Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 639 Zombie King?

Zombies are not in the Three Realms and Six Paths, and there are no names in the book of life and death. A seemingly simple question can help He Cheng get a lot of the information he wants.

Moreover, He Cheng is not a zombie in this world at all, and his identity is even harder to tell.

"He Cheng, you have countless sins in your body, and your sins are astronomical." Master Miaoshan said.

"What you said is wrong"

He Cheng shook his head: "You like to talk about cause and effect the most. If your answer is unclear, the cause starts from you, and you have to bear the effect yourself."



The air in the Zen room suddenly cooled down.

And outside,

The sky was clear, but the sky suddenly became gloomy.

waiting bar,

The snake demon sisters who opened the bar sensed it, walked out of the bar, and looked at the gloomy and dark sky.

"Sister, this is..."

"I don't know, but the Dragon King is gone in this world. Precipitation is driven by natural phenomena, but looking at the weather, it will never rain in recent days... No! The black clouds are not rain clouds, they are blackened by evil spirits! "

"What, how many people have to be killed and how many injustices are there to cause such a dark cloud?" Xiao Qing was horrified.

When good people travel, auspicious clouds cover their heads,

When evildoers come out of the mountains, dark clouds cover the sky;

This is also the most basic technique of looking for energy. There is a demon cloud above the demon's head, and there is a thief's cloud above the thief's head. However, the black cloud covering the vast distance and beyond the scope of sight made the two snake demons confused.

Ma Xiaoling was teaching Jin Zhengzhong how to practice Taoism. She came to the window and opened the curtains.

The dark sky is like night falling.

police station,

"God bless! God bless! Hey! Why are you so dazed!" The policeman beside him patted Kuang Tianyou on the shoulder.

"No, it's nothing..." Kuang Tianyou looked at the dark sky outside the window and felt a fear from his heart.

"Investigate the case carefully, don't be in a daze all day!"

"Oh, okay." Kuang Tianyou looked away from the window and back to his table with concern.

Outside Master Miaoshan Temple, two commercial vehicles stopped.

"Boss" the short girl quickly ran out of the car and opened the door.

A tall, thin, middle-aged man stepped out of the car.

"Yeah" he nodded, looking up at the dark sky above his head, the smile on his face disappeared, he could feel something unusual.

"Boss, what questions do you want to ask Master Miaoshan this time?"

"This... we have to see her before we talk."

"She dares not to see the boss. If she doesn't see the boss, I will kill her!" The girl gritted her teeth, and two long, pointed corpse teeth popped out of her lips.


"Boss! I was wrong!"

As the middle-aged man scolded the girl, she shut her mouth obediently.

"Don't make the boss angry, Biga, or no one can save you." The tall man with long hair on the side leisurely took out his sunglasses from his leather jacket pocket and put them on.

"Hermen, you won't die if you don't speak!" Bijia replied unhappily.

"Okay, shut up. It's time for us to ask for the signature. Guodong, come together? Don't you also have questions to ask Master Miaoshan?" the middle-aged man said to the person next to him.

The man said obediently: "Thank you, boss."

In the Zen room,

The moment the murderous aura and evil aura emerged, the air became as heavy as a mountain.

The monk held his stick and opened his eyes fiercely, and two divine lights burst out from his eyes. But when the monk glanced at He Cheng, what he saw was a high mountain. The mountain was made of bones, and at the bottom of the mountain was boundless blood. ocean.

Looking up at the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood that was thousands of feet high, He Cheng was looking at him with his legs crossed and his right hand cupping his chin with a smile.


The monk took two steps back and spit out a large mouthful of blood.

However, the others present didn't care about him.

"You answered this question correctly."

He Cheng gave up his murderous intent, the entire Zen room became quiet again, and the sky outside the house became clear again.

"Second question, what should I do next?"

"One, you can choose to destroy the world, kill all the zombies and humans in the world, and naturally break the situation, but the price you have to bear is huge."

"Two, wait."

He Cheng nodded. The answer Master Miaoshan gave him was almost the same as what he was thinking.

"The third question,"

"What will happen if I kill Kuang Tianyou and Yamamoto Kazuo?"

"World Peace"

"Yeah, good answer"

He Cheng nodded and said to E Yao: "I'll wait for you outside."

He had no intention of eavesdropping on the demon's question, but to Master Miaoshan's answer, He Cheng could only say that he had a different perspective.

What Miaoshan could see was what she thought was the big crisis in front of her: Yamamoto Kazuo, but she couldn't see that the whole world was just the first move.

Killing Kuang Tianyou and Yamamoto Kazuo will not bring peace to the world. On the contrary, it will cause the entire world to collapse, and He Cheng will also have to deal with the most troublesome consequences.

Fighting with a group of people from the Pangu tribe may also involve fate.

Face the final boss.

It is a battle that may be lost, and lost in a mess, so it is better not to fight it.

But if these two people were troublesome and ignorant, he wouldn't mind going to war.

He walked out, but in front of him was a group of people walking in menacingly.

Kazuo Yamamoto!

"Get away, you dare to block the boss's way!"

Zombie Biga saw He Cheng blocking the road and raised her hand to kill, but before she could take action, a figure stepped in front of He Cheng.


Yamamoto Kazuo grabbed Biga's neck and stopped her.

His eyes were not focused on the figure blocking He Cheng's eyes.

The elf is full of spirits.

"Are you done asking?"

"No, I just asked a question. I found out that someone offended the master, so I rushed out."

"Snow..." Kazuo Yamamoto stared at the elf closely.

However, his actions were ignored by He and Cheng.

"Let's go?"


The two of them left without paying much attention to Yamamoto Kazuo.

"Boss, I..."


Yamamoto Kazuo slapped Biga directly, "Next time you make your own decision, I will kill you!"

"I was wrong! Boss!" Bijia was horrified and lowered her head.

Hermen pushed his shoulder to the person next to him: "Ken, do you know why the boss is angry?"

The man called Ken didn't seem to have recovered from the shock just now.

"She looks like her future mother..."

"Ken!" Yamamoto Kazuo interrupted Aken, who immediately shut his mouth with a shudder.

Several people walked into the Zen room, where Miaoshan was meditating.

"Master Miaoshan, we finally meet!"

"Yamamoto Kazuo, I know you will come. Even if you don't come today, you will definitely come thirty-three years later, sixty-six years later, and ninety-nine years later."

"My first question is, I want to turn this world into a world of zombies. Who in the world can stop me!" He was too distracted to talk nonsense and got straight to the point.

"Kuang Tianyou, Ma Family Blood, Guo Zhenling Stone, Great Sun Tathagata Purifying Mantra, Zombie King"

"Zombie King?" Kazuo Yamamoto has always believed that he is the real zombie king in this world, and even if there is a zombie king, why should he stop himself from turning this world into a world of zombies?

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