Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 623 Exorcism Dragon Clan

"I see you are stunned. Have you seen a handsome guy? I heard that there are many handsome guys in the island country, and they are also very romantic. There are various styles. You can consider it~, Auntie is almost dying of anxiety." The woman next to her is not bad either. She is wearing hot pants and her beautiful legs have attracted the attention of many people.

"You're kidding me, look for a beating!" Zhenzhen stretched out her hand to hit her female companion.

The two beauties were fighting among the crowd, creating a beautiful scene.

"Xiaoling, do you think there are two people who look exactly the same in the world?" Zhenzhen suddenly stopped playing and asked.

"Look the same? My aunt told me that she and I looked exactly the same when we were young."

Xiaoling nodded, "What's so strange about this?"

"Hasn't your aunt passed away more than ten years ago? How does she know what you look like now?"

"This, my aunt told me when I was little..."

Xiaoling laughed and changed the subject unnaturally, "By the way, let's leave quickly. I have to help others clean up. It's really strange. The person who picked us up disappeared and we were asked to find it ourselves."

"Is it strange? You are not from a cleaning company? Who would drive a special trip to pick up a cleaner?"

"Wow! Zhenzhen, you are actually making fun of me!" The two girls started laughing and joking again.

But when Zhenzhen looked into the crowd, the man had disappeared, and she couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

And the doubts in her heart were obviously not solved by her companion's answer.

"Coffee, bitter and astringent"

In the coffee shop, three people from the world of "ancient mythology" were sitting by the window, watching the people coming and going outside.

“Milk tea, a bit sweet”

Green Snake has completely become a master of drink tasting and ordered almost all the milk teas in the coffee shop.

There is no shortage of beautiful beauties in the world, but they are the first ones who can drink like this. Even when they come to a quiet coffee shop with few people, they still become the focus.

"Why, you've been laughing since just now"

"The world is good"

"How good is it?"

Green Snake didn't take it seriously.

"I should be able to meet the other titular zombie king."

In myths and legends, there are four zombie kings, Hanbao, General, Houqing, and Yinggou.

He Cheng evolved all the way, promoted step by step from the low-level White-haired Zombie, and finally became the Zombie King and the Drought Demon. Although there is a Jian above the Drought Demon, the Jian can no longer be regarded as a zombie. It can only be said to be a more powerful beast. .

"Zombie King?"

The green snake enjoying the tea and the dazed elf both raised their heads involuntarily.

Anyone who can be called a zombie king by He Cheng must be at least at the same level as him. They understand He Cheng's arrogance, and low-level zombies will never be called zombie kings by him.

"Well, a very strong zombie king. Maybe I can use this to explore the origin of another line of zombies. Maybe I can go further."

He Cheng casually picked up a cup of milk tea, glanced at the lipstick mark on the rim of the cup, took a sip without paying attention.

Vanilla flavored tea, a bit cold.

When he saw a woman who looked exactly like the demon, He Cheng was just stunned. After all, in the world of movies or TV series, everything is normal.

However, when he saw another woman next to that woman, He Cheng completely changed his attitude.

And a name was ready to come out in his mind.

Exorcism Dragon Clan, Ma Xiaoling!

I have a date with a zombie!

In the final analysis, the three TV series are just for playing a big game of chess, in order to grasp the most unpredictable "destiny" in the world. He Cheng in the world is also wondering whether everything he is experiencing now is also related to "destiny".

As for the male and female protagonists, they are just chess pieces manipulated by a powerful ethnic group to deal with their fate. In a grand game of chess, the players are far more important than the chess pieces.

The only thing He Cheng remembered deeply was the sentence "Nan Mao Bei Ma". There are zombies in the south, Chang Mao Xiaofang, and there is the Ma family of the exorcist dragon clan in the north.

He Cheng knew Mao Xiaofang. Not only did he know him, but his existence once gave Mao Xiaofang a headache.

However, it’s hard to say whether this world is the same world as the former zombie priest.

The three of them left the coffee shop.

"Three guests, are you talking about this place? This hot spring hotel is very special." The driver stopped on the roadside.

"Why, what's so special about this hotel?"

He Cheng spoke in fluent Japanese.

It's not how good his learning ability is, but the six-eared macaque's ability that allowed him to understand all this and fully study.

“This hotel is said to be haunted”


"Yes, it is said that many men died in this hotel, and there was a female ghost who especially liked to harm people."


Seeing He Cheng turning his head to look at the hotel through the car window, the taxi driver continued: "Of course, these are just some rumors. There are many more horrible rumors like this in Shinjuku."

"Okay, got it."

After paying, He Cheng and the others got out of the car.

"It smells a little bit like ghosts." Green Snake sniffed slightly, "Can a kid like this be able to cause trouble everywhere?"

"For ordinary people, this is no longer simple. Let's go in and have a rest."

He Cheng is going to look for the second-generation zombies in this world. If he goes to Hong Kong to find Kuang Tianyou, it is better to look for Yamamoto Kazuo in the nearest island country.

He wanted to see what level the second-generation zombie transformed by Jiangchen's bloodline was equivalent to.


The waiter nodded to the three people who came lightly.

However, looking at the elf Yingying on He Cheng's right, the waiter was stunned and unconsciously turned his head to look behind him.

"What a coincidence?"

He Chengneng could see through the wall and found that the woman who entered at the corner ahead was exactly the same as the elf.

Under the dumbfounded guidance of the waiter, the three of them walked into a room.

In a Japanese-style hotel, after changing out of your leather shoes and stepping on the tatami, your feet won't feel cold.

"This kid is interesting." Green Snake glanced at the wall.

There was a painting hanging on the wall, in which a woman in a white kimono stuck her head out, glanced at the three of them, and then retracted her head in fear.

"Don't worry about her, we're just here for a trip, it's better to keep a low profile."

"This is a hot spring hotel. Can you take a bath in the hot spring?"

Green Snake got up and asked He Cheng.

When Drought Demon enters the water, the temperature on the body surface will evaporate the water cleanly. Even if he is not able to restrain it, the corpse poison will instantly turn the hot spring into a poisonous pool.

Ringing bells, an iron ring hanging from a Zen staff.

A group of great monks rushed into the hot spring hotel.

"Master Peacock, you are here!" The hotel manager hurriedly greeted him.

This is the only monk in the country who is proficient in magic.

The leading monk suddenly frowned: "What a strong evil spirit!"

He looked around: "Your place is not safe. There are not only ghosts but also monsters. Problems are going to happen!"


The manager was shocked, "Master Peacock, you must help us!"

"Don't worry, I have locked his position!"

Master Peacock formed a seal with one hand, looked directly at the room where He Cheng was, and rushed over quickly.

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