Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 647: A “lose-lose” strategy


The dragon twisted its body in frustration, and the golden dragon tail flicked left and right in the air.

But He Cheng's hand was like a big iron pliers, tightly holding Shenlong's mouth, no matter how hard it struggled, it remained motionless.


Ma Xiaoling gritted her teeth at this situation, but there was nothing she could do about it.

The Shenlong Pardon Order can be said to be the strongest force of the Ma family, otherwise they would not be called the Ma family of the exorcist dragon clan by the outside world. The highest combat power lies in this dragon.

Now, as soon as Shenlong came out, he was so frightened by the opponent's momentum that he didn't dare to move.

Not even a single move passed, and he was already surrendered.

"What's wrong?" Wang Zhenzhen couldn't see anything with her naked eyes. She just looked at her best friend Ma Xiaoling trembling non-stop.

Obviously very angry.

"Mr. He, I apologize to you on Xiaoling's behalf. You must not be angry. I..."

Wang Zhenzhen walked forward and wanted to explain, but Ma Xiaoling stretched out her hand and pulled her back.

Being dragged and staggered, Wang Zhenzhen's face clearly showed surprise: "What are you doing, Xiaoling?"

"Don't go there! This guy is very dangerous!"

"Ah? Danger? You just hit someone, and Mr. He didn't even fight back! Even if Mr. He is not a human being, don't misunderstand him."

"She's right. If I were hostile, do you think you could still be here?"

It just so happened that He Cheng was not the one who couldn't move for the sake of beauties, and even countless beauties died in his hands, and he was never merciless in killing them.

Appointing people on their merits will lead to retribution. This is the fundamental reason why He Cheng can survive to this day.

He had seen too many pink skeletons, painted skins, white-bone spirits, and countless such monsters. If he had let them go easily because of their beauty, he would have died at the hands of the vixen when he was still white-haired.

Ma Xiaoling was like a rabbit meeting a hungry tiger. Danfeng's eyes blinked up and down very quickly. She ignored Wang Zhenzhen and held the magic wand in her hand: "Why did you come to Jiajia Building?"

"The house is rented here, so I came to live in it."


Ma Xiaoling snorted: "Let go of the dragon!"

Regardless of whether He Cheng is hostile or not, she really has no way to deal with He Cheng. When the enemy is strong and we are weak, we can only take a step back now.


After Shenlong was released and freed from He Cheng's restraints, he roared excitedly to the sky and disappeared into the ceiling of the roof.

"Come in and sit down?"

"No! Zhenzhen, let's go!"

Ma Xiaoling dragged Wang Zhenzhen away, while Wang Zhenzhen nodded and apologized to He Cheng, "I'm sorry, Mr. He."

After leaving Jiajia Building, Ma Xiaoling told Wang Zhenzhen not to go back to Jiajia Building for the time being. It would be best to inform others to leave as well, and then came to the video game arcade where He Yingqiu was.

"Police Officer Kuang, why are you here?"

Ma Xiaoling still has some impressions of Kuang Tianyou, the policeman who lives in Jiajia Building.


"Uncle please, I'm going back first." Kuang Tianyou simply nodded to Ma Xiaoling as a greeting, then turned and left.

Only Ma Xiaoling and He Yingqiu were left in the game hall.

"Uncle please, do you know Hanba?"

"What! Did you offend him?" He Yingqiu was startled.

"You really know him, why didn't you tell me that it's very dangerous for him to live in Jiajia Building! That's the mythical zombie king!"

"I just found out about it not long ago..."

He Yingqiu took two mouthfuls of cool air and asked, "Did you fight with him?"

"Well, he captured Shenlong as soon as he raised his hand. I am no match for him. If he is as strong as the general, I'm afraid our Ma family won't be able to kill the zombie king general!"

"As expected!" A light flashed through He Yingqiu's cloudy old eyes.

"What's true?"

"Xiao Ling, have you ever thought that the Drought Demon may not necessarily be bad?"

"Even if he is a good person, he is still a harmful zombie! Moreover, Zhenzhen told me that she found out that the Drought Demon is a murderous demon who kills without blinking an eye. At least hundreds of millions of people have died at his hands."

"However, if you can divert the trouble to the east and let him fight with the generals, when they are both injured, maybe you can destroy the two zombie kings in one fell swoop!"


Ma Xiaoling was stunned.

Before that, Ma Xiaoling had no doubt that she could kill the general. In the words of her dead aunt Ma Danna, the Ma family had been chasing the general.

If the generals really had the ability to kill them, why would they need to escape?

But today, Ma Xiaoling encountered a drought demon that did not exist in history, and after the fight, she discovered the gap between the two sides.

How big is it?

As big as an ant looking up at an elephant!

This was also the first time that Ma Xiaoling had doubts about whether she could eliminate the generals.

And He Yingqiu's proposal really made Ma Xiaoling a little excited. If she could borrow the hand of one zombie king to kill another, or make them both lose...

"Isn't that a little too mean?"

She asked herself, she would kill zombies without mercy, but like the big boss behind the scenes, she couldn't do things like toying with people and killing people with borrowed knives.

"Think about it for yourself. As long as he doesn't harm anyone, you don't have to make trouble with him at all. That's the Zombie King Hanba. He can burn to the ground in a rage. Our little Hong Kong Island will probably be burned to death! "He Yingqiu crooked his legs, shook his head and sighed.

"I'll go back and think it over first..."

Ma Xiaoling returned to Jiajia Building in a daze, knocked on the door and entered Wang Zhenzhen's home.

The two sisters each had a bag of potato chips and were distracted while eating.


Ma Xiaoling grabbed the bag twice and found that all the potato chips had been eaten.


When she turned her head, she found that Wang Zhenzhen had fallen asleep with potato chips in her arms.

"Oh, aunt, aunt, what do you think I should do?"

As if she heard Ma Xiaoling's voice, an auspicious cloud appeared in front of her eyes, with this old fat woman on it, who looked similar to Ma Xiaoling.

"Aunt, what do you think I should do?"

"Our Ma family has been responsible for eliminating generals for generations. Now that there is an additional drought demon, we should eliminate it together. However, one zombie king is enough to give us a headache. If there are two, you will definitely not be able to fight. He Yingqiu The method is not bad." Ma Danna nodded thoughtfully, "Zombies are meant to die. Our Ma family can even sacrifice our own lives in order to eliminate zombies, let alone just deceive a zombie who has committed an unforgivable crime?"

"Yes! I understand, aunt!" Ma Xiaoling nodded with difficulty.

In order to kill zombies, the Ma family has sacrificed too much, and is ready to sacrifice more.

A few minutes later,

Knock knock~

The door to He Cheng's room opened, and he looked at Ma Xiaoling with surprise.

"Female Heavenly Master, are you here to take me in again? Give up, you are no match for me."

Ma Xiaoling shook her head: "No, I want to chat with you. Are you free? Let's go out to eat together... eat human food."

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