Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 634 Ma Xiaoling becomes suspicious

Just when there was a storm outside the Jiajia Building,

Upstairs, Wang Zhenzhen was also in danger.

She came to Luo Kaiping today to pick up the clothes she had made. She had just put on a tailor-made red windbreaker when she was unexpectedly proposed by Luo Kaiping.

"Zhenzhen, please marry me."

"Brother Ping, you are a good person, really good, but since I was a child, I have only had feelings for you as a brother, so I can't agree to marry you."

"Zhenzhen, I beg you to marry me, not only for me, but also for my mother."

Luo Kaiping had a pleading look on his face. Beside him, Ping's mother, who looked as haggard as a dead person, stared at Wang Zhenzhen with a pair of unblinking dead eyes: "Zhenzhen, what's wrong with our A Ping? Isn't it bad to marry him?" ?”

"No, Mother Ping, but I don't have the kind of feelings between men and women towards Brother Ping. I..."

Seeing the distress on Wang Zhenzhen's face, Luo Kaiping couldn't help but feel soft, "Mom, why don't we forget it. Even if it's just you and me, we, mother and son, can live a good life. I can always respect you."

"You are just too cowardly!"

Ping's mother beat her chest and stamped her feet and said: "Mom is dead, and she is still alive in this world because of you, Aping. As long as you can live a better life, mother can do anything."

"Mom..." Luo Kaiping was deeply moved.

But the conversation between mother and son changed the tone in Wang Zhenzhen's ears. What does it mean to be a dead person? What does it mean that anything is OK?

But there was no time for her to think now.

Luo Kaiping's eyes changed after hearing Ping's mother's words. He came over with a large plate of cloth measuring tape and looked like he was ready to use force.

"No, Brother Ping!" Wang Zhenzhen subconsciously pushed forward. Luo Kaiping lost his footing and was pushed to the ground.

"Ah Ping!"


An angry Ping Ma slapped Wang Zhenzhen to the ground.

Half of Wang Zhenzhen's face turned dark instantly.

"Mom, I'm fine." Luo Kaiping quickly stood up. While Wang Zhenzhen was dazed by the slap, he quickly tied up Wang Zhenzhen with a tape measure and carried her to the red-painted wooden chair.

Luo Kaiping also quickly changed into a customized suit, pulled up a chair and sat down next to Wang Zhenzhen.

Red candles were lit in front of the two of them.

There were no lights on in the dark room, only red candles flickering. There were clearly three people moving, but only the breathing and heartbeats of two people could be heard. It was very strange.

"Brother Ping, can you let me go?" Wang Zhenzhen's consciousness returned to normal. Seeing that she was tied to a stool and unable to escape, she could only pray.

It's just that the foolish and filial Luo Kaiping only had eyes for his mother and couldn't listen to anything.

"Zhenzhen, this is not for me, this is to fulfill my mother's wish. Just do it and marry me."

"Brother Ping..., I beg you..."

"Zhenzhen, our Aping is so good. Marrying him will not wrong you. He is a tailor, good at crafts, can make money to support the family, and is filial and obedient. I won't treat you badly after you get married."

"Ping Ma..." Wang Zhenzhen opened her mouth, but was horrified to find that half of her face had become numb.

Neither Ping Ma nor Luo Kaiping noticed her reaction.

"Aping, do you still remember the story of the golden ax that I have told you since you were a child?"

"Mom, I remember." Luo Kaiping nodded vigorously.

"Once upon a time, there was a farmer who dropped his broken ax into the water. The River God took out a golden ax and a silver ax from the water, but the farmer wanted neither. The farmer only wanted his own broken axe, but the River God But I gave him both the gold and silver axes. Aping, you deserve to marry a girl like Zhenzhen. You are honest, filial, and kind-hearted, so you must be rewarded."

"But Mom, have you ever thought that the farmer didn't want to get the golden axe, but he knew that he would be destined to use a broken ax his whole life, so he wanted to obey his fate and not resist?"

"Aping, I am your mother, I know you best, you should get the golden axe!"

Ping's mother said a few words and then closed her mouth, holding a comb and walked behind Wang Zhenzhen, "From now on, you two will love each other when you get married. Zhenzhen will be at home raising a husband and raising children, and Aping will do his duty." Just work, so I can close my eyes with peace of mind."

Ping Ma picked up the comb, walked behind Wang Zhenzhen, and gently combed her hair.

Bang, the door opened without warning.

He Cheng, wearing a black suit, stood at the door, holding the door handle with one hand.

"Mr. He!" Wang Zhenzhen looked at the figure that suddenly appeared at the door and said in surprise: "Mr. He, help me!"

"If you dare to cause trouble, I will kill you!"

Ping's mother lost her comb and rushed towards He Cheng who was standing at the door. She would not allow anyone to disturb her son's wedding.

But as soon as he got closer to He Cheng, a terrifying sense of oppression struck deep in Ping Ma's soul.


Ping Ma's body twitched and she fell to the ground without moving, like a stiff corpse.

If someone with some magic power were present at the scene, they would still be able to see bursts of black energy coming out of Ping Ma's body, and even Ping Ma's soul would be scared out of her body!

"A living corpse dares to show its teeth and claws in front of the drought demon, and it floats away."

He Cheng shook his head and continued walking forward.

If the generals don't appear, the world won't even be a game for him.

"Mom, how are you doing, Mom!" Luo Kaiping rushed over to help his mother up.

Ping Ma's eyes were wide open and motionless, her body was cold, her face was as gray as paper, and her face was withered. To anyone looking at it, she looked like a corpse that had been dead for a long time.

He Cheng untied the soft cloth measuring tape that bound Wang Zhenzhen.

"Thank you..." Wang Zhenzhen was about to say thank you when she found He Cheng raising his hand to touch her face. The next moment, she felt very relaxed and the stiffness on her face disappeared instantly.

Then her face flushed.

And He Cheng had already walked to the window and opened the curtain, watching the night march of hundreds of ghosts downstairs that had ended.

"What did you do to my mother!"

Luo Kaiping picked up the scissors on the table and prepared to stab He Cheng.

"be careful--!"

He Cheng turned a blind eye to the scissors that were about to stab him in the back.


At the critical moment, Kuang Tianyou, Ma Xiaoling and others arrived. Kuang Tianyou was the first to grab a stool and threw it over, knocking Luo Kaiping to the ground.

Seeing Luo Kaiping lying on the ground and howling in pain, Kuang Tianyou breathed a sigh of relief. Although He Cheng has never shown any murderous intent, if the scissors just hit He Cheng, the consequences for Luo Kaiping would definitely not be good. !

"If you don't have some skills, why don't you hide?" Ma Xiaoling asked He Cheng.

He Cheng grinned, feeling relieved: "I am most afraid of death."

"You can hit a living corpse, but can you be scared by a pair of scissors?" Ma Xiaoling muttered, squatting in front of Ping Ma, but found that there was no scratch on Ping Ma's body. Ping Ma's body seemed to be pressed by a huge mountain, and she was motionless. Frozen on the ground.

"How did you defeat Ping Ma?" Ma Xiaoling asked.

"I walked in and she collapsed."

"Is there really a Xuanwu boy?" Ma Xiaoling was confused.

From the hundreds of ghosts kneeling downstairs to Ping's mother stiffening and falling to the ground for no reason, it seems that there is a very powerful mysterious person hiding in the dark, and using a powerful method that he cannot detect, he solves the problem. affects all this.

Everything was too coincidental, and she couldn't help but feel doubtful.

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