Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 666 The Great Sun Tathagata Purifying Mantra

The sky is full of demonic energy, and the whale swallows it into its throat!

The young master in red robe is standing on the roof of a skyscraper with a sword in his hand. The black mist pouring from the sky is like pouring into a funnel, like the water from the Yellow River rolled in from the sky. It is endless and never extinguishes.


Gudong, Gudong!

He swallowed the demonic and yin energy like he was tasting the most delicious wine in the world, unwilling to stop.

Kuafu swallowing mountains and rivers with anger is just like this, as if the whole world is being swallowed into his throat. However, this behavior does not make people scary, but makes people feel free and unrestrained.

Ma Xiaoling stared blankly at the scene in front of her.

Ever since she started to be a heavenly master and conquered the demons in the sky and the earth, she knew that her life would be anything but ordinary.

She never thought that she would fall in love with a zombie king. Fortunately, He Yingqiu enlightened her and realized that there are not only harmful zombies in the world, so she corrected her mentality.

But she didn't expect that after that, the zombie king Hanba would turn out to be a zombie who wanted to destroy the world.

The end of the world is in sight. For her own mission and to protect the world, Ma Xiaoling is ready to put aside her personal emotions and kill the zombie king. She thought that with the help of everyone, even if she couldn't kill him, she could seriously injure him.

Unexpectedly, he had never fully demonstrated all his power, but with the power he displayed inadvertently, he easily destroyed the strongest force that could be assembled in the world.

He Cheng's changes also caught her by surprise. He just changed into ancient clothes and used a sword to cast spells. He even took out a gourd to collect like in Journey to the West.

The White Snake had already appeared beside him, and was knocked away by He Cheng with a sword. The Golden Horned King, who seemed to have a gourd to attract people, was not so hard to accept.

"Shenlong..., you go back..."

Ma Xiaoling sighed, the Ma family's dragon was completely useless now.

She couldn't figure out what He Cheng wanted to do. She only knew that he didn't kill him. Otherwise, her group would not be suppressed here, but they would all die early.

And He Cheng's body also underwent earth-shaking changes after absorbing the demonic energy!


After the demonic energy entered his body, it didn't necessarily swallow his body's system directly. Instead, it turned around and rushed towards his brain, trying to take over his body!

The explosion in my head was like a mountain collapsing.


He Cheng suddenly became enlightened.

In the storage and chest, the mana accumulated by swallowing the ginseng fruit rushed towards He Cheng's brain like a dam opening.

After the two energies merged into one, many additional memories were created.

The biggest improvement is of course the change in realm.

Refining Qi!

Refining Qi and becoming God!

Refining the God and returning it to the void!


The elixir formation period!

Golden elixir immortal!

Earthly Immortal!



Golden fairy!

boom! boom! boom! boom!

Every time there is an explosion, the magic power in He Cheng's body will break through.

The growth will stop when reaching the top level of Tianxian, but with the help of the energy of ginseng fruit, He Cheng is pushed to the early stage of Jinxian, becoming a first-line master in one fell swoop!

His magic power and body were both at the Golden Immortal level. He Cheng moved his hands and feet a little and felt that he could easily turn the world upside down!

[Level]: lv110 (Experience: 32210/32885400)

[Grade]: Drought Demon·Colorful Stone Bloodline

[Realm]: Golden Immortal (early stage)

[Physique]: Level 4 +5 (10%)

[Corpse clone]: Jian

[Ability]: Incarnation of a crow, incarnation of a scorpion, control of objects, swallowing ghosts and absorbing souls, transmitting sounds from thousands of miles, spitting fire from mouth and nose (not hurt by ordinary fire)

[Supernatural power]:

Flying sand and rocks,

The red land is thousands of miles away,

Sucking gods and swallowing Buddha,

Dragon Claw (Power of Seventeen Dragons)

watershed angle,

Thousand-faced supernatural powers,

Moving mountains and unloading ridges (Thirteen Mountains),


six ears,

Eye of Heaven,

The sun is one foot high, the night is one foot high,

Transform into a dragon when meeting water.


He Cheng let out a breath and his bones cracked.

With a flick of his hand, the immortal rope tied around his waist flew up and tied Wang Zhenzhen. He then lifted Wang Zhenzhen up and flew to Ma Xiaoling's side, tying her up.

"Dead zombie, what are you doing!"

"Take her home and be your wife!" He Cheng grinned, released his right hand holding the hilt of the Seven-Star Sword, spread his palm, and said "poof" lightly into the palm of his hand.

He didn't know what he was muttering in his mouth, and he shook it violently.

There is a big fan as tall as a person!

"Banana fan!" Ma Xiaoling was completely confused.

He Cheng stood in a lunge, holding a fan with one hand and waving it towards the sky.

An airflow ball visible to the naked eye flew out with a bang, breaking the sound barrier!


Poof! !

The ball with a diameter of one hundred feet smashed through the clouds in the sky in the blink of an eye, sweeping away the dense clouds.


Two figures with golden light, hiding behind the clouds, appeared in front of everyone.

"Tathagata Buddha! Guanyin Bodhisattva!"

Only Ma Xiaoling present had the strength to identify the two people. The others had exhausted all their strength under the pressure of the mountain.

"Amitabha, Zombie King Hanba, don't be stubborn, put down your butcher knife, and become a Buddha on the spot~" Tathagata Buddha's eyes slightly lifted, and golden light emitted, hitting He Cheng like a substantial beam of light.

"Bah, you became a Buddha immediately!"

He Cheng twisted around and took a wrong step, grabbing the banana fan and spinning it half a circle.

At this time, Ma Xiaoling realized that He Chenghe had to tie her and Wang Zhenzhen with the fairy rope, but the wind accidentally stirred up by the banana fan was as unstoppable as a tornado.


A fan of wind hit Tathagata and Guanyin in the distance.

The two Buddhas quietly recited Amitabha, turning a blind eye to the strong wind.


The wind also stopped, only the white clothes of Guanyin Bodhisattva shook a little.

"I knew this thing wouldn't work!"

He Cheng glanced at the banana fan in his hand and felt that iron could not become steel.

"Amitabha, Hanba, if you continue to persist in your stubbornness, don't blame me for being ruthless. I will definitely use the Great Sun Tathagata's Purifying Mantra to destroy the world and be reborn!"

"Aren't you bald guys the best at this?"

He Cheng threw the banana fan away casually, but the immortal rope on the side seemed to have come to life. It lengthened spontaneously. He tied the banana fan and pulled it back to him.

Level 115-Tathagata

Level 110-Guanyin

There are two low-level Buddhas, but in terms of strength and realm, they are not weaker than He Cheng. If two fight one, He Cheng may not be able to win.

Just when Tathagata Buddha burst out with all his energy,

"Roar!" A roar came from behind He Cheng.

The ferocious golden-haired beast as big as a liger, with a set of purple-gold bells around its neck, slowly walked up to He Cheng.

"This is an ancient ferocious beast, Jian!"

Ding-ding-ding-ding-ding! !

Jian shook his neck fiercely, and suddenly the world changed drastically, the wind surged, and the black smoke rose wildly!


The four claws hit the ground, easily creating a spider web-like crack.

He jumped thousands of feet, opened his mouth wide, and brought the wind and sand to kill Tathagata. He Cheng, who was wearing red clothes, followed closely behind Tathagata and slapped it with a palm!

One after the other, just for a moment, the bystander Ma Xiaoling kept her eyes on Tathagata, but could not find out when He Cheng and Jian appeared.

Faced with the siege and attack, Tathagata finally opened his squinted eyes, revealing great compassion.



The swastika Buddha seal covers it like a golden bell.

Hu bit down, and the golden bell shook slightly but was not hurt. He Cheng chased it down with a palm, but it shook even more violently.

"The Great Sun Tathagata Purifying Mantra!"

Tathagata simply used the last trick!

The Great Sun Tathagata Purifying Mantra destroys the current world, returns everything to the starting point, and destroys the world and is reborn.

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