give up voluntarily.

I've said it before, I don't like you and I don't have any feelings for you. Don't waste your time on me anymore, let alone come to me! Jiang Fengwu said ruthlessly.

After a certain soft-heartedness, which greatly encouraged Qin Haoming, Jiang Fengwu never said a nice word again.

I will definitely let you see my determination! Seeing Jiang Fengwu trying to bypass him, Qin Haoming said firmly.

You have no chance, because I already have someone I like!

Qin Haoming felt as if he had been struck by lightning, with a look of confusion and disbelief on his face, muttering to himself: Impossible! This is impossible! You must be deliberately making up lies to make me give up.

Jiang Fengwu turned around and said word for word: When have you ever seen me lie?

Then can you tell me who he is? What do you like about him?

Jiang Fengwu didn't know how to answer this question because she didn't know the answer herself.

Emotions are something that cannot be explained or explained. As she said this, she couldn't help but reveal a gentle smile, which was something Qin Haoming had never seen before.

At this time, he finally believed Jiang Fengwu's words, looked deeply hit, and left in despair.

Jiang Fengwu didn't care about this. She came from countless casual cultivators who fought with each other, and words such as soft-hearted would never be reflected in her.

At this time, Li Zhirui still didn't know that Jiang Fengwu had already made a secret promise. Now he only wanted to heal his wounds, return to Darong Island, and completely repay the life-saving grace he owed through this alchemy.

Until Jiang Fengwu came to the door again and took away the elixir he had refined during this period.

Knock knock——

The knock on the door rarely sounded, but it sounded twice today.

Do you have any other guests, fellow Taoist?

Li Zhirui shook his head. He was also very confused about this. As he walked towards the gate, he explained: I don't know many people in the fairy city.

When he opened the door and saw a disheveled monk who looked very downcast, his eyes became even more confused because he didn't know him at all, so he had to ask: Your Excellency, are you looking for me?

On the contrary, Jiang Fengwu, who followed behind, recognized who it was at a glance and said coldly: Qin Haoming! Are you following me secretly?!

Fellow Daoist Jiang, do you know him?

Qin Haoming stared at Li Zhirui and said, Is he the one you like?

These days, Qin Haoming has been secretly observing Jiang Fengwu, trying to find out who she likes, but she has not seen anyone else for several days.

Only today, not only did she dress up, but she also seemed to be in a good mood, and she entered the cave of a strange male cultivator, so she said those words.

Shut up! Jiang Fengwu shouted a little rudely.

The faint light in Qin Haoming's eyes was extinguished instantly, and he murmured: It looks like it's really him.

But it seems like he doesn't like you!

He did not make any drastic move, but after calming down, he looked at Jiang Fengwu and Li Zhirui with sharp eyes and said: If one day, you hurt her, I will definitely use all my means to pay you back tenfold. !”

Sorry, I forgot to post it last night

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